The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2482: , Bear children must have revenge!

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Bear children must have revenge! Never overnight!

Under the blessing of strengthened spells, although the air-to-air missile attack did not directly hit it directly, it is undeniable that it was very painful to hit. Under the black dragon scales, it had obviously started to bleed.

That kind of pain completely inspired the ferocity in Niederhogg's bones.

The dark golden dragon pupil directly aimed at the Saxon fighters that had previously attacked it. While applying a strengthening spell to himself, the Niederhogger dragon wing fluttered and the ultimate speed burst out completely. After destroying a Saxon fighter, facing the enemies surrounding him, it has been slightly closed from the long-closed Longkou.

In the fierce crevices of fangs, the dark flame-like energy overflowed like a flash of fire.

The next second, only heard a deafening dragon roar!

A dark dragon breath suddenly sprayed from Niederhogg's mouth!

Compared to Ysera's dragon breath attack, which lasts only a few seconds, Niederhogg's dragon breath is more of a continuous attack.

After raising Nedhog ’s Dragon Breath project to a certain level, although Nedhog did not gain additional effects such as the Dragon Star Cluster or the Broken Dragon Breath, it unlocked a chaotic dragon breath 'Enhancement project.

To put it simply, as long as it wants, its breath can be sprayed directly until the power of its own elements is exhausted!

This made Niederhogg ’s chaotic dragon breath blast, to some extent, even more terrifying than Ysera ’s dragon breath blast.

Between the swinging of the faucet, Niederhogger flew at a rapid speed while controlling the chaotic dragon breath frantic fire, as if it had become a mobile fortress in the air.

The dark chaotic dragon breath, the shape seems to be biased towards the black flame, but in fact it is completely formed by the force of the multi-attribute elements after high compression, with a very strong destructive power.

According to the defensive power of the Saxon fighter, being swept by the Chaos Dragon Breath is equivalent to death.

But relatively, Niederhogg's chaotic dragon's breath is not without flaws.

First of all, it does not have the large-scale strike ability like the Dragon Star Group. This is naturally needless to say.

Secondly, in terms of attack range, there are actually serious injuries.

The current longest straight attack distance of Niederhogger's Chaos Dragon Breath is approximately 550 meters. In the battle of the golden section, this attack range can be said to be very close.

This also fully proves that Niederhogg is still a melee unit to a large extent.

Chaos Dragon's Breath is at most one of its auxiliary attack methods in close combat.

Seeing Saxon fighters crashing under his chaotic dragon's breath, Niederhogger felt quite comfortable.

However, the air force of the Saxon side is obviously more than that. While the vanguard forces here are fighting in the first round, the subsequent air force of the enemy has gradually arrived in the air battlefield.

Before officially approaching, just sensing the air vibrations coming from a distance, Ysera, who is the wind system of Warcraft, can already roughly confirm the number of enemies, let alone seven or eight hundred!

As for the Air Force Base, how many Saxon fighters are ready to take off? Now no one can confirm.

Feeling the state of the body, Ysera blessed herself with an enhanced spell. While distributing dragon power, she flew quickly, trying to get rid of the entanglement of those Saxon fighters.

The bear child of Niederhogg, after hitting hi, completely forgot that he came to be a bodyguard.

Even Ysera felt tired at the moment.

Fortunately, there are also fighter planes and Golem troops around to support it.

The Saxon fighters who were entangled with it were quickly intercepted by gargoyles and their own fighters.

Seeing the opportunity, Ysera flapped her wings and flew to a higher altitude at the fastest speed. Then, the Dragon Magic began to chant, and the azure circle spread out quickly.

The moment when a breath-breaking dragon breath passed through the magic circle, it was like a blue laser, sweeping towards the sky.

The Saxon air force, who was driving towards the battlefield at that time, was instantly hit by Ysera's ultra-long-range strike.

In a subsequent sweep, countless Saxon fighters exploded and crashed under this blow!

Before he arrived at the battlefield, Ysera cut a wave of troops first.

But the Saxon side, which dominates the home court, has too many troops, and the air battlefield is still unplayable.

At the same time, on the land battlefield, the seven-headed black armor blessing strengthened spells ran all the way.

On the Saxon side, the artillery unit had already started a full retreat when the Dragon Stars swept the audience.

Immediately afterwards, the Saxon armed helicopter unit quickly cut into the battlefield with its mechanical power. A series of anti-tank missiles, after locking the black armor, flew directly past.

In the face of anti-tank missile attacks, the black armor warfare has insufficient flexibility, and it is almost impossible to dodge.

Fortunately, after paying a flexible price, they exchanged super defensive capabilities ~ ~ A large number of anti-tank missiles hit the target, causing a serial explosion.

This is enough to cause a fatal threat to the main battle tank. It hits the body of the black armor and the rhinoceros, but it does not seem to be enough to produce the same effect.

The addition of a series of strengthening items of the orc civilization, coupled with the effect of strengthening spells, combined with the impenetrable outer armor of the black armor and the rhinoceros, makes it the most powerful unit of defense in the world civilization!

Even the Niederhog, which is known for its thick skin and thick meat, is particularly resistant to beating, its current defensive power is completely incomparable with the black armor.

The incredible power of defensive ability is a huge increase in pressure.

However, Admiral Lekto did not believe that the seven land monsters were fully immune to anti-tank missile attacks.

In his long military career, he has not fought against such monsters.

First use continuous attacks to weaken the outer armor of those monsters. After breaking the defense, the next step is easy to deal with.

The time between the thoughts, the Saxon armed helicopter unit, has launched at least three or four hundred anti-tank missiles in just two breaths.

The continuous violent explosion shocks, even if they cannot directly break through the defense, but also greatly affected the momentum of the black armored rhinoceros, so that their attack attacks gradually lost their threat.

Of course, one side of the civilizations of all realms cannot allow the other side to do whatever they want.

The Ranger Tank Mecha Unit, converted into a mechanical leg form, over a steep slope, and after entering the battlefield, quickly changed back to the track wheel form, and then rushed into the battlefield from the side.

At the same time, the civilized armed helicopter unit of the All Realms also quickly entered.

Afterwards, the guns of the Falcon-6 gunship and the eight-barreled dragon gun of the Ranger-2, after rapid aiming, fired wildly and launched an attack on the Saxon armed helicopter unit!

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