The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2489: , Very handy

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A simple comparison of the combat power of the two sides, and the gathering of the power of the four sides, has already occupied the advantage of hard power.

The Saxon side can rely on a fleet of five aircraft carriers, and even with the support of the frontline base, it is difficult to withstand the offensive of their combined fleet.

The Mermaid army headed by Pompeii Rand continued to exert force, so that the advantage of the Tianchao side was quickly stabilized, and began to quickly snowball.

In this battle, the dark elf fleet does not even need to formally shoot, as long as it stays outside the battlefield of this sea area just in case.

At the same time, even if they do nothing, the fleets of Song Hui and Tang Song will not feel that they are paddling.

After all, you look at the eagle-human army and the four storm eagles in the sky, and then look at the murloc and snake-human army in the sea, as well as the sea king whale Simon, the terror king snake Yage and the Hydra Bailey, Locke.

The commanders of several other fleets soon realized clearly.

On the side of the civilizations of all realms, the forces of heaven and the sea alone combined, I am afraid that the combat power has already far exceeded them.

Even if someone draws water, the output will hit several streets of you, you no longer have to work hard, and what is the work of managing others?

Under this premise, in the face of this cruel reality, the expressions on the faces of the commanders of the three fleets are also subtle.

Song Hui was okay on the other side. The commander of the Song Hui fleet had a friendship with Luo Ji.

At the time of the silver war, they rushed to the frontline battlefield along the way. On that way, Yuan Xi also pointed them to a lot of naval warfare knowledge and skills.

Tang Song and Hua Ye's side, the mood is more complicated.

This is a dark elf and a murloc again. In the battle of silver, it was all dead rivals, and now it has become an ally.

But at the same time, I have to admit that it is too reliable to have such a team as a comrade-in-arms!

As the battle progressed, a large number of enemy sea ships were attacked by Pompeii Rand, and the five-carrier carrier on the Saxon side quickly showed defeat.

While basically deciding the victory at sea, Pompeii Land undoubtedly turned his attention to the coastal base occupied by the opposite side.

Although according to Luo Ji's original plan, after they resolved this side, they had to go directly to attack the territorial waters of Ajal Bald and did not intend to help Hua Ye fight the land.

But now they have hit this side, and by the way, hitting the coastal base is also a very smooth thing.

At present, the four strategic units at sea, except Neptune Simon, the terror king snake Yeager, Hydra Bailey and Locke all have land combat capabilities.

Now the season is exactly the rainy season, and there has been light dripping rain in the sky, which is just a good time for their fisherman army to attack.

At this point, Pompeii Rand immediately took the forces of the Murlocs and pressed them up.

Seeing the troops of the Snake Race, they naturally followed quickly.

For the first time, Luluk, the serpent patriarch who participated in this kind of war, made a special phone call to the lizardfolk patriarch Bakas, and asked for some experience.

In this regard, Bakas's answer is that if you don't know how to fight on the battlefield, you can just follow the forces of the Merfolk, and it's basically okay.

Facts have proved that so far, everything is going smoothly.

Before proceeding, the Dark Elves had already passed through the two Hydra Slots, which would coordinate the offensive of the Murloc Army.

Now that he is about to attack the coast, as one of the important combat powers, Pompeii Rand naturally sought out Luluk, the patriarch of the Serpent, to explain the situation, hoping that the king of terror, Serpent Jaeger, would be a vanguard.

The terror king snake Yeeg is a giant beast of the orc. Although he understands that their majesty is currently not enough for the orc points, plus some special circumstances of the serpent, there is no key training for the terror king snake.

But after all, the giant beast is a giant beast. At the same time, some shared items on the orc panel can be directly enjoyed by the terror king snake Yeager. Both physical fitness and resilience are guaranteed. Let it take the lead. Hydra is more suitable for head start.

The opportunity to make merits is in front of us, and Luluk will naturally not shirk, and directly took this task down.

The offensive quickly unfolded, and according to their size, they could no longer hide after entering the shallow sea area.

The land garrison on the Saxon side has long been laying a huge fire formation with self-propelled artillery behind the coastline.

At the same time, a large number of missiles continuously flew out of the coastal base.

For those missile attacks, they basically do not need to worry about their fleet of civilizations of all realms.

The snake's body twisted quickly, and the marine army headed by the king of terror Snake Yeah quickly rushed to the coast. Countless self-propelled artillery filled with depleted uranium armor-piercing shells immediately launched a crazy fire towards it.

The lack of exclusive enhancement items, plus the terror king snake yage, which is not a defensive monster, is really limited in its ability to carry damage. Now it is only a face-to-face attack in the face of depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles. I saw blood.

After a while of pain ~ ~ While letting the terror king snake Yeger keep roaring, he quickly blessed himself with an enhanced spell.

But these monsters, their ability to cast spells is really limited, even under the blessing of enhanced spells, the whole situation has not improved much.

In order to stabilize the situation, Pompeii Rand saw that he quickly signaled Hydra Bailey and Hydra Rock to press from two other directions to help the terror king snake Yage share the firepower.

Two Hydra snakes blessing themselves with enhanced spells soon appeared.

This hand layout is very simple, but it works very well.

After all, the Saxon side cannot ignore the threats that two Hydra can bring to them, and continue to set fire to the Hydra unilaterally.

If this is done, the two Hydra will rush up and soon will cause a fatal blow to their artillery positions.

After the fire was dispersed, the pressure on the terror king snake Yeager was greatly reduced.

In the roar, the huge body kept pressing.

The artillery unit apparently did not intend to stand and export. The route of retreat had already been confirmed, and the self-propelled artillery quickly retreated.

Seeing the battle, it seems like kites wanting to fly them.

Such a move can only be said that the Saxon commander in this coastal area is still too tender, at least he has absolutely no experience with giant wars.

If you look at their huge size, you think they are absolutely sluggish, which is really a big misunderstanding.

Now that the figure has grown to more than sixty meters, the king of terror snake Yage, the snake body twisted, coupled with the explosive power of the giant beast, it can rush out five or six hundred meters in one second, and can directly break the sound barrier! It is impossible for ordinary land units to catch up with this speed!

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