The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2493: , The willful fleet

Unlike the previous harassment battle that ran after the fight, in this wave, the fleets of Song Hui and Tang Song tasted Ager Bald's home advantage as a defender.

Now their combat forces haven't had time to rush into the border, and the long-range firepower and air forces on the opposite side have already made them suffer.

It's really hard to be confident.

Therefore, in the invisible, the chief commanders of the three fleets have unconsciously positioned themselves in the auxiliary position in this battle.

As for the position of this main force, it is naturally handed over to the forces of civilized civilization.

Let your own aircraft carrier fleet cooperate with the tribes of Eagle, Murloc and Snake to launch an attack from the frontal battlefield. While putting pressure on the defense, it can also attract the attention of the opposite side.

Under this premise, the Dark Elf Fleet, commanded by General Esther, quickly detoured from a more peripheral area, trying to find a good place to cut in.

Their dark elf fleet is not a conventional fleet, and the whole positioning is more like an assassin at sea.

At that time, after successful cut-in, they will either directly attack the opposite coastal base, or resolve the enemy aircraft carrier at sea.

No matter what it does, it can establish a clear advantage for their joint fleet.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a burst of sound from the air completely disturbed General Esther's original plan.

"Damn, it's the enemy's reconnaissance plane. We were found!"

The elf warships cannot be detected by the enemy's detection radar, but this does not mean that they are invisible. After the previous events have occurred, the Saxon side must be prepared for them while acquiring intelligence.

As long as a large number of reconnaissance planes are dispatched to carry out rug-like reconnaissance around their territorial waters, such a fleet, it is really not an easy task to want to sneak in under their eyelids.

A group of Hawks banished in the clouds quickly killed them, using harsh screams to put negative BUFF on the enemy Saxon pilots, disturbing their status, and continuous attacks quickly penetrated the reconnaissance aircraft. The cockpit cover claimed the life of the other party.

After Luo Ji's civilization of all realms and annexation of Chris Evans' civilization, Luo Ji has carried out a key cultivation of the Hawk Lady, which is a golden weapon, if it is unexpectedly favored.

Under the superimposition of various items BUFF, even if the Hawks is strictly an auxiliary unit in the strict sense, in fact, with their negative BUFF skills, the combat power can not be underestimated.

But this still cannot change the fact that their existence has been exposed.

According to the technological capabilities of the Saxon side, the intelligence should have been fed back at the moment when the enemy reconnaissance aircraft discovered them.

According to Esther's estimate, the follow-up troops will probably be killed soon.

Thinking of this, Esther's brow furrowed a little.

"General, do you want to raise thick fog?"

Hearing the adjutant beside him, Esther shook his head quickly.

"Not necessary."

Dense fog is an auxiliary means to change the environment. They are mainly launched after locking the enemy's position, and then under the cover of the thick fog, they are approached at a stretch and start the side-to-side battle.

But what is the situation now?

The current situation is that they have not yet discovered the enemy, and they were first discovered by the enemy.

The enemy knows nowhere, what is the point of raising the dense fog?

At this stage of human civilization, only the air forces will be sent later, not the sea forces.

With a sigh of relief, General Esther quickly ordered ...

"To order warships to switch to No. 2 tactics and launch a raid!"

A command quickly spread throughout the entire fleet.

Elf magic warships are limited by materials and cost. Today, this fleet has only 13 warships.

But General Esther didn't panic at all.

What about 13 ships? The individual combat power of their elf magic warships is very strong!

No longer covering the whereabouts, bucket after bucket of magic crystal ore, frantically fell into the magic furnace, the speed of the dark elf fleet began to rise linearly.

During this period, the commanded Saxon Air Force killed them almost at the fastest speed.

At the moment when the target was discovered, the specially-made missile had already flown out.

"Expand the shield!"

No need for nonsense, the entire fleet shield quickly spread out.

After paying a huge amount of magic crystal consumption, even if it is a special missile on the Saxon side, it is difficult to get them in a short time.

During this period, the dark elf fleet certainly cannot be beaten up.

A second-order wind element magic cannon quickly adjusted the angle of attack and launched a counterattack.

Based on the small and fragile body of the Saxon fighter, as long as the attack of the wind elemental magic cannon hits, with the super penetrating power, a shot can open a hole in the opponent.

During this period, the speed of the Dark Elf fleet soared faster and faster, and quickly rushed to sixty knots.

As of today, they have no time to find the Saxon side of the sea fleet sullen, with a kind of bottom-line salary idea, directly killed the other side of the coast After trying to gain the purpose of their coastal base, the Saxon general in charge of the North Sea, while feeling incredible for the power of the Dark Elf fleet, also quickly responded.

The air forces of the Saxon side, although chasing and killing all the way, but in the face of the rich and willful dark elf fleet, it is really a little helpless to them.

Instead, they were shot down by many of their wind element magic cannons.

At the same time, due to the dispersion of air combat power, the repressive force on the frontal battlefield also decreased significantly.

Now the Eagles' troops with four storm eagles, with the support of their own air forces, have been pressed all the way into their borders.

Not to mention the threat from below the sea surface.

In the face of this pressure from multiple directions, the general in charge of the Beihai only felt a scorched head.

The difficulty of the enemy is far beyond their initial expectations. Although their defense position on the North Sea position is strong, in the final analysis, it is still limited, especially in Ajal Bald. The actual resources are far inferior. Under the premise of the richness of other gold ranks, after the expedition of the big fleet, the defensive strength here is almost the limit.

Now, in the face of the attack of the enemy joint fleet, what exactly can be achieved is really a test of the ability of a general.

After taking a deep breath, after quickly sorting out his thoughts, he gave a command ...

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