The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2498: , God, you are so special ...

At the same time, the land battlefield ...

The first thunderstorm in early summer said it would go down. Among the clouds, the thunder exploded and the light flashed, adding a bit of noise to the night that should have been quiet.

In the command room of a Saxon base, several soldiers on duty looked at the screen in front of them, and looked bored with their colleagues, chatting about some of them.

At this moment, on the radar screen in front of me, one after another red dots lit up, so that the group of Saxon soldiers immediately tightened their nerves ...

"Alarm, alarm! A large number of unknown units are quickly approaching the base!"

Around the base, the alarm quickly sounded.

At that moment, the Saxon soldiers sleeping in the dormitory awakened, as if instinctively popping from the bed, and then unfolded as quickly as possible.

Immediately afterwards, the 36 armed helicopters deployed inside the base took off for emergency. Under the synchronization of the large system, they locked the target and quickly approached the past.

The searchlights mounted on the armed helicopters were constantly sweeping. At the moment when the target was found far away, the Saxon soldiers who were driving the armed helicopters could not help screaming ...

"Monster, it's a monster !!"

The voice did not fall, and in the thunderstorm, they only felt a black shadow flash in front of them. The next second, the window directly in front of the armed helicopter broke on the spot, and the explosive blow was not reduced. One of the Saxon soldiers was on the chest.

The strength of this foot was quite horrible. The Saxon soldier seemed to hear the sound of his ribs breaking.

The rib that was kicked off with a kick directly penetrated into the heart and constituted a fatal blow.

At this moment, it was the eagle fighters of the Eagles who launched this attack from the air!

At that moment, as another Saxon soldier in the gunship, the responding driver quickly took out his pistol and tried to fire at the eagle warrior.

Between the lightning and the flint, in the thunder of the thunderstorm, the eagle warrior who completed a volley kick kicked the reaction, which was very fast. Strenuously, quickly jumped out.

The Saxon soldier fired two shots, but had no time to pursue them. I saw that he contacted the rear command base immediately.

"Here is the number 0137 armed helicopter! We were attacked by monsters, the life and death of the weapon operator is unknown, please request rear support! Request rear support !!!"

At this moment, the Saxon soldier who asked for support, his face pale and scary.

He knew in his heart that if it wasn't because of the narrow space in the cockpit of the armed helicopter that prevented the monster from moving at all, then, at that moment, he might have to die with him.

At the same time, the attacked helicopter gunship was obviously not the only one.

The information returned one after another, coupled with a large amount of information for help, made the command base in the rear obviously into chaos.

Watching the video from the front.

In the torrential rain, several giant beasts with a hill-like shape were rushing all the way to kill them.

This situation made Colonel Saxon, who was the highest commander of this base, instantly become pale, and at the same time secretly scolded his mother.

"What the hell!"

The base he is responsible for is just a small base on the border.

The location is remote and small.

Due to the terrain, the large troops basically did not come, and there were no important facilities nearby. They did not attract people to remember. Although the mountains and rivers were poor, the victory was peaceful.

It has been more than 20 years since he took office, and basically no war has occurred at his base.

A while ago, he was still thinking about waiting for the war to come to an end, he applied to the rear to transfer back to the capital, or some other rear city, and then walked away to get a logistical military resident in the rear, and this The frontline days say goodbye.

And now, he just wants to say, ‘God, you ’re so special, you ’re a stinky% | bitch! ! ! ’

Forcibly controlling his emotions, Colonel Saxon immediately moved towards the rear and other nearby bases, and at the same time sent out a message of help, he also mobilized all the mobilizable forces on his side.

The base gate opened, and armored combat vehicles quickly rushed out.

After galloping in the thunderstorm for a while, along with the ever-closer distance, several giant beasts like hills quickly broke into their vision.

"Fire !!!!"

With a command, the Saxon side fired the armored forces.

The beasts under attack frequently groaned, and at the moment when they blessed themselves with an enhanced spell, the huge body carried a more amazing charge speed and quickly approached the armored forces of the Saxon side.

The next second, only a loud bang was heard, and an entire armored combat vehicle was knocked out on the spot.

At the same time, at this moment, the soldiers on the Saxon side finally saw the true face of the beast thoroughly.

"The boar is a huge boar !!"

At this moment, it is the giant beast unit of the wild boar people who took the lead in attacking this remote base ~ ~ Furious boar!

The giant beast unit of the raging boar, with its thick skin and thick skin, has excellent defensive power, and its attack power should not be underestimated. With the enhancement projects that have been upgraded by them in the past few years, this wave also shows Quite amazing fighting power.

Headed by a violent boar, the orc army that followed was quickly overwhelmed.

In the violent storm, a large number of figures are constantly shuttled, and the physical strength of the orc has fully exerted at this moment.

At that time, a Saxon soldier on the roof of the car controlled the gun to fire wildly, and he didn't even figure out what was happening. A sudden punch was hit directly on his head.

Even when wearing a helmet, the terrifying explosiveness still made his head burst like a watermelon.

After a blow, Hu Jie jumped onto the enemy's armored chariot.

The scene was too confusing. The Saxon soldier who was driving was totally unaware that someone had been replaced on the roof.

Shaking his armor covered with plasma, Hu Jie grinned, grabbed the cannon, and was about to shoot.

However, their orc clan's sunset red shooting method was really not very good. It took a long time to shoot, and it seemed to have no effect. Instead, it caused the bear clan's patriarch Koruo to get two shots, and then caused him a roar ... …

"Tiger solution! What are you doing so badly? What are you doing? You've swept yourself !!!"


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