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Thirteen elf magic warships spread out their formations, defending their attacks with their shields, and marching all the way on the sea.

At the same time, in order to alleviate the defensive pressure, General Esther also ordered the Hawks to take off into the air, screaming and attacking the Saxon air force.

Then seize the opportunity and rush forward quickly.

In the face of this positive advancement entirely relying on hard power, the Saxon side can only use hard power to stop it!

Realizing that Air Force ’s Admiral Rhein, who had insufficient ignition power, directly issued an order.

Located behind the battlefield, one of the missile nuclear submarines immediately launched operations.

Taking into account the special situation of the other party, it is impossible to conduct guidance, so the aiming work and adjustment work are all changed to manual operation!

A series of orders were issued, and six missiles in a row flew out quickly.

Today, this area has completely deviated from the coverage of the New World's territorial sea defense system. At present, the air defense capability of the civilization of one side is basically entirely supported by Zhao Yi's fleet of four aircraft carriers.

But for the four-carrier fleet and the fleet with fifteen carriers, the gap in specifications lies there, and it simply can't withstand it!

As the battle progressed, gradually, they had no time to intercept the Saxon missile attack.

This wave is basically unable to support the dark elf fleet around the back.

With the manual adjustment, the extremely fast flying missiles attack a fleet that is moving at high speed, which inevitably causes some errors.

However, after all, the battleship was large, and even with some errors, it was impossible to completely empty it.

The six missiles almost simultaneously attacked many elf magic warships. At the moment of collision with the warship shield, it directly produced a terrifying explosion.

At that moment, the shock of a terrible explosion seemed to explode all the seawater in a whole sea into the sky!

Above the restless sea, the elf magic warship, which was just outside the explosion area, was swaying violently, as if to be overturned by this shocking shock.

And in the center of the explosion, the elf magic warships that were directly hit by the missile, the entire shield was completely shattered in the violent explosion!

The explosive energy that destroyed the shield continued to spread, and the deck of the elf warship was lifted off on the spot.

The hull armor made of elemental alloy provides the last layer of protection for this elf warship, so that it will not be disintegrated directly in this horrible big bang.

But this heavy blow already made General Esther's heart twitch.

"It's a nuclear warhead ..."

Too late to think, General Esther, who had communicated within the fleet, gave orders as quickly as possible.

"Raise the dense fog and reopen the shield! Open directly to the maximum intensity! The entire fleet advances to the maximum evacuation, and at the same time expand the curve to advance!"

Although General Esther has realized that the opposite side is equipped with a device such as thermal induction, the effect of covering the field of vision with dense fog has been very small, but this situation is better than nothing.

At the same time, the straight-line propulsion method that pursues aggressive efficiency can no longer be used, and it is easy to be targeted by the opposite side.

Under the command of General Esther, a whole fleet of dark elves directly used snakeskin to walk.

Although this type of propulsion will reduce their propulsion efficiency, cooperating with dense fog can also greatly affect the aiming of the opposing missile attack.

The rise of the dense fog and the re-opening of the shield made the frightened dark elves feel a little relieved.

"Here is the No. 1 main flagship, each warship, report the situation in turn!"

"The second ship is not affected, it's over."

"The deck of ship No. 3 was destroyed, and the armor on one side of the hull was slightly damaged. It is over."

"The deck of the No. 4 ship was destroyed, the armor on one side of the hull was moderately damaged, and a second-order magic cannon was damaged. It's done!"

"Ship No. 5 is not affected, it's over."

"Ship Six ..."


At the time of the attack, the shield compensated most of the damage for the battleship, and the hull was also hard enough. According to preliminary confirmation, the status of several elf magic warships should be slightly damaged. Between the degree of damage, it did not directly lose the combat ability.

The only thing that is worse is that the wind element magic cannon deployed on the ship was swept in by the previous explosion, which caused several elf magic warships to lose their ability to fire. To a certain extent, Damaged the fire output of the Dark Elf Fleet.

At the same time, after the shrouds shattered inside the ship, the dark elves, who had not survived, were receiving emergency treatment from the priests of Holy Light.

During this period, the fleet's actions will naturally continue!

"Increase the density of biological detection to the first level!"

Unlike radar detection, dark elf biological detection also consumes mana.

Especially for the large-scale detection used by the fleet, the consumption of mana far exceeds the consumption of ordinary detection spells.

In the power room, a number of dark elves are pouring a large number of magic crystal blocks one by one into the energy furnace, so as to maintain the high-consumption operations of each ship.

During the movement, after many consecutive high-density biological probes, the UU reading book lit up in red above the distant sea surface.

After discovering the enemy ship and successfully catching the target, General Esther's spirit swelled.

In today's situation, his fleet needs a lot of morale.

"Ship No. 2, No. 3, No. 5! Lock the target in the southeast direction and spread out the artillery formation!"

After receiving the order, the wizard warship is far more efficient to move than the human warship.

"Ship Two, all the magic guns are ready!"

"Ship Two, all the magic guns are ready!"

"Ship 5, all the magic guns are ready!"

"Fire !!!!"

In the roar, the bombardment of the wind elemental magic cannon instantly turned into a sky-blue spiral war spear, flying towards a Saxon missile destroyer in the distance.

Faced with the attack of the Dark Elf Fleet, the enemy missile destroyer didn't even have time to react, only heard a series of loud noises of 'bang bang', the hull covered with thick armor plate was instantly hit Wear it and open a large hole.

At that moment, the internal alarm of that missile destroyer was a mess, and it was a mess.

But Esther obviously would not give them a breathing opportunity. After the three elf magic warships completed the first round of shelling, the three warships responsible for the second round of shelling had already been pressed.

The second round of magic cannon blows through the air hit the enemy ship again.

In one of these rounds, the engine on the opposite side was directly detonated, which gave the missile destroyer a fatal blow.

In the roar of the bombing, the Saxon guided missile destroyer, which had completely lost its combat capability, slowly sank. With practical action, it showed a powerful counterattack to the enemy!

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