The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2526: Under the night

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At the same time, the highway area ...

The huge battle revealed its undisguised purpose.

Major General Sisen is to use these 68 mushroom bombs to turn this whole area into scorched earth directly!

But Dominic Adolf, who withdrew to the rear base, certainly could not let the opposite side do whatever he wanted.

Under the hood of the defensive system, the civilized army garrison of the All Realms quickly intercepted the enemy's 68 mushroom bombs.

On our site, do you want to fry? When we don't exist? !

The heavy night did not affect the accuracy of the defense system.

In one round, 68 mushroom bombs were intercepted directly.

In this regard, Major General Sisen, who confirmed the news, apparently did not intend to close like that.

The missile launching positions behind them have already deployed the thermobaric bombs.

After Major General Sisen's order was issued, thousands of warm-pressure bombs suddenly flew towards the area.

The defense system detected a large number of attacks, and in the rear command base, Dominic Adolf also solemnly issued an interception order.

The two sides attacked and defended each other, fighting across the air, and the scene was very lively.

During this period, the frontline troops that received the order naturally withdrew as quickly as possible.

Just now, sixty-eight multi-bullet mushrooms almost exploded above their heads.

This matter is scary just thinking about it.

During the retreat, Dominic Adolf also confirmed the specific situation with this unit.

Then the look on his face became more complicated.

The commander on the opposite side was ruthless enough to take out troops of this size as bait.

At present, the Saxon side, the landed army troops, have relatively limited strength, and Dominique Adolph now has a home advantage.

Under this premise, even if it is the Saxon side who has just won a naval battle, it is not so easy to win this land battle with long-range firepower.

After several rounds of fighting, Major General Sisen also realized that the opposing home defense ability was much larger than he expected.

It's really not a way to fight again in this space.

And just when he was about to give an order, Dominique Adolf, the highest commander in the battlefield, ordered it first ...

"If you pass the order, the Shuren Army will no longer need to hide their bodies. Their existence should have been speculated on the opposite side. If you hide them, they will only fall into passive force and directly gather troops to attack enemy positions by night!"

With a single order, motions suddenly came from the almost endless woods on both sides of the highway.

A large number of trees came to life at this moment.

At first, due to distance and night vision, the Saxon side had not yet noticed the changes in the woods.

But as the movement became bigger and bigger, as long as they were not deaf and blind, they could basically notice that there was a large forest in front of them, which was pressing towards them!

"Big tree, alive ?!"

"What the **** is this?"

"Enemies! Enemies!"

At this moment, within the position of the Saxon side, there was obviously some confusion.

But Major General Sisen was still calm, and then picked up the communicator, Shen Sheng ordered ...

"Stop missile attacks, prepare for air defense, let artillery units fire howitzers, and cooperate with individual soldiers to launch rockets from the outside!"

The order was issued, and the original chaotic position gradually restored order.

Upon receiving the order, the artillery unit quickly began to move, and at the same time, the fully armed Saxon mechanized infantry began to slowly press forward. After reaching a certain distance, they successively carried the bazooka on their shoulders.

The soldiers moving with them started to quickly take out a warm-pressed rocket used for individual soldiers from the ammunition box behind them and began to load.

Although a single person can complete the operation, the two persons are significantly more efficient if conditions permit.

The power and attack distance of this individual soldier's warm-pressed rockets are definitely not comparable to those of rocket launches, and they are even much worse. They can only basically hit the periphery. After all, the specifications are there.

But now, Major General Sisen is also somewhat helpless.

If he launches a big one, it will be intercepted. Then it can only be replaced by a small one.

Fortunately, before going on expedition, taking into account all kinds of circumstances, they have a lot of stocks of all kinds of weapons and ammunition.

All the people were in place, and after the order was issued, a single warm-pressure rocket mixed with howitzer suddenly flew out.

This time, there was no way for one side of the world civilization to intercept it.

After the warm-pressed rocket flew out, it quickly hit the trunk of a little tree man, and then a violent explosion occurred.

In the area, the air was burned wildly, and the high temperature impact spread out, and instantly burned the small trees in the range to coke!

In a short period of time, the continuous small-scale explosion, while constantly destroying the front row of small trees, also quickly brought up a fire, quickly spreading, and brought some fire to the world under the darkness.

However, such a method is entirely within Dominic Adolf's expectations.

During the invasion process, the invader encountered woodland that could not be avoided, and at the same time was afraid of going deep into being attacked. Under this premise, the easiest way is to attack with fire ~ ~ This is simply a kind of Inertial thinking.

In view of this situation, how could they not be prepared?

It doesn't even require much action. The advancing tree army, every small area, within ten meters of the area, there must be a fire tree!

At that moment, a fire tree that sensed the surrounding fire, and the special fruits hanging on the branches, began to spray a lot of special liquid that looked like soapy water.

This special liquid is called ‘extinguishing fluid’ within the civilization of all realms.

The output is very stable, and now the fire extinguishers dedicated to the Wanjie Civilization Fire Brigade are filled with this kind of extinguishing fluid, which is not generally easy to use.

The Saxon Army troops firing in the distance have not even figured out what happened.

Along with the massive spray of fire extinguishing fluid, the fire that was about to spread out was quickly controlled and finally extinguished.

Faced with this situation, Major General Xi Sen felt a bit **** in his heart, and also had such a little unbelief.

Directly let the soldiers under his command, and launched three rounds of individual pressure rockets.

But the result was no exception. Except for the small-scale damage caused by the explosion, the fire could not spread at all.

This makes the Saxon side a little uncomfortable.

"Turn the fire! Turn the fire to attack the large units that have the ability to extinguish the fire!"

Firefighters basically have a body size of 30 meters. It is really not a difficult thing to aim at them.

The single-man warm-pressure rocket hit the target soon after flying out, and then issued a terrible high-temperature explosion!

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