The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2528: , Ferocious

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To the northeast of the Saxon army position, after the horned dragon dragon blessed himself with an enhanced spell, he ran all the way.

Among the giant beasts of all civilizations, the comprehensive ability of Dragon's Corner Dragon Cook is very high.

It has good attack power and defense power, and its power is not bad. From the positioning point of view, it should be called an all-around beast.

Now in this crucial battle, it is directly shouldered the special attack task.

After bringing up an astonishing speed, the enemy's firepower output rushed all the way.

At the same time, under the cover of the front of Dragon's Corner Dragon Cook, in a position slightly offset from the front of the battlefield, it was the roundabout, looking for a chance to enter, it was the Raptors led by Bakas!

The situation in this battle is very clear.

As long as the army on the side of all civilizations can successfully cut in and complete the sudden face, then they are equivalent to occupying the majority of the odds.

However, in the face of this golden level of human troops, under the ultra-long-range and large-scale fire suppression, wanting to face suddenly, this thing is really not so easy to say ...

To this end, they need to diversify the firepower output of the Saxon side from multiple directions, thereby creating more entry opportunities for the raid troops.

In this way, with the help of elven elixir, Hydra Bailey, Hydra Lock, and Terror King Snake Yeager, the three strategic-level units whose injuries have basically recovered have been Ji Ji Has appeared from all directions.

The Saxon side has undoubtedly been psychologically prepared for these enemy strategic-level units that have appeared before in naval battles.

However, at this moment, looking at so many giant monsters, Major Sisen still had the urge to scold his mother.

Really, even in the golden section, it is rare to see a player with so many strategic units in a variety of styles, it is a kind of eye-opening feeling.

"Leave one army stationed, and the rest of the armed helicopters are all dispatched! Set fire from the air to attack the three-headed snake monster!"

The terror king snake Yeager and the two Hydra basically have no effective means of anti-aircraft. Although the sonic boom of the Hydra is a long-range attack, the current effective range is several hundred meters. It's too easy to stand outside the range and hit them, it can almost be said to be invincible.

With the development of science and technology so far, armed helicopters equipped with anti-tank missiles and heavy firearms can not be underestimated.

After being locked, if unilaterally bear the crazy fire of the Saxon side helicopter helicopter unit, it is definitely not an easy thing for the three strategic-level units.

Dominic Adolf, who confirmed this situation, naturally got in touch with the Hawks' troops in the first place.

The Soi patriarch who learned the situation directly took his troops and transferred the target to the armed helicopter unit on the Saxon side.

In the final analysis, their Hawks were originally air combat troops. Instead of striking firepower to impact the opposing fire positions, it was better to engage in combat with enemy air forces, because only in this kind of air combat, their superiority and combat power, In order to fully realize it.

The four storm eagles who confirmed the situation broke through the sound barrier in an instant, displayed an amazing speed, and approached the past toward a distant target.

The Saxon gunships in the distance should be alert.

But if you want to avoid the storm of the storm eagle, the difficulty is not so great.

The four Saxon armed helicopters that were locked faced the swift culling, almost avoiding inevitable. In a blink of an eye, they were torn apart by the storm eagle that flew over with its eagle claws!

Although only four helicopter gunships were destroyed in an instant, the morale blow to the Saxon armed helicopter troops at that moment was undoubtedly far more than this number.

Seeing the opportunity, the Eagle Chief Patriarch Soe directly issued a loud eagle, and the Eagle Human headed by the eagle warrior suddenly went up in pressure.

Under the suppression of the Hawks, the pressure of the two Hydra and Yage, the King of Terror, was significantly reduced.

However, this situation did not last long.

Do n’t forget, this area is still within the combat radius of the carrier aircraft on the opposite side!

In the distance, the sound of breaking the sky sounded one after another.

A consensus has been reached with Major General Sissen, even after nightfall, the Saxon aircraft carrier fleet that has been preparing for war has received a signal. On the deck of the twelve nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, a Saxon fighter Take off quickly, and then gather an air formation to press toward the land battlefield here.

The storm eagle, which can sense the fluctuation of the elemental force of the wind, undoubtedly discovered the Saxon fighters approaching at high speed.

They knew who they were, and their eyes flashed quickly. In the previous battles at sea, they suffered from siege by the opposite Saxon fighters.

Now the Saxon fighters are killed again, with the mentality of "revenge and revenge," the four storm eagles are naturally without counsel. UU reading

The huge wings flew abruptly, before the Saxon fighters were killed on the battlefield, the four storm eagles had already taken the initiative to kill them!

At that moment, among the Saxon fighters on the way to the battlefield, a large number of fighters were inside, and the alarm was a big deal.

In the communication equipment near the ear, the voice of the command base in the rear was heard.

"There are four large units approaching you as fast as possible, it should be the four giant eagles!"

The pilots who received the intelligence tightened their nerves, and they had experienced the threats of the four storm eagles in the previous battle.

Those four pairs of eagle claws, I don't know how many fighters shredded.

Now again, facing this enemy, each of them must bear the risk of losing their lives at any time. Who dares to care?


"Lock them! Launch air-to-air missiles in sequence to limit their movement!"

The air-to-air missiles fired one after another.

The Storm Eagle, which is locked by the missile, will be limited in its movements. In addition, it is not an outstanding physical strength. In the previous battles, the Saxon air force had to grasp this weakness to successfully contain them.

Looking at the Saxon side of the old tricks, the four storm eagles were even more murderous.

I saw that they quickly blessed themselves with an enhanced spell, and a more terrifying speed broke out in a short time.

While flying by, high altitude, accompanied by a series of splashes of Mars, only heard the sound of "呲 啦". At that time, a Saxon fighter rushing to the front was torn by eagle claws on the spot. !

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