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In his early years, Luo Ji and Hasan Medvedev said that it was time to send a group of goblins to the New World to cultivate trees.

Hassan Medvedev pondered a little, thinking that he was okay, so he took Beiruk, who was still young, to the New World in person to take charge of the development of this fairy and tree.

To a certain extent, the luck on the Saxon side is also more backward, just hit the side with Beiruk.

"Fuck! Is this a hand reserved for me ?!"

Looking at the giant tree king Behruk, who had grown to a hundred-meter level, Major General Sisen couldn't help but swear.

The other side was not close, and invisibly, a sense of oppression was already on its way!

"Connect with the rear fleet!"

In the speaking room, Major General Sisen ’s command base was already in communication with the general command room of the rear fleet.

After the communication was established, Major General Sisen asked non-verbally and asked aloud ...

"Admiral Rhein, how long will it take for space-based weapons to reach the battlefield?"

Among this expeditionary army, there is only one person who has the power to use space-based weapons and has the secret key. That is Admiral Rhein, and Major General Sisen wants to use space-based weapons. First, Admiral Rhein nodded. .

At the same time, follow-up operations can only be carried out by the Admiral Rhein.

"Eleven minutes and twenty-seven seconds, Major General Sisen."

Admiral Rhein who spoke this said a dignified tone of voice.

Obviously, with their Saxon combat system, Admiral Rhein, who was located in the rear, has also seen the strategic-level unit at the 100-meter level, and has passed the application for Major General Sissen ’s use of space-based weapons.

Under this premise, judging from the advancing speed of the opposing army of Shuren, the time of eleven minutes is absolutely too late.

However, Major General Sisen apparently did not feel relaxed.

"Admiral Rhein, those monsters are almost tenacious and scary. That strategic unit will only be more terrifying. I personally feel that six strikes are probably not enough. For the sake of insurance, at least twelve shots will be added!"

In this regard, Admiral Rhein pondered a little, and then said ...

"Permit, pay attention to confirm the target, synchronize the coordinate position, when the time comes, I will let the space-based weapon directly drop twelve shots!"

Speaking of which, Admiral Rhein gave a slight voice and spoke again ...

"Meanwhile, just in case, Major General Sisen, you need to withdraw to a safer position."

Major Commander Sisen ’s command camp is at least 30 kilometers away from the front battlefield. This position is actually relatively safe.

However, after so many special arms and strategic-level units of the enemy appeared, some Admiral Rhein, who could not figure out the opposite, clearly felt that it was not safe enough.

Major General Sissen is the highest officer of their Saxon army unit. If something happens to them, their front-line army unit on the Saxon side will definitely be greatly affected.

Although he can also command temporarily, the vast majority of Admiral's experience is, after all, concentrated in the field of naval warfare and commanding the army to fight, which is inevitable.

In fact, there is no need to say more about Admiral Rhein, Major General Sisen has already got into the command vehicle and is ready to transfer.

He is a mature commander and knows how important it is to ensure his safety for his army.

The command car drove back quickly, sitting in the command car, always paying attention to Major General Sisen in the multi-party battle situation. In fact, he had already made the worst plan in mind.

For this situation, he is also helpless.

This wave, the variables from the enemy, is really too much.

They are not aware of the deployment of the Dragon's Corner Cook, the Raptors, the Bayonet Troops, and the Shuren Army.

Among them, the Raptors and Bayonet troops successively cut in, which has caused an impact on his army's flanking positions.

Now their Saxon position has been torn two gaps from both sides by the opponent.

Although it cannot be said that they have been defeated, they have gradually lost their original advantages.

Under this premise, space-based weapons can only attack one area in a round.

At that time, even if it is able to kill the 100-meter-level strategic unit, the land and air are counted opposite, and together, there are a total of eight strategic-level units!

Especially the horned dragon dragon, the terror king snake yeg and the two hydra that were originally suppressed on the flanking battlefields on both sides.

After the Raptors and bayonet troops cut in, the suppression of fire on both sides of their positions has been significantly affected. The four strategic-level units are expected to rush up soon!

At the thought of this, Major General Sisen really didn't want to be pessimistic.

Judging from this situation, in the worst case, they may have to give up the land temporarily and return to the sea again.

To this end, he obviously needed Admiral Rhine to send him a fleet to meet him.

Admiral Rhein responded directly, and the current situation forced them to prepare in advance, which he felt was a wise approach.

However, in his current situation, if he wants to send a fleet to shore, he really has to take some risks.

And the main source of this risk ~ ~ comes from the four storm giant eagles that are entrenched in the near sea!

From the beginning of the battle to the present, these four storm eagles have been entangled by the air wing commanded by him.

But as a price, the eagle claws of the four storm eagles had already shredded how many Saxon fighters they did not know.

Under this premise, if the fleet wants to dock, it will surely enter the field of vision of the four storm eagles. By then, this risk will naturally increase.

In order to avoid the expected bad situation, Admiral Rhein confirmed the number of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers on board, and then sorted out a preliminary plan in his mind.

During this period, time passed quietly, space-based weapons had already reached the battlefield, the distance into the specific strike range, and the last twenty seconds ...

"Successfully synchronized front-line combat systems!"

"Confirm the target coordinate position and start high-frequency calibration!"

"Ten seconds into the strike range!"

"Sync data, upload battlefield data."

"Data uploaded successfully."

"Five, four, three, two, one! Space-based weapons, launch!"

At that moment, after being finally calibrated, space-based weapons deployed in low-Earth orbit quickly fired twelve alloy sharp rods.

While breaking through the atmosphere, the alloy tip rods violently rubbed against the air, and the speed began to become faster and faster.

In the next second, above the sky, twelve golden and red lights and shadows ripped open the dark night, locked in the battlefield, and the coordinate position of the giant tree king Beiruk, with an unstoppable momentum, fell through the air! !

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