In order to ensure the success of the support, this time, Guo Jia transferred directly to Yuan Xi two storm eagles and two naval warfare giant soldiers, a total of four strategic-level units.

The carrier aircraft with the Storm Eagle and the South China Sea Fleet ensure air combat power, and the combination of the two naval warfare giant warriors' naval warfare advantages is enough to greatly increase the success rate of this wave of support.

One of the two naval combat giant soldiers came from Major General Burros.

Major General Burrows' experience in naval warfare is extremely rich, especially when facing the ordinary human fleet of this science and technology department. This rich experience will become his powerful weapon.

The first thing he did when he arrived on the battlefield was to cut off the nuclear submarines deployed by the other side of the deep sea.

Before the existence of the Mermaid Army and the Magic Fleet, Admiral Rhein basically put his vigilance completely on the body of these two forces, allowing two naval warfare giant soldiers to take advantage of it.

After quietly approaching, in the face of the threat of naval warfare giant soldiers, how much resistance can a missile nuclear submarine have?

The sudden situation caused Admiral Rhein to sink in his heart.

He quickly changed the order, letting the missile destroyer temporarily attack with missiles and suppressing the magic fleet, he took a deep breath, and then connected with the private communication with Major General Sissen.


Hearing these two words, Major General Sisen, who was sitting in the command vehicle and rushing to the port area at the fastest speed, was obviously stiff.

Then the tone is slightly difficult ...

"Got it."

The communication was disconnected, and Admiral Rhein issued a retreat order directly to all carrier aircraft on the land battlefield.

At the same time, order the entire fleet to prepare to evacuate this enemy waters!

That's right, in the current situation, he no longer has that extra strength. When the army is withdrawn, Admiral Rhein is ready to give up the army.

At the same time, he had already spoken with Major General Sisen and said sorry.

At that moment, Major General Sisen undoubtedly already knew what he would do next.

Looking at the slightly ugly face of his major general, Major Gwen felt a little sinking.

"Major General, would you say ..."

In response, Major General Sisen raised his hand and interrupted Gwen.

Now speaking this out, there is no benefit, it will only shake the military's heart.

He has accepted this reality.

Or, what if you do n’t accept it? Is he yelling at Admiral Rhine?

This does not change his current situation and the reality in front of him.

He and the Admiral Rhein have a good personal relationship. Although he can't say what his best friend is, he still knows the Admiral Rhein's personality and faction.

So he knew in his heart that the situation at sea must have reached a point where he had to withdraw, so Admiral Rhein would only make such a move to lose his car.

The loss of the Army Corps was heavy, but it was better than putting their Saxon carrier fleet together.

The idea in Admiral Rhein's mind is roughly that.

"Major Gwen, be prepared mentally."

Speaking of which, Major General Sisen couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, the Saxon air force, which had fully withdrawn above the sea, was trying to change the air combat situation.

However, the Hawk forces that had been working with them before were not vegetarian.

The soldiers of the eagle races went into a state of madness and chased them all the way up.

Being constrained by such a force makes it difficult for the Saxon side to equalize the situation in a short time.

After the news came back, Admiral Rhein breathed a sigh of relief and was mobilizing all the troops under his command. At the same time, he hoped to avoid the dark elf fleet that had entered and evacuated the sea battlefield.

But I do n’t know if it ’s a slap.

On this side of the sea, there is a wave of waves, and a wave of waves.

In the commander's room of the fleet, there is a great alarm on the radar display.

"Enemies! Under the sea, it should be the forces of the Merfolk!"

The offensive nuclear submarine that was supposed to be deployed in the outer defense zone was directly destroyed by two Hydra in the previous naval battle.

The air force has now been completely entangled by the Hawkman forces headed by six storm giant eagles and the carrier aircraft of the South China Sea Fleet.

This makes the Saxon side's outer defense zone, at present, the basic actions are imaginary.

On the radar display, the forces of the Merfolk exploded at this moment, rushing forward all the way, and soon broke through the outer defense zone and entered the central defense zone of their fleet.

Admiral Rhein quickly mobilized torpedo ships and torpedo ships to meet.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the sea broke open, and under the darkness of the night, the king of the sea king killed Simon into the battlefield!

Consumed three bottles of elven elixir, and then cooperated with a period of cultivation, relying on the super vitality and resilience of the orc monster unit.

Sea King Whale Simon is now in a state of complete recovery, and Ji Ji is not far away.

The low whale roared quickly with the power of the water element, causing the surrounding sea to instantly become choppy.

Sea King Whale Simon controlled the waves and became their help, allowing the army of the Merfolk to ride the waves and rush towards the enemy warships in the central defense zone.

In this state, the rushing speed of the murloc army has become unusually fast.

After approaching one of the torpedo ships, Simon, the king of the sea, directly hit the top of the mountain and let the torpedo ship sink to the bottom of the sea on the spot.

During this period, the Murloc forces headed by the whale clan ~ ~ also entered the central defense zone with a single air pressure.

Neptune Whale Simon, this wave can be said to be full of murderousness.

After destroying an enemy ship, it quickly killed the next ship.

While destroying Saxon warships deployed in the central defense zone, kill the enemy's internal defense zone.

At the same time, from another port in the New World, a group of dark elf fleets supplemented with magic crystals as energy sources has now propped up their defensive shields, soaring all the way, preparing to cut into the inner defense zone of the Saxon carrier fleet.

After seeing the terrifying destructive power of the fourth-order wind elemental magic cannon, Admiral Rhein apparently wanted to avoid the dark elf fleet, not fight hard with the other party.

Unfortunately, the speed difference makes this matter extremely difficult.

Along with the exposure of a frigate, a nearby Saxon nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was soon locked by the Dark Elf fleet.

Although equipment of this level is relatively complete, it is better to **** it.

However, in this case, the eight characters have not been ignored yet. Now I want to preserve the spoils, but I think too much.

The most important thing is to defeat the enemy fleet first.

As for loot? How much you can get depends on God's will!

With this state of mind, General Esther directly ordered the fourth-order wind elemental magic cannon of the main flagship to fire.

With a terrifying supersonic bombardment, one blow penetrated the Saxon nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that was trying to escape!

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