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The bitterly cold place, after the winter every year, the blizzard weather formed by its extreme environment has become their natural barrier.

In the face of such a snowstorm, even the soldiers of the northern tribes used to stay at the base obediently.

It ’s no problem to go out in armored combat vehicles, but if they are not protected by these technological vehicles, they will be in danger of life once they are in a snowstorm.

However, today's civilization of all realms has long been different.

After Hill led the soldiers to withdraw the Winter Fortress, along with the enemy Saxon army, they crossed the northern border of their universal civilization and took charge of Zhao Pan in the rear, officially taking over the task of resisting the invasion of foreign enemies.

The so-called defensive battle does not mean that the shrunk is in the base of the fortress. If you can't defend it, it is a defensive battle.

For Zhao Pan, sometimes taking the initiative to attack is also a form of defense.

Not to mention that according to Zhao Pan ’s BUFF, after the enemy crosses the border line, he will act as the highest commander of the battlefield, and all the battles that occur within the border line will enjoy the blessing of his series of talent skills!

The bitter cold here, when the snowstorm blows up, it takes less than a month to start, and even often it takes two to three months.

He must make good use of the weather advantage at home.

At the same time, because they were not sure about the blizzard weather this year, the specific reason for how long it would last, just in case, only half a month after entering the winter, Zhao Pan had already given orders and launched his actions.

In the snowdrift, a pair of eyes secretly peeped at everything in the distance.

Compared with the Saxon side, which is extremely unfamiliar with the environment of the bitter cold, and also unfamiliar with it, as a local resident, the civilization side of the world is undoubtedly occupying a large home advantage.

The entire whereabouts of the Saxon Army were soon locked by Scouts of the Fox Race.

Amidst the wind and snow, an armored vehicle with lights in the distance and barely seeing the road, maintained a driving speed of about twenty or thirty yards and drove slowly.

In this weather, it is almost impossible for soldiers to perform patrol missions outside.

In fact, the action of sending armored vehicles to patrol is also in a state of chatter than nothing.

After the armored car drove away, the fox scout hidden in the snow quietly left, and then contacted the rear troops.

"A sneeze--"

At the same time, in a temporary field camp, wrapped in a thick winter coat, Hu Jie sitting by the fire, suddenly sneeze, and then rubbed his nose while whispering ...

"Damn it, go out for a while, and then come back here, it's really a bit uncomfortable, is it too cold in our northern border !?"

Unlike other orc races in the north, Hu Jie and his soldiers did not live here at the earliest. Later, they were stationed in the north because of the movement of Luo Ji.

Originally, after so many years of staying, he is also gradually getting used to this climate.

But some time ago, he followed the army expedition of Hill and left the northern border for a while. This time is good, and when he comes back, he is a little unaccustomed.

Although the climate on the Saxon border is also cold, it is not so cold after all.

"Okay, stop whispering and drink hot soup."

During the talk, Kolo, the Patriarch of the White Bear Clan, sitting next to him gave Hu Jie a bowl of hot soup.

At the same time, Zhu Li, the head of the wild boar man sitting opposite, also grinned at the greasy barbecue in his hand, and nodded seriously.

"Yes, just eat more food, and store more fat to survive the winter."

Compared with the performance of the Tigers, they were calmer as the Orcs of the Aboriginal people in the bitter cold.

Following the expedition of the army before, that climate, they are really not used to it.

According to the situation at that time, if the army of Hill continues to advance, the increasingly hot climate around them will soon make them northern orcs, unable to continue to advance.

A glance at the big belly poop, full of fat Zhu Li, the tiger was speechless ...

"Let me come with this set less, you just want to eat it, just because you are fat, and you will be able to move when you fight?"

"What fat? This is all muscle!"

Zhu Li responded with some dissatisfaction.

"This is called muscle."

During the speech, Hu Jiexian posed his biceps.

I have to say that, unlike the northern orcs who are mostly biased towards' strongness', the Tigers' shape looks like a bodybuilder, with a simple force, all muscles bulging up and down all over the body, That piece of muscle is full of explosive force, giving them a sense of power.

Many gyms in Wanjie civilization now like to put the posters of the Tigers outside for publicity, which is almost the same feeling.

On the Orc side, the discipline is not as strict as the human forces. When eating, most of them will be more noisy.

Compared to another part of this camp, a group of human soldiers are also eating, but compared with the orcs, they are quiet and scary.

In the whole area, except for the sounds of chewing and swallowing food, almost no other sounds can be heard here, which is exactly the other extreme opposite to the orc.

At this moment, after swallowing the hot soup in his hand, Hu Jie wiped his mouth, walked quickly towards the camp here, and then took a slap-and-shoulder posture with a slap in the head. The body of a human race officer.

The slap went down, and there was a mumble.

According to the power of the Tigers ~ ~ Ordinary human soldiers were photographed by such a slap.

However, in the face of Hu Jie's shot, the celebrity officer sitting there was motionless.

The chewing motion in the mouth, after stopping for a second, chewed three times without slowness. After 30 chews, I swallowed the food, then put down the food in my hand and got up. Asked at the same time as a military salute ...

"What's the matter with the general coming to the next officer?"

"It's okay, uncle is coming to see your situation."

I saw that at that moment, the celebrity officer standing there had a straight face and strong eyebrows. Although he was only in his twenties, his temperament revealed an old age.

After hearing the words of Hu Jie, the celebrity officer responded blankly ...

"Thanks to the concern of the general, the state of the cadres is intact, and there are no exceptions."


Looking at the young man who talked one by one, he didn't know what to say for a while.

What should I say about this feeling?

It's like talking to Zhao Pan, really worthy of his son ...

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