The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3254: , The trouble is coming

Over time, Luo Ji and Zhao Heng opened the door to start a business, and that was a business boom.

This is because it is not only the border war zone of Styx civilization and magic civilization, but also the border war zone of the original Stygian civilization and Zerg civilization, there are also many Zerg border troops.

When Luo Ji and Zhao Heng started to do business, many gold players with insufficient strength obviously didn't mind paying a sum of money to ask them to come over and help them improve their living environment.

Of course, Luo Ji and Zhao Heng make money to make money, but they are more measured when they start things.

The war zone on the Zerg's side basically cannot happen, so they generally give priority to supporting the border war zone connected to the magical civilization.

On this day, Yuan Xi and Esther, who happened to be in shifts, led their respective pioneer fleets and dark star fleets. They used a set of conventional operations aimed at the technological side of civilization, and easily served as the back of the foreign coalition army in the theater. The phalanx went to nuclear peace.

Then just when they were ready to transfer their positions to fight against the main force of the foreign alliance.

Near the rear position, in a hidden air-raid shelter, a foreign military officer crushed a silver-white crystal in his hand with a gloomy expression.

Soon, in an airspace about a hundred kilometers away from this area, a huge space door opened quickly!

At the same time, after the strong subspace magnetic field fluctuations were clearly detected in the commander-in-chief of the trailblazer fleet and the dark star fleet's main flagship, Yuan Xi and Esther's expressions sank at the same time.

"The trouble is coming."

Yes, the trouble is coming.

In order to guard against this golden army of their celestial dynasty, Rowan Boli specially asked the frontline army to equip each golden army of the foreign alliance with a crystal.

This crystal itself is not a powerful magic prop.

The only effect is that after crushing it, the person holding the other crystal will directly send the spatial coordinates of the specific location at that time!

However, the troops on the side of the magic civilization obviously did not directly lock the coordinate position and opened the space door, but deliberately opened a distance. This is also common sense.

Without time to think about it, Yuan Xi and Astor’s first reaction was to let the thermonuclear energy cannon and the elemental magic cannon fire, directly destroying the exit of the space gate, thereby blocking the support of the opposite magical civilization unit.

In order to deal with such emergencies, main gun-level weapons like thermonuclear energy cannons and elemental magic cannons that require time to recharge, they will always keep them in a semi-charged state during the battle.

In this way, when it really needs to be used, it can be charged in a short time and fired.

But even so, they still took a beat...

I saw a huge magical warship flying directly out of the space gate.

The thermonuclear energy cannon and the elemental magic cannon's attack all hit the magic warship that rushed out.

Under this premise, the opponent was obviously well prepared, and the shield of the battleship was directly opened, and at the same time, just in case, the strength of the shield was opened to the maximum as soon as it was up.

The interstellar fleet's firepower strikes, for a while, there was some help to the opponent.

And in this process, a series of magic warships in the space gate have already filed out!

"Retreat, towards the position where the undead army is located!"

At this moment, their existence is undoubtedly locked by the other party.

If you run directly outside the planet, you will be overtaken sooner or later, and then killed, and withdraw from the defense line of the undead army on the planet. If you move fast enough, there is a high chance that you can get the undead garrison on the planet to respond.

Obviously, the previous streaks of victories against the foreign coalition army and the Zerg garrison did not swell them.

Follow the instructions of their majesty. Once you encounter a magical and civilized unit, you should run quickly and avoid fighting as your first priority.

It's not a last resort, never fight the opponent head-on!

Facing the trailblazer fleet and the dark star fleet fleeing at full speed, the magic fleet that rushed out of the space gate quickly launched a chase.

Although the warships of magical civilization are not powered by magical power furnaces like their warships of ten thousand civilizations, they are also driven by mana.

If you look closely at the past, it is easy to find that there are a large number of large and small azure and silver circle formations around the magical warships.

Some are distributed on both sides of the ship's hull, and some are distributed on the bottom of the battleship. Among them, there are four particularly huge and four relatively large azure arrays, which are evenly distributed at the stern of a magic battleship.

Needless to say, this magic warship can move so fast in the air and even in the universe, thanks to these magic circles all over the hull!

On the way to the hunt, with the surging of elemental power, around the magical warships, the red circle, the khaki circle and the azure circle with a diameter of about 20 meters were superimposed and quickly spread out. Come.

In the next second, I saw huge stone bullets flying out of the spreading magic circle, and at the moment of passing through the crimson magic circle, it was directly covered with a layer of elemental flame, followed by Passed through the azure circle again.

Suddenly, UU read www.uukanshu. Under the blessing of the wind elemental power, the elemental flame burns more fiercely, and at the same time it brings an astonishing speed, directly turning into a fireball, sweeping towards the two interstellar fleets that are fleeing!

From the beginning of the fight between Yuan Xi and Esther, they didn't feel that the other party would do nothing during the chase.

The shields of the two fleets have been fully extended, and the shield strength has also been directly opened to the maximum.

At this moment, in the face of the fireball attack that can be called a combination spell, the consumption of belief power in each magic warship began to soar!

Although the opposing fleet of magical civilization does not seem to have weapons such as magic cannons, the power of that magical attack is unambiguous.

Through the battlefield image presented in the commander-in-chief room, the magical fleet is almost full of all kinds of magic formations at this time.

As the party being hunted down, this battle is simply scary to them!

At first, Rowan Bollett’s magical fleet confronted Cassendna Diego, but was directly blown up by the opponent, giving people a weak look.

But it’s not the case, it’s Carsendana Diego who is too strong

Moreover, giant military equipment such as battleships used to fight individual units such as Cassendana Diego is completely professionally mismatched, and it is impossible to fight easily.

But this time, the situation is different.

Luo Ji's two interstellar fleets did not reach the level of Carsondana Diego, and at the same time, there was no professional mismatch between each other.

The final result was that they were completely suppressed by Rowan Bolet's magical fleet!

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(End of this chapter)

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