The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3256: Flame Serpent

The magic equipment on his body failed to save his life, and even the knight with the mount, the eagle knight was ruthlessly torn apart in an instant!

Needless to say, it is the strategic behemoth unit of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization, Storm Eagle!

As a group of storm eagles entered, the troops of the eagle people and the dragon riders of the lizard people quickly cut into the battlefield.

During this period, Zhao Heng, who was acting with the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization Forces, naturally couldn't sit idly by. The Eagle Terran and Lizardmen forces also developed a certain scale.

At the same time, as the giant winged war eagle of the eagle-human beast, he currently has thirty-nine in his hand.

Although it is still far from the number of snake-human giants in his hands, the time he has taken to incorporate and develop the eagle-human tribe is still short. It is actually quite good to have the current scale.

Seeing the fierce pursuit of the magical and civilized fleet now, Zhao Heng did not dare to hide his clumsiness. He quickly threw his air force into the battlefield to assist the forces of the civilization of the world.

The entry of the orc troops is undoubtedly to a certain extent, it has formed a kind of restriction on the Eagle Knight on the side of the magic civilization, so that the other party can no longer be as unscrupulous as it was at the beginning.

Especially Zhao Heng’s giant winged war eagle, although its individual combat power is slightly inferior to Luo Ji’s evolutionary storm eagle, which relies on the characteristics of the civilization of the world, Zhao Heng’s giant winged war eagle is worse than the number. More!

Under this premise, Zhao Heng, who concentrated on developing the snake-human race in the early stage, has a large amount of orc points on hand. After the development of new races, various enhancement projects will give you points to the full level in minutes.

With the blessing of a bunch of project BUFF, the battle power of the giant wing war eagle is undoubtedly guaranteed.

To be counted, the combined performance of Zhao Heng's thirty-nine giant winged war eagles so far has definitely surpassed Luo Ji's nine storm giant eagles.

The battle continued, and the main targets of these strategic-level units, the Storm Eagle and the Great Winged Warhawk, were obviously not placed on the Eagle Knights.

Killing the Eagle Knights along the way is purely easy, and their first target of attack is undoubtedly the magic warship on the opposite side.

The eagle's claws and eagle's beak alternately launched successive attacks towards the shield of the magic warship.

Although the ordinary attacks of these behemoth units are far less explosive than those strategic-level spells, they are better than the high attack frequency, which greatly increases the burden of the shield.

For these magical warships, although the warship itself has defensive power, it mainly relies on shields to resist attacks.

Once the shield is blown, their situation will be more dangerous.

The magical fleet commander who knew this in his mind naturally couldn't let the storm eagle and giant winged war eagle continue to do whatever they wanted.

While signalling the magic warships to adjust their positions and try to get rid of the eagle-human giant beasts hunting down, on the deck of the warships, as the strongest output firepower of their magic civilization, the wizard group has already spread out its formation and launched a joint spell.

Although Rowan Bolet’s magic civilization also has many warrior-type units, it must be said that the strongest combat power of his magic civilization is the mage!

If the overall combat effectiveness of his magical civilization is divided into ten percent, then the combat effectiveness of the wizard's troops will directly account for half of it, that is, 50%, and the remaining 50% will be divided into other troops.

To put it more bluntly, the existence of other troops is to provide services to the mage troops!

In the magical civilization, the existence of the wizard force is equivalent to an aircraft carrier in a golden fleet.

"Fuck! What the **** is that?!"

Zhao Heng, who was staying in the same magical battleship with Xi Sen at the time, confirmed the battle situation through the returned battlefield images. After seeing the latest synchronized images, he couldn't hold back it for a while, and he exploded on the spot.

I saw that at this moment, on the deck of the magic fleet in the distance, there were suddenly huge, fierce, scarlet-gold flame snakes!

The flame giant snake culled extremely fast, and one of the giant winged warhawks was completely caught off guard.

As soon as he saw a flash of fire, his body was bitten by the flame giant!

Among the giant beast units, the defensive power of the giant winged war eagle has always been at the bottom, and the sharp fangs of the flame giant easily submerged into its body.

At the same time, the feathers on his body were even more ignited by the flame of the flame giant snake.

At that moment, the first reaction of the giant-winged war eagle was to struggle, and the eagle's beak pecked directly at the head of the flame giant, trying to destroy the head of the flame giant, and then escaped.

Unexpectedly, there were so many flame giants, not just one at all.

After it was bitten by one of the flame giant snakes, the other flame giant snakes around it were also culled immediately.

Several flame giants opened their mouths and bit the giant winged war eagle to death. UU reading www.

The constant pain caused the giant-winged war eagle to scream frequently.

Amid the screams, the giant winged war eagle, which gradually lost its ability to control itself, quickly filled with blood, and finally went into a frenzied state directly with a violent roar, trying to fight to the death!

But it was too late...

The frenzied state did not give the giant-winged war eagle a chance.

Because the scorching flames of that flaming serpent had already burned its whole body!

The red-gold flame, the temperature is obviously astonishingly high, in a short period of time, it burned the giant winged war eagle into a piece of coke!

During this period, the storm eagle of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization undoubtedly suffered the same attack.

However, the storm eagle that has completed the evolution can sense the surrounding wind elements and form a special warning network. The entire warning range is larger than the giant wing war eagle, and at the same time more sensitive.

Almost before the flame giant appeared formally, the storm giant eagles that sensed the strong elemental fluctuations had already issued warning eagles while quickly retreating towards the rear.

It threw an empty flame giant and directly turned into a raging flame, trying to chase it up.

However, the speed of the storm giant was significantly faster, and under the flapping of its wings, it escaped from the attack range of the flame giant in the blink of an eye.

At that time, in the command room of the magic warship, he happened to see Zhao Heng whose giant winged war eagle was burned to death under the attack of the flame giant. That whole mood was undoubtedly a bit crazy.

Unlike the many bloodthirsty pythons, it is not easy for him to cultivate such a few giant winged war eagles over the years!

Unexpectedly, this wave of them turned over in the gutter, causing him to bleed heavily!

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