The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3259: , Ah, it's over...

Jingleibu showed explosive speed, allowing Luo Yong to approach the target in one breath.

During this period, the fleet of magic civilization naturally discovered the existence of Rayong.

Almost for the first time, on the deck of a magical warship in the rear, an eagle knight general wearing a silver-white knight armor had already galloped out and took the initiative to meet the rushing Rayong!

The Eagle Beast and the Pegasus may be slightly inferior from the level of Warcraft, but in fact, they are completely two different types of Warcraft mounts. One is a mount that can assist in combat, and the other is a pure support assist. Strongly offensive mounts, forcibly put together for comparison, seems very unreasonable.

According to the changes in the knight's combat style and personality, in the magic civilization, there are actually many generals who like these two mounts.

At this moment, the general who was killed was undoubtedly the one who liked the eagle beast more. It is estimated that he invested a huge amount of resources in his own eagle beast.

It can be clearly seen that this eagle beast has been carefully nurtured. It is usually a monster mount of the level of the eagle beast, and it is almost the limit to reach the second rank, but at this moment, this general leads the seat. The eagle beasts that descended are very rare to reach Tier 3!

Although the overall quality may only be the bottom among Tier 3, Tier 3 is after all Tier 3, which is by no means comparable to that of ordinary Tier 2 mounts.

Now that the speed has exploded, it is quite astonishing.

The distance quickly narrowed, looking at Rayong, who was wearing black armor and holding a big sword, bursting all the way, the Eagle Knight general was fearless.

The third-order Junying Beast under the seat made a loud hiss, and on the knight's sword full of spells and spells in his hand, the huge power had already condensed.

Between the electric light and flint, only a sound of the collision of weapons was heard. The giant sword in Luo Yong's hand had already collided with the opponent's knight's sword!

In an instant, the two frantically squeezed forces directly caused a burst of air bursts, setting off an astonishing force impact, almost sweeping away all the clouds in the surrounding airspace!

At the same time, at that moment, after seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army who were behind at the time, had four words in their minds at the same time.

"Ah, it's over..."

The frantic eruption of the qi, carrying the sound of dragons and elephants, the tiger's mouth cracked, carrying the sound of broken bones, and the constant squeezing power, made the general of the horse eagle rider instantly change his face.

At this point, it is already impossible to retreat.


In the violent shout, the Eagle Knight general, like a kite with a broken line, flew upside down on the spot!

This scene, for the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army, couldn't be more normal.

Regardless of your strength, once you start a head-on fight, the more powerful side will occupy a huge advantage.

After so many years, they really haven't seen a guy who can beat their generals when they fight head-on.

This one is obviously no exception.

The weapon in the opponent's hand and the magic armor on his body offset a lot of the power impact caused by Rayong's blow, and to a large extent, saved the life of the Eagle Knight general.

But even so, his current state is not comfortable.

With the hands holding the sword, blood was overflowing, and the hand bones were shattered. The knight's sword had long since been beaten to fly.

The shock of the terrifying power almost completely shattered his whole body's bones, and his internal organs felt like they were about to be mixed up.

During this period, as the warcraft mount of the steed eagle knight general, the Tier 3 steed eagle beast undoubtedly had to bear part of the power.

But Luo Yong's attack at the time, after all, was not directed at it, and coupled with it as a Tier 3 monster, its physique was still strong, but it was abruptly survived.

Now it saw that Luo Yong was trying to chase his knight, and realized that the Tier 3 Eagle Beast, who was in a bad situation, directly rushed towards Rayong, raised two forefoot horseshoes, and tried to launch an attack to interrupt the opponent's pursuit. .

The horse hoof of this Tier 3 Junying Beast is not so easy to pick up. If that hoof goes down, it is estimated that the armor plate can be dented for you.

At that moment, Luo Yong thought a lot...

For example, do you want to take this Tier 3 eagle beast back alive?

But in the end, Luo Yong dispelled this idea, and with a backhand knife in his hand, he slashed towards the Tier 3 Eagle Beast.

The spirit of Warcraft is very high, especially Tier 3 Warcraft. It is too difficult to capture and tame it alive.

The two Pegasus that they had captured alive before can only be said to be special.

On the one hand, the battle was over, and they had time to clean up the two pegasus slowly.

On the other hand, those two Pegasus are only second-order beasts, and they are not and the third-order beasts of Liaoyuan Fire are pressed down, which is relatively safe, so I am not afraid that they will cause any trouble. Come.

But this time, the situation is obviously different. Now that the battle is halfway through, the starting prairie fire is not here. They don’t have the energy to catch some Tier 3 steed eagle beast alive. Even if they catch it alive, it will be very troublesome to detain it afterwards. simply!

However, this Tier 3 eagle beast is obviously not stupid. From the previous blow that Luo Yong flew the eagle knight general out, it has clearly realized that Luo Yong's power is amazing.

Facing Rayong’s attack at this moment, it didn’t hold on to it at all. As soon as the sword swung over, the eagle beast flapped its wings, and combined with the blessing of the wind element, it directly showed amazing quickness and avoided the attack. .

This wave, it undoubtedly found the right method.

If you play against Rayong, you can't go head-on.

The former general of the Eagle Knight suffered a loss of insufficient intelligence, and was beaten for half his life in one blow, basically not dead or disabled.

Now faced with the entanglement of this Tier 3 eagle beast, Luo Yong frowned slightly. His main task at present is to attack the magic warship on the opposite side and solve the mages on the deck. At the same time, he was hit half-mutilated by him. The generals of the Eagle Knights, it is best to make a knife, but there is no mood to be entangled with a Tier 3 monster here.

And when Rayong was so annoying, the soldiers of his Xuanjia Army in the rear had already supported him.

"General! Give this demon to us!"

Hearing this, Luo Yong said nothing, and after nodding his head, directly cast a thunder step to leave.

The Tier 3 Junying Beast wanted to chase it, but was quickly entangled by the Xuan Jia army supporting from the rear, and it was difficult to get out for a while.

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