The large-scale collapse of the ground battlefield has caused the subsequent ground forces of the undead army to be unable to pose a threat to the garrison position of the magical civilization in a short time.

   This move has a considerable impact on the undead army.

   In comparison, the magical civilized garrison dominated by magic attacks, the long-range output of firepower is extremely fierce, without close combat, the long-range firepower is just what they want.

   Almost at the same time that the air force started its movement, within the position, rounds of spell strikes had already swept over.

  Wu Chuang, who had been contained on the ground forces for a while, quickly issued an order to signal the ground forces to withdraw temporarily and withdraw from the long-range fire coverage on the opposite side.

  At this moment, a huge golden magic circle spread out above the sky.

   In the next second, a terrifying rain of light that almost covered the entire battlefield was poured down, and countless undead units were completely swallowed in the rain of light on the spot!

The large-scale baptism of the Aurora execution undoubtedly further increased the loss of the undead army. In the face of such a battle, the two soul fires in the eyes of the skeleton king Wu Chuang kept beating, and the bone dragon under his seat roared. , Wu Chuang, who clenched the skeleton sword in his hand, flew straight into the sky.

   During this period, the garrison of the magical civilization kept going.

   Around the magical civilization fleet flying over the fortress position, a large number of dense arrays quickly spread out, directly launching further firepower strikes.

   In response to this, among the undead army's air forces, three silhouettes with wings backed flew out quickly, and then simultaneously slapped the precious fan in their hands.

  In a short time, there was a violent wind between the sky and the earth, and the howling gust of wind directly interweaved into a terrifying storm, sweeping toward the position of the magical civilization!

   At this moment, it is the great tengu that was transformed into the undead by Zhong Mo in the original Hundred Ghosts civilization. Three of them are in this war zone.

   In the face of such battles, the magic and civilization side, a group of wind masters, took a strong move.

   At that moment, the magic of the big tengu, the spell of the magical civilization, the two forces, began to produce crazy collisions between the world and the earth, directly fighting the ring.

   However, there are only three big tengu on this side, and on the other side, headed by the wind-based archmage, there is a whole army of wizards to cast spells directly.

  The difference in scale makes it difficult for the three big tengu's to compete with each other.

   For this, Wu Chuang naturally knows it very well.

   Looking from a distance, Wu Chuang did not intend to act rashly at the airspace that resembled a death zone under the raging storm.

At the same time, the space around the Magic Fleet was distorted and fluctuated, and in the next second, a series of Void Centipedes exuding a dark blue necromantic aura and huge Void Borrower insects, just like this one after another from the void. Got out!

   However, the magic civilization, as a civilization that also has control over the power of space, before the Void Burrower and Void Centipede appear, might they be unconscious of the special fluctuations in the surrounding space?

   Of course impossible!

  The magic warships locked their positions almost immediately, and immediately launched a fire-focused attack when they appeared.

   A large number of Void Centipedes and Void Burrowers, just poking their heads out of the gap in the void, they were instantly swallowed by the firepower of the Magic Fleet.

   But Wu Chuang didn't panic at all. They had just finished fighting with the Zerg Civilization before, and they had a large number of Void Centipedes and Void Burrowers that were transformed into undead.

   These Zerg units are not weak in their bodies, and after being transformed into an undead, it doesn't matter if their bodies are beaten up. As long as their souls have not dissipated and their bodies can move, they can continue to attack!

  The characteristics of this undead unit, coupled with the huge number, even if the magic fleet of Rowan Bolett wants to solve it, it will not be too easy.

   In this regard, the magical fleet saw a trick, and under the surging elemental power, a series of ferocious flame giants had appeared around every magical warship.

   Then, without waiting for those Void Centipedes and Void Burrowers to break the shield and kill them in, the Flame Giant Snakes were already killed first.

   In the process of crazy entanglement between the two sides, the flame giant with its own terrifying heat, and the elemental flames around it constantly burned the Void Centipede and Void Burrower.

  Void centipedes and void burrowers that have been transformed into undead units, although they don't feel any pain, they can't prevent their bodies from being burned by elemental flames.

   On each of the magic warships, the fire wizards' shots stabilized the whole situation a little while also allowing the battle around them to gradually enter a phase of mutual consumption.

In this process, Wu Chuang quietly accumulated his strength, and only waited for the storm to dissipate, he directly took the lead while riding the bone dragon, and slaughtered the magical fleet that was entangled by the Void Burrower and Void Centipede in the distance. .

   The powerful counterattack suddenly launched by the garrison of magic civilization has undoubtedly increased the fighting intensity on this side to a large extent.

   Logically speaking, in a situation like this, Wu Chuang should retreat as advancing.

   But before that, he was obviously planning to touch the details of the opposite side, and at the same time, see if there was a chance to suppress the forces on the opposite side.

   Facing the undead army approaching extremely fast from the air, UU reading www. The air force on the side of the magic civilization of resolutely confronted it, and the one rushing to the front was the Knights of the Pegasus, which was the top arm of the magic civilization.

   During the galloping process, the Pegasus mounts exerted their strength and continuously blessed a series of buffs on their respective knights.

   At the moment when the two armies met, the great sword of the knight in the hands of the leader of the Pegasus knight and the great sword of the skeleton in the hands of the skeleton king Wu Chuang collided fiercely.

   Suddenly, there was no wind at all!

   I have to say that the overall style of the magic civilization is completely different from the Zerg civilization.

Zerg civilization has always been winning by quantity, and there are also many strategic units, but in fact, in addition to special cases like Cassandra Diego, the various strategic units of Zerg civilization, their individual In fact, it is difficult for strength to rank among the true strategic level.

   This is also the main reason why Jia Lan and Huang Chen were basically besieged by the Zerg’s generals with one enemy.

   But the magical civilization is different. The troops of the magical civilization have always been typical of'small but fine'.

   Although the strongest combat power in their civilization is basically concentrated on the mages, the strength of individual fierce generals can also be firmly ranked among the ranks.

   For example, this one now has the ability to compete one-on-one with Skeleton King Wu Chuang!

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