"Lord of Civilization (

The overwhelming power of the Yaqi Orochi instantly broke the balance of this war zone.

Originally considering various special circumstances that may occur, the magical civilization garrison on this planet is actually ready to retreat at any time to preserve its strength.

However, the emergence of Yaqi Orochi was so sudden that it completely caught them off guard.

Feeling the oppression of that terrifying force, for a while, the magical civilized garrison in this theater of war had already shown a tendency to rout, and fled toward the rear at the fastest speed.

During this period, looking at the video, Baqi Orochi played in a frenzied manner, Luo Ji and Zhao Heng were unable to calm down for a long time.

Among them, Luo Ji thought a lot...

This strategic-level unit, Zhong Mo has never been dispatched in the previous battle against the Zerg civilization.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the magical civilization to be unprepared, causing their important border defenses to be so easily broken.

From this point of view, Mr. Zhong Mo might have planned to deal with magical civilization a long time ago, so he deliberately kept such a hand.

But anyway, at this stage, the magical civilization has been blown up. For him and Zhao Heng, there are only benefits, no harm.

When the undead army completely hits the inside of the opposite territory and they are on the border, they can do whatever they want.

To be honest, he and Zhao Heng have already made huge profits during the recent period.

It doesn't really matter what the urban population is, but those resource points are really too powerful.

Even under the premise of Luo Ji's picking and choosing, he has already selected three hundred and seventy-one resource points now! Forty-three of them are uranium mines! Among the remaining more than 300 resource points, there are more rare resources to death.

And as Luo Ji’s partner...

Although Zhao Heng's orc army was far less efficient than Luo Ji's magic fleet in capturing city territory, Luo Ji found that Zhao Heng's luck was really good.

It often takes up some very rare resources for him.

After taking that resource point, Zhao Heng can trade from him to many resource points needed by orc civilization.

And precisely for this reason, the number of resource points in Zhao Heng's hands at this stage is actually no less than Luo Ji's.

During the recent period, it is estimated that Zhao Heng can laugh out loud even when sleeping.

At the same time, the most important thing is that at this point, their raid on this frontier war zone is just over half, and there are still a lot of resources waiting for them to collect!

Energetic and following the attacking rhythm of the undead army, Luo Ji and Zhao Heng blasted the foreign alliance players in various border war zones one by one in accordance with their long-established plan.

During this whole process, most of the golden players in the celestial dynasty in charge of that war zone welcomed them very much.

But on the other hand, there is also a small part, who euphemistically expressed no need to help.

Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan are undoubtedly included in that small part.

When the magical civilization army led the foreign alliance to launch an offensive, Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan's life was relatively tense, but they did not ask Luo Ji and Zhao Heng for support.

Therefore, they did not owe their favor.

This wave of defensive turn offensive, under the premise that the undead army suppressed the opposing magical civilization garrison, according to the strength of Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan, blood abuse of the opposing foreign golden players is obviously not a problem, and there is no need to Luo Ji them. s help'.

Luo Ji and Zhao Heng naturally did not insist on this.

However, during the interstellar march, the theater where Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan were located was an important transit point for them, and they couldn’t ignore this theater and jump over, so Luo Ji still asked them I borrowed a place and stayed for a while to let the troops under his command rest and reorganize.

During this process, due to Zhou Wenbing's existence, Zhao Heng's face was full of bad luck, but that whole state was filled with a sigh of anger that could not be concealed.

This matter is simple to say, his current stage of civilization development has overwhelmed Zhou Wenbing.

With this as a prerequisite, Zhao Heng hoped that Zhou Wenbing would appear in front of him every day and let him taunt him.

For this purpose, Zhao Heng is walking outside every day, looking for Zhou Wenbing's trace.

But as rivals who have fought each other for so many years, can Zhou Wenbing not know what Zhao Heng is thinking about?

Therefore, in order not to give Zhao Heng a chance to taunt him, Zhou Wenbing, who has always disliked being bored in one place, recently stubbornly held back no movement and stayed in the command room of his base without going anywhere all day long. .

Luo Ji felt speechless in his heart for this pair of naive ghosts, but he actually didn't have much thoughts.

Because of such naive ghosts, among the golden bosses, the number is really not small.

There is often a cycle of human growth.

From the initial immature and youthfulness, gradually became mature and stable, and even scheming. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Then with the improvement of their strength, after reaching a certain level, they will gradually become'willed' again, which can also be understood as doing whatever they want.

At this stage, they will no longer be as deep as the previous stage.

Because their strength is already strong enough, they don't need those twists and turns, and doing things will become more direct.

Strength is the capital of their'willful'. As their strength grows stronger, many golden players tend to become more and more'willful', and finally become a naive ghost.

Zhou Wenbing and Zhao Heng are very typical.

Relatively speaking, the other golden bosses are not so obvious, but more or less, they all have this situation, even Luo Ji himself.

Maybe Luo Ji didn't have that consciousness himself.

But in the eyes of his subordinates, their emperor has always been wayward.

Of course, these words will only be kept in their hearts...

Regardless of Zhao Heng and Zhou Wenbing, who are more vigorous, Luo Ji was idle during this rest time. His attention was mainly on the planet. Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan and their battles were commonly known as watching theaters.

Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan, their main force at this stage, have already been fully upgraded to air carriers, and they are huge.

It is more than enough to beat those foreign gold players.

Although the overall offensive efficiency is slower compared with Luo Ji.

But now, the battle here is basically coming to an end.

Luo Ji slightly estimated that at the latest half a month, the foreign golden players in this battle zone should be completely wiped out...

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