The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3285: Assassination

All that happened so quickly, Rowan Bollett's attention was even focused on what the attendant was about to say.

For the sudden action of the other party, he was completely unable to react at the first time.

Seeing that the trigger was about to be depressed, at this moment, the cold light flashed, and the hand that was holding the gun flew out.

There is no need to think about it. How can someone who can act as a guardian of Rowan Bolet be an ordinary role?

This is a swordsman with the best strength in his magical civilization! Personal strength, completely reached the strategic level!

The attendant, who had gritted his teeth and had his arm severed, didn't seem to have any intention of giving up. He changed his plan for the first time, and the whole person directly violently rushed towards Rowan Bollet.

However, no matter how fast he is, how can he pass the sharp sword in the hands of a strategic swordsman?

The sword light flashed again, this time, it was no longer his arm that was cut off, but his head!

At that moment, the attendant even maintained the forward-throwing posture, and the blood spewing directly splashed Rowan Bolett, and then he fell to the ground with a bang.

Rowan Bolett, who was taken aback, stepped back subconsciously.

The guard standing aside, holding the sword in one hand, stepped forward in two steps. While dragging the corpse out of the room, he quickly bent down, touched the face of the head, and then brows. Wrinkled.

"It turned out to be true?"

Obviously, he suspected that this attendant was disguised by the enemy, but he discovered just now that the attendant's face turned out to be true!

This is too strange.

This attendant can be regarded as an old man in this palace. He has been working in this palace for almost 40 years. How could he be an assassin?

When the guards were checking the body of the attendants over there, Rowan Bollet's emotions were undoubtedly calmed down quickly.

In fact, it was impossible for the attendant's assassination to threaten his life under the circumstances.

Not only is there a strategic-level guard following him, there is also a main reason that he has many magic items on his body.

To put it simply, even if the guards did not take action and the attendant successfully fired, the bullets would be blocked by the defensive spell.

But even Rowan Bolett couldn't deny that the suddenness of the opponent shocked him.

At the same time, after hearing the words of the guards, his face was full of incredible.

Since the start of the war, every staff member of his palace, large and small, has been fixed, and Rowan Bolet has looked at the panels one by one, and the one with the lowest loyalty has eighty-five points.

He even knew the attendant who attacked him just now. How could he be an assassin if he could call out his name?

Regarding this, he couldn't understand what he thought.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of panic rose in his heart.

The original reason why he was able to be so calm was not only because he believed in the defensive power of this palace, but also because he knew that everyone in this palace was trustworthy.

Now, the situation has changed...

The sudden situation made Rowan Bolett feel insecure.

His mouth opened slightly, as if he was going to say something.

But before he could speak, he was interrupted by a series of coughs.

In the midst of a violent cough, Rowan Bolett only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a big mouthful of blood coughed up directly from his mouth.

Hearing the movement at that time, the guard who looked back, just saw Rowan Bollet vomiting blood, and his face suddenly changed.

"Your Majesty, how are you?!"

The guards didn't know what happened to Rowan Bollet for a while.

After a mouthful of blood was spit out, Rowan Bolet, who was shaking for a while, sat down on the ground with a ‘poof’, and his entire face was even a little bit ashamed.

He deliberately wanted to take his life-saving medicine from his system backpack, but his entire consciousness quickly blurred, almost losing consciousness.

This made the guard on the side even more confused.

Because in his opinion, Rowan Bolett should have been injured.

As a result, just as he was thinking about it, a strange feeling of discomfort occurred in his own body.

At the same time, the line of sight just swept over the guard of the corpse, and suddenly discovered that the blood stains under the corpse seemed to be smaller...

"There is a problem with this blood!"

I saw that at this moment, the blood flowing from the corpse was evaporating rapidly at an extremely abnormal speed!

No matter how stupid people are, they should realize the problem.

It's a toxin, the blood is poisonous!

According to his strategic-level physique, the guards can feel it, and that bit of toxin should be beyond him.

But their majesty is different!

Rowan Bolet's physique is almost the same as that of ordinary people, and when the assassin died just now, blood was directly splashed on him.

Before thinking about it, the guards quickly picked up Rowan Bolet, who was already ashen-faced, and shouted, ‘Doctor! Find a doctor! ’On the one hand, take Rowan Bolet out of this space that is already full of poisonous gas at the fastest speed!

But it was too late...

At that moment, the system prompt resounded throughout the entire battlefield.

Listening to the system reminder that sounded in his ears, Luo Ji just sat there quietly, feeling a little heavy.

During the war, Luo Ji was naturally unavoidable to plant spies in Rowan Bollet's magical civilization.

The first batch of spies actually got involved as early as the first encounter, when the UU reading opponent came to test him.

Several Spyglass spies, who became the enemy's fallen soldiers, retreated together with the magical and civilized troops.

In the next few fights, they also found the opportunity here and put in a few more batches.

Some of these spies died directly on the battlefield, while others were still alive.

But all the way, he managed to reach the opponent's main planet and changed his face. There was only one person who got into the palace, the code name Grey Falcon!

Mixing into the palace is just the beginning for the Grey Falcon. The alert level inside the palace is too high. Apart from the personal guard, no one else has access to Rowan Bollet.

At the same time, as I said before, Rowan Bollet has a lot of magic items on his body. According to his strength, wanting to take the other party's life is tantamount to a dream.

Under this premise, Grey Falcon thought of a way, and that was to use poison.

But ordinary methods of poisoning were obviously useless, so he thought of one thing that people can't defend against, that is, mixing poison in his own blood!

He collected the materials, used alchemy to decompose his blood components, then mixed the materials, and refined them into a highly toxic liquid that would evaporate quickly when exposed to air.

When he finished processing his own blood, he himself was dead soon, so he must move fast.

Needless to say the following things.

After successfully beheading the assassin, people will naturally relax.

For the Grey Falcon, this is the perfect time to poison the opponent.

He planned this assassination based on his own death from the beginning!

PS: The code word is not easy, please support the genuine |

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