Luo Ji took two deep breaths and forcibly calmed down his emotions.

Although in his mind, he probably remembered how many conquest points he had in his hand, out of caution, Luo Ji opened the system interface and took another look.

Although playing against foreign golden players is all abusive and won't earn a lot of points in a game, the victory is because the accumulation of less.

In the battle with the Zerg civilization of Cassandra Diego, because it was a leapfrog challenge, the battle was extremely difficult, so the system was also very face-saving and provided him with a lot of bonus bonuses. Edit once the points are swiped to fly.

In addition, he and the troops of the magic civilization have fought a few times, plus some accumulation in the past.

The current number of conquest points in his hand is 26,736.

Enough is definitely enough.

But I don’t know if it’s his illusion, this system likes to ruin him every time!

However, can he choose to refuse? Obviously not. The magic scroll alone is enough for Luo Ji to be tempting. Now this is the meat delivered to his lips. How can there be any reason not to eat it?

He took a deep breath, resisted the pain, and decided to confirm. In an instant, more than 20,000 conquest points were deducted in such an instant, letting Luo Ji once again realize what it means to return to before liberation...

However, the smooth annexation of the magical civilization still made Luo Ji a little excited.

But this matter is obviously not over yet.

Next, he has to arrange the territory, which is much more laborious than the previous ‘doing true or false’.

And here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that as a thank you, Mr. Zhong Mo directly gifted each golden man a planet.

Yes, it is a planet!

He directly gave them the magical civilization border planet occupied by his undead army.

Of course, the population of the magical civilization on this planet has all been transformed into undead units by his army of undead.

The rest of the planet is of little significance to him.

It's better to take it out as a gift.

Luo Ji and Zhao Heng didn't say anything about it. The planet Zhong Mo gave was of great significance to the other golden tycoons who were attacking the galaxy civilization.

According to Luo Ji's previous speculation, if you want to upgrade your life from a planet to a galaxy, one of the key steps is to complete stationing or colonization on other planets except for your own main planet.

For golden players like them, what is the closest planet to them after leaving the main planet?

The moon! That is the moon.

So to complete this step, the ‘moon landing plan’ is a very important part.

But the golden players have been unable to succeed for a long time. Where is the main reason?

It is because there is no atmosphere on the moon! You go up and turn around, step on a footprint, and grab a handful of dirt. That doesn't count. You need to stay for a long time and take it down.

Under normal circumstances, human beings simply cannot survive on the moon for a long time, let alone settle down or even colonize.

But now, the situation is different.

Mr. Zhong Mo directly gave them a planet with an atmosphere.

Next, they only need to deploy this planet closer to their main planet, and they will be able to complete alien colonization relatively easily, which can be said to be far less difficult than moon colonization.

The gold elders who knew this in their hearts were also excited at this moment.

And compared to the gold bosses, other gold players obviously can't receive this level of luxury thanks.

The jealousy returned to jealous, but they also knew in their hearts that they didn't help much when this wave came in.

In this way, you are embarrassed to accept this level of thanks?

That would be too beautiful.

Even to speak of it, Zhong Mo didn't pull them at the beginning, because they wanted to follow the big brother to pick up the bargain, and made an obligatory look, and insisted to follow up...

Of course, besides this, there is another main reason. At this stage, even if Zhong Mo gave them a planet, it would be of no use to them.

Because many golden newcomers are far from developing to this stage.

Under this premise, as the leader of their celestial camp, Zhong Mo still made a point.

The planet is not there, but the territory still gives away some of the golden players.

Speaking of back to the subject, Luo Ji had thought about the deployment of the territory a long time ago, and the thinking in his mind was relatively clear.

After the map was unfolded, his civilization of the world was still presented in front of him in the form of a ‘galaxy’.

Located at the center of the galaxy is the sun, the star, and then the main planet base camp of his ten thousand world civilization, and the moon, which is the closest to the main planet.

At present, only these three planets are displayed on his entire galaxy map.

As for the other planets in the galaxy, why are they not shown?

That was obviously because Luo Ji hadn't had time to open his eyes.

Nowadays, the territories of the scattered foreign golden players will not be mentioned. Luo Ji's top priority for deployment must be the two planets he has on hand.

They were all sent by Mr. Zhong Mo, one is the border planet of Zerg civilization and the other is the border planet of magic civilization.

Other golden bosses, in order to reduce the difficulty of interstellar colonization, in all likelihood, they will place the obtained planets on the closest position to their main planet.

But Luo Ji is different. His moon base has already been made decent. There is no need to squeeze another planet near the main planet.

Therefore, from the perspective of his long-term plan, he can choose to deploy these two planets relatively far away.

Use the lunar base as a transit point to build an interstellar navigation route to the other two planets.

Under this premise, Luo Ji thought about it for a while before finally deciding not to separate the two planets in order.

The main reason is that his galaxy hasn't been explored well yet, and it's not clear what the overall structure is. It's better to be safe.

Directly taking his main planet as the center, the two planets are separated from each other by a certain distance, and then they are respectively deployed on the second interstellar orbit.

After deploying the two planets, the placement of the next cities is too simple.

In the beginning, Luo Ji didn't plan to place those cities on his main planet.

Territories annexed with a gold-level declaration of war will cover the original area, and Luo Ji's main planet is actually quite crowded, and there is no suitable land, so these new territories will be covered.

Therefore, for these golden territories, Luo Ji directly intends to settle in the two newly acquired planets!

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