Luo Ji still attaches great importance to the Azure Dragon formation, so he also gave Bai Ze the right to choose suitable candidates among the various armies.

In short, let Bai Ze start to toss slowly.

During this period, Luo Ji naturally ordered the production drawings of the third-order spell scrolls and the design drawings of the warlord's armor.

After doing all these things, Luo Ji originally arranged for him to rest for the past few days, but his life was not particularly easy.

In the end, I went to work.

After flipping through his portable notebook, he has a lot to do next.

In one breath, I definitely couldn't do it. In the later years of the Total War, Luo Ji made arrangements for himself in a small notebook. In short, let's come one by one.

The most urgent thing is to deal with the post-war work first.

Luo Ji, who had resumed his daily work, poke into the Ujeongjeong Hall in the first place, waiting for him to pass the target documents, which had already accumulated to a certain extent.

Of course, Luo Ji knows that the workload is just looking scary.

Most of the things in this, basically, Lu Yang, Henry Boer, and Liu Xian have already confirmed the settlement plan. What Luo Ji has to do is to read it once, sign and seal it, and approve it. .

According to Lu Yang and their abilities, they have already produced a document for the processing plan, which basically does not need Luo Ji to modify.

Under this premise, Luo Ji, who has a golden level of government skills, had a very high review efficiency.

There was no need to work overtime deliberately, and normal working hours were maintained. After almost thirteen days, the documents that he needed to review for post-war work have basically been reviewed.

The next step is to look at the following relevant departments for implementation.

In the Hall of Parliament, the post-war work had come to an end for a while. Soon, the first court meeting after Luo Ji's class teacher returned to the court began.

"Oh, isn't this old Zhao? I haven't seen it for a while, how are you doing?"

"Ah, Xiao Liu, after your old minister retires, you should have been in office for three months? How about? Are you still used to it? Our Ministry of Finance and your construction and engineering department have always been in the same family, and we are like a family, and we have difficulties. , Don't be polite to me!"

"Pharaoh! Long time no see!"

Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, all the way, looking at the dragons and tigers, the old minister of the Ministry of Finance who had written the word'嘚瑟' directly on his face, and all the other ministers who came to attend the meeting. The important ministers, while the expressions on their faces are extremely subtle, the thoughts in their minds are surprisingly consistent.

"The old minister of the Ministry of Finance really understands very well..."

The old minister of the Ministry of Finance was already planning to retire by the end of the year. It stands to reason that the candidates for the new minister and some of the handover tasks that follow should also be gradually prepared.

As a result, just a while ago, their Majesty's class teacher returned to the court. Later, someone asked how the old minister was doing the handover work before he retired, and the old minister slapped the table directly.

"Retire? What to retire? What to retire? Old man, I'm only sixty-eight years old this year, and it’s okay to work for another ten years! Now that the war has just ended, everything is thriving. It’s when civilization needs me. As a minister, I It's my duty to retire at this time?!"

Those remarks were called a righteous Lingran, and they were all in a posture of ‘putting your best effort to death’.

As a result, after the incident spread, all the colleagues who knew about it, their expressions and moods, if summed up in one sentence, it would be...

"I believe you a ghost!!"

This old thing was still pulling on the hanging rope before, crying and crying to retire.

Excluding those long-lived races, the average natural life expectancy of the people in their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization today is close to 100 years old. Retiring at 68 is not impossible, but it is indeed a bit too early.

Under normal circumstances, retirement must be at least after the age of seventy, and some elderly people with outstanding abilities and good conditions can even work until they are eighty years old before retiring.

However, taking into account the special circumstances of the Ministry of Finance above, and the pressure in the previous years was indeed terrible and very exhausting. Therefore, the old minister of the Ministry of Finance called for retirement when he was 68 years old. One eye is closed.

As a result, this old thing turned his head and changed his sex?

That's it!

This matter, to put it bluntly, means that the Ministry of Finance will have money!

In fact, I really have to say that since Luo Ji was mining resources on the Zerg planet and sending them back regularly, the financial situation of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization had begun to stabilize and then slowly improved.

But the financial pressure is still not small, and the real realization of the need to have money started from the moment their Majesty's class returned to the court.

Because of their expedition this time, His Majesty gave them two planets back! Even the names are chosen, one is called Venus and the other is called Jupiter.

At first, everyone was quite confused.

But after thinking about it carefully, this is their Majesty, the emperor of ten thousand civilizations! Conquer King Luo Ji! It doesn't seem to be a rare occurrence to be able to do such a thing.

Under this premise, what do the two planets represent?

Resources! The resources of two planets! !

These resources are money in themselves. In addition, with these resources as the core, a number of huge industrial chains will inevitably form on these two planets, and these industrial chains will provide jobs.

Jobs can solve the employment problem of a large number of people, thereby bringing in personal income and ultimately increasing taxation.

All in all, three words, they are going to be rich!

As far as the Ministry of Finance is concerned, the most difficult thing for them is not that they have no money, but that when they have no money, there are still a large number of people who surround them with three tiers and three tiers outside, and they want money!

The most terrible thing is that none of these **** who come to ask for money are easy to provoke.

The hard days have been so hard, and it is no wonder that every generation of finance ministers has mastered the required skill of hanging himself.

As the Minister of Finance, life would be impossible without this trick!

But now it’s different, UU reading www.uukanshu. As long as the two planets are tossed up, com will surely bring immeasurable benefits to their civilizations of the world, and the financial expenditure will naturally soar.

Following this momentum, their Ministry of Finance is very likely to usher in the peak of his generation!

Maybe it can be directly recorded in the annals of history, and the name will remain in the history.

Retire at this critical point?

It's like running a marathon. There are only one or two hundred meters to the end, but you give up.

If this were to retire, he had spent most of his life before, wasn't it wasted? !

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