The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3298: , Instant wealth

   Let Robert Smith take charge of Venus's ruling work, and Jupiter's side, leave it to Ye Hua.

   Luo Ji had already thought about the assignment of the two people's work.

On the Venus side, the next most important thing is the infrastructure and development work, because there have been some collection projects and base facilities, basically nothing has been tossed, and this work happens to be Robert Smith very good at A field.

   As for Jupiter, things to do are more complicated.

   On the one hand, Luo Ji wants to develop this planet, and on the other hand, he has to collect, confirm, and integrate all kinds of things in the magical and civilized city. The things to do are very, very messy and varied.

   And Ye Hua happens to be a very good at ‘organizing’.

   Let Ye Hua be in charge of Jupiter's side, it should be able to organize the messy work in order.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

  Under this premise, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the two people’s decree, as well as personal safety and the issue of military presence on the planet.

   Luo Ji also deliberately dispatched troops.

   Ye Hua, needless to say, let his old partner Zhou Yi lead the army and follow him to Jupiter.

   As for Robert Smith, Luo Ji originally wanted Luo Yong to lead his army to follow.

   But after the previous Qinglong Baoyu's choice of master, Luo Yong directly came over and applied to him and said that he needed to be closed for a period of time. I think he felt that after experiencing many fierce battles in the previous full-scale war.

  Of course, Luo Ji couldn't stop this kind of thing.

   At the same time as the approval, the person responsible for going to Venus with Robert Smith naturally has to be replaced.

   In response to this situation, Luo Ji really pondered for a while, and finally decided to transfer Guo Zhen and Du Yuanzhi to Venus and become the garrison generals over there.

   For Guo Zhen, there is no doubt that it is also a promotion. Originally, he was only in charge of the western theater of the main planet.

   But now, he is going to sit directly on an entire planet.

   Although the specifications of the main planet far exceed that of Venus, the specifications of a main continent's western boundary are far from comparable to Venus.

   To some extent, Guo Zhen’s promotion is really a big promotion!

   Luo Ji, who made this transfer, naturally had his considerations.

Guo Zhen has been in the army for many years and has rich experience. Needless to say, this point is more important. Since Luo Ji gave him a five-star command, his commanding ability has also risen sharply. In addition, there is also Du Yuanzhi under his command. Assist.

   Putting this pair in the West, it really feels like a little overkill.

   Now that he is transferred to Venus, it can be regarded as Luo Ji's expectation of Guo Zhen.

   After all arrangements are made for the candidates who need to be transferred, the Star Fleet, which is already ready to go, will set off soon.

   In a short period of time, they broke through the atmosphere, first arrived at the moon base closest to the host planet, slightly modified, and then they had to embark on a truly long interstellar voyage.

   During this period, they have now made a two-pronged arrangement regarding how to improve the efficiency of their interstellar navigation of the Ten Thousand World Civilization Fleet.

  The most direct way is to upgrade the power system of the spaceship to obtain a higher sailing speed.

   This upgrade project, they have been doing this all along. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   It's just that the project has fallen into a bottleneck, and it has been unable to make a breakthrough.

   As for the other way, it is naturally to find a way to construct a subspace channel.

   The subspace channel in this interstellar age is equivalent to the high-speed rail in the golden age. You must first meet the technical standards, and then build the high-speed railway. In this way, your mobile efficiency can be greatly improved.

   For the construction of this subspace channel, the only breakthrough Luo Ji can find at the moment is the space magic of magical civilization.

   However, all the intelligence information is currently on Jupiter.

  At this stage, there are many things on Jupiter, and the most terrible thing is that it is extremely messy. The officials over there are already busy in the sky, and their heads are dizzy.

   In a short period of time, wanting them to organize all these spell knowledge, and then tell Luo Ji through prayer skills, seems to be a little bit difficult.

   Under this premise, Luo Ji couldn't get up if he wanted to be anxious, so he simply put this matter aside.

   Anyway, in the previous wars, he earned a lot of civilization points. In this wave, he adjusted the jet lag.

After   , Luo Ji did not forget and opened the bag of the relics of the players.

   At that time, he and Zhao Heng gang committed the crime. Most of the relic bags of the foreign golden players were in his hands, and a small part was in Zhao Heng's hands. Basically, whoever killed it, no matter who.

   Now that these relic packs are opened, Luo Ji basically has no hope of props. Anyway, there can be no good things. For him, the most important thing now is the civilization points.

   After the opponent player dies, all the civilization points are in the relic bag. After all these civilization points are collected, Luo Ji's civilization point deposit can rise again.

   And these civilization points can make his wave of development time more abundant.

   As for the relic bag, which is still a bit good, it is obviously Rowan Bollet's relic bag.

  Nearly tens of billions of civilization points gave Luo Ji a sense of instant wealth.

   In addition, the props in Rowan Bollett's relics bag, although the best ones are only silver-level props, but the point is that those props, UU-Reading are all props of magical civilization!

   Among those props, there are skill books and design drawings. Basically, there are all kinds of them.

   Maybe those props, for Rowan Bolett, have been useless for a long time, but there is no place to throw them, so they can only be placed in the system backpack to become moldy.

   But for Luo Ji, who had just been annexed and integrated with magical civilization, the value these props brought him was undoubtedly much higher than its original level.

   Because according to his current situation, it is difficult for him to obtain so many magical civilization items.

   took advantage of the rest, and together with Ye Qingxuan, sorted out these props.

  The design drawings of those magical civilizations are all taken out independently.

   Some of the things in it may be a bit behind for his civilization of the world, but some of the design concepts, production techniques, and the incantations carved on these magic props are actually worthy of research.

   Organizing the props took more time than Luo Ji had expected. When he turned his head, his day's vacation passed.

   Luo Ji is really a bit melancholy.

   The main thing is still not adapting. It takes several years for a battle like this kind of battle. After the fight, it is not so easy to return to the state in a short time.

   Even for Luo Ji, obviously it will take some time to adjust.

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