The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3323: Space channel

Five hours, say long is not long, say short is not short.

The main planetary space station that confirmed the news in advance received the landing signal and detected the fluctuation of the space magnetic field, and the fixed space door outside the main planet quickly opened.

After a short while, after almost five hours of subspace flight, the transport spacecraft flew out of the space gate stably.

After the feedback went back, there was joy outside the lunar space station!

Now, including Cheng Hao, all the members of the project team, the big rock that was pressed in their hearts can finally be put down completely.

After that, the most important thing is to build fixed space channels to Venus and Jupiter.

Luo Ji was directly at the moon space station and discussed this matter with Cheng Hao and others.

After completing the construction of the space channel between the moon and the main planet, the next step must be Venus and Jupiter. For this situation, everyone has been mentally prepared, and even the preliminary plan has been prepared. There is no surprise. of.

At this stage, the plan generally has two ideas.

One idea is to build a space channel directly from the "Star Harbor" outside the main planet to connect Venus and Jupiter.

Another idea is to build a space channel from the "Star Harbor" side of the moon to connect Venus and Jupiter to form a route.

The so-called ‘Star Harbor’ is short for Star Harbor, which is similar to a ship port, except that this port is built outside the planet.

Next to Xinggang, there is usually a large space station that can be used to unload the spacecraft or supplement supplies, so that it can save time and consumption of entering and exiting the atmosphere.

Speaking of returning to the subject, the advantage of the first idea is that this is the shortest route, which can reach Venus and Jupiter as the final destinations at the fastest speed.

For the second idea, the road will be a little further away, because in this way, they must first reach the moon from the host planet, and then turn from the moon to Venus or Jupiter.

Luo Ji didn't think much about it, so he chose the second idea directly.

That is, let the moon serve as a transit station to build a space channel.

Doing so, although it will increase the travel time and distance, but it is better than passing the moon.

It might be strange to say that, but as long as you think so...

A large transport spacecraft, some of the materials on it are to be unloaded on the moon. After unloading, the remaining materials will be shipped to Venus or Jupiter.

If Luo Ji comes up, he will build the shortest route directly from the main planet.

Then, the transport spacecraft will not be able to pass the moon to unload the cargo. When the time comes, it may be necessary to mobilize an additional spacecraft, or transport it in two, which is very inconvenient to go back and forth.

On the contrary, stringing all the planets into one route seems to increase the distance, but considering the practicality, this route is better.

As for the construction of various direct routes in the future, it is also necessary to wait for the two routes to be built before talking.

After the matter here came to an end, Luo Ji was also ready to leave on the same day and return to the main planet.

Cheng Hao will continue to stay on the lunar space station to assist in the construction of subsequent space channels.

Although the main job of the mages should be practicing spells.

But at this stage, Luo Ji has no other way. The number of space-based wizards is indeed scarce. Although the first-order space-based wizards are a bit, they are basically useless in this project.

As for the mid-level space system mage, at this stage, their ten thousand world civilization is only Cheng Hao.

As a great hero who developed the space channel, Luo Ji gave him an elixir of life this time.

Longevity is naturally not a problem, but in these years, Cheng Hao has been busy with these projects, and he probably didn't have much time to practice properly. This made Luo Ji really worried.

Facing Luo Ji’s concerns, in order to determine the situation of his students, Jie Zichuan, who came here with him, said directly...

"Your Majesty actually doesn't need to worry about this issue. Although Cheng Hao has been unable to devote himself to the practice of spells due to project reasons over the years, in fact, the development of space channels can deepen his understanding of space. To a certain extent, this is actually a kind of cultivation."

Luo Ji was still a layman after all in spell cultivation. Now that he got Jie Zichuan's assurance, he naturally relaxed all at once.

Luo Ji, who returned to the main planet afterwards, quickly devoted himself to other tasks.

On the moon space station, after having enough experience, they will naturally become more comfortable with building a space channel to Venus and Jupiter.

Taking into account the respective circumstances of the two planets, priority is given to building Jupiter.

The distance between the moon and Jupiter, and the complexity of the space channel, are destined to be a super project.

Even on the premise that a successful experience has been accumulated, this space channel will definitely not be successfully built in just a few years.

In fact, it took them 15 years to successfully build this space channel from the moon to Jupiter!

For Luo Ji, fifteen years is of course not worth mentioning.

But for most ordinary people, it's too long!

After this long-distance space passage is completely completed, UU read and officially opened for traffic, the transportation from the main planet to Jupiter is at least dozens of times more convenient than before!

Now they set off from the main planet, fully budgeted, and only need 25 days to reach Jupiter.

This change in time can already be regarded as a qualitative leap.

After all, it is a cross-planetary movement. Unless there is a new breakthrough in technological power or space magic, it is almost impossible to make this movement efficiency and make a new breakthrough in the short term.

In any case, after this, the two planets can already transport materials and deploy manpower more efficiently.

Over the years, the cities that Luo Ji had deployed on Jupiter earlier were already organized by Ye Hua.

But there are undoubtedly some problems in the cities left over from the magical civilization.

Due to some restrictions on Jupiter's special circumstances, in these years, Ye Hua has not only counted and gathered the ‘legacy’ of those magical civilizations.

Regarding the urban buildings themselves, he actually didn't do much rectification, or in other words, just didn't move.

It was not because Ye Hua was lazy or lacking in ability.

But the golden cities that Luo Ji deployed there also need a lot of manpower and resources to maintain.

In the case of the main planet behind, there is no way to provide efficient assistance. For Ye Hua, just to govern and maintain these golden cities, the current human and material resources on his planet have almost reached a saturation point.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to mobilize a large share of manpower or equipment to carry out large-scale rectification of those magical and civilized cities.

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