The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3326: , Empty Nest Lao Luo and Empty Nest Lao Ye

Simply pack up and salute, bring your pet Simba, and the couple set off soon.

In this wave, in order to accompany his wife well, Luo Ji started to save a vacation several months ago, so he saved a seven-day vacation.

Originally, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan wanted to bring their baby daughter An Lijie on this trip to the moon.

However, after having Venus and Jupiter, An Lijie has been rushing between the two planets, busy tossing their work of state religion.

Under this premise, it will take nearly a month to get back from Venus and Jupiter, and work arrangements cannot be turned around.

In this regard, Kong Chao Lao Luo and Kong Chao Lao Ye can only take their pets and go on vacation by themselves.

Under normal circumstances, it takes nearly five hours to travel from the main planet space station to the lunar space station by taking an ordinary spacecraft. Before that, it would take half an hour to transfer from the entrance of the planet to the space station outside the main planet.

At the same time, considering that you may need to wait for the flight, it will take more time.

And Luo Ji obviously didn't need to be so troublesome when he was traveling. He took his private magic spacecraft directly, and at a speed of two hours, he arrived outside the lunar space rest station.

Obviously, the gap between magic-powered spacecraft and ordinary nuclear-powered spacecraft is still very large.

After arriving at the space station, originally according to Luo Ji's identity, he could directly walk through the military tunnel on the moon garrison.

However, this time Ye Qingxuan should have wanted to experience the facilities of her moon resort by the way. Therefore, according to his wife's wishes, Luo Ji did not use the military channel.

Fortunately, the VIP channel is not crowded, and there is no need to line up. They quickly landed smoothly.

In this era, spacecraft must be put into civilian use inevitably.

After all, it is impossible for the major companies and groups to ship this or that to Venus and Jupiter to let them arrange ships officially, right?

Therefore, almost in the early years, when Jupiter's space channel was completed, civilian spacecraft began to be put on the market.

Of course, the prices are very expensive.

However, at this stage, the company group that has the ability to develop the markets of Venus and Jupiter will naturally not even be able to afford a civilian spacecraft.

Most of the spacecraft bought by these group companies are transport spacecraft. Under this premise, they naturally launched private spacecraft in the market of civilization of the world.

Compared with a car, a private spacecraft is actually equivalent to a private car. It is basically a small spacecraft. Therefore, the price is much cheaper than those of transportation spacecraft.

But even so, the sales of private spacecraft are hardly comparable to transport spacecraft at this stage.

The reason is also very simple. For those group companies, buying transport spacecraft is rigid demand, while buying private spacecraft is non rigid demand.

At the same time, at this stage, the use of private spacecraft is very limited.

After all, flying to the moon is okay, but can they still drive a private spacecraft to Venus or Jupiter for a self-driving tour?

That would take nearly a month!

This is destined to be impossible for most families to buy this.

However, even under this premise, over the years, private spaceships have been sold one after another.

Those companies that sell private spaceships have many solid foundations. All Luo Ji knows are his wife Ye Qingxuan, Goblin King Gaowen, and Dwarf King John Thrall.

The private spacecraft on Gawain's side is relatively cheaper. In the private spacecraft, it is considered high quality and low price.

But even so, it is not close to the people. It can only be said that some small bosses can afford it.

As for the dwarf company headed by John Thrall, it is no surprise that, as always, it is taking the route of high quality and high performance.

That state is the same as selling luxury supercars. It doesn't open for three years and eats for three years. It is a high-end business.

Basically, only real local bosses can afford it.

This also made the personal spacecraft of the dwarves once become a symbol of the bosses of various big companies to show their company's strength. In fact, they sold pretty well.

This is the same as buying luxury cars and Dai Hao watches.

When discussing business between the two sides, people can't check your deposits and company turnover as soon as you come up. On the one hand, what you say is a bit embarrassing and contrived. On the other hand, there are also some credibility issues.

In this case, if you are wearing a watch with millions on your wrist and driving a luxury car with millions of dollars at the same time, then everything is easy to say.

This is actually a way to give each other information. In this way, they can understand each other's financial resources calmly, and at the same time promote their next business in a disguised form.

In this way, with different production policies, John Thrall and Gawain are still struggling with each other.

In comparison, Ye Qingxuan's company is much more comprehensive. She produces basically all types of spacecraft, covering the market in all aspects.

Now let’s get back to the subject, this VIP channel is connected to a dedicated VIP starport for those VIP customers’ ships to dock.

All of the docked inside are private spaceships. Among them, there are some sky-high luxury spaceships. The scene looks really spectacular.

The arrival of Luo Ji's spacecraft did not arouse much attention.

At most, people who happen to be nearby just look at it a few more times.

Because in terms of overall design and appearance, Luo Ji's spacecraft is not much different from those luxurious spacecraft.

But in fact, the difference is big.

The material of Luo Ji's entire spacecraft is made of elemental alloys. With this alone, his value has already exploded to other spacecrafts, not to mention that this spacecraft is still a magic power furnace...

The luggage was carried by Barenque and Tiger.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, who walked off the spaceship, both wore casual clothes, as well as peaked caps and masks.

After leaving the Star Harbor, there are two exits.

The exit on one side is connected to the lunar space rest station, while on the other side, it leads to the interior of the moon.

There is no need to go to the lunar space rest station.

There are only two main uses of the lunar space rest station. One is to check the identity of the spacecraft and collect tolls, which is similar to the toll station on the highway.

The other is to replenish the spacecraft with fuel and supplies, and at the same time give the people on board a time to rest.

Therefore, the rest station in lunar space is very similar to the rest station on the highway.

There are many shops in it, selling all kinds of food, but also selling the so-called ‘lunar specialties’.

To Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, there is nothing good to see.

This time they came here, mainly to see Ye Qingxuan's moon resort.

PS: The code word is not easy, please support the genuine |

(End of this chapter)

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