The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3330: Unknown planet

"Send a team of unmanned probes to check the situation."

While talking, on the outer side of the probe spacecraft, an armor quickly opened, and dozens of probe drones with a fuselage length of less than five meters quickly flew out and flew toward the distant planet.

Those drones used for detection have limited mobility, and it took a lot of time to get close to that planet.

In the process, the probe spacecraft No. 014 has flown over to complete the rendezvous with them.

And at the same time, the detection drone that approached the periphery of the unknown planet also began to send back information to the detection spacecraft...

The crew member who was responsible for confirming the information feedback saw him suddenly overjoyed, and even his voice was a little bit excited.

"Captain! An atmosphere is detected on the surface of an unknown planet!"

Once the news was confirmed, it caused a commotion in the spacecraft.

Although their civilization in the world is at this stage, relying on the three planets of the main planet, Venus and Jupiter, it is more than enough to accommodate the population.

But the value of a planet with an atmosphere for the civilization of the world is not limited to accommodating population.

Because under normal circumstances, planets like this have more internal resources than other planets without an atmosphere.

At the same time, the troops of their ten thousand civilizations can more easily complete stationing and build bases on this planet.

And with this planet as the center, follow-up exploration to the surrounding star field.

From this perspective, the value of this planet is very great!

But if he can be a captain, he is naturally more calm than the average crew member.

Observing the surface of that planet through a drone for detection flying outside the planet, the whole planet appears to be a kind of khaki.

Although there is an atmosphere, the ecological environment inside the planet may not be too good...

While thinking about it, after exchanging opinions with the captain of the No. 014 exploration spacecraft, the two exploration spacecraft began to send a large number of exploration drones into the planet to conduct exploration.

Those drones for detection, although they do not have much combat effectiveness, are still very versatile.

In the process of exploring the universe, they often do not need to approach the spacecraft at all. They can do most of the work just by sending a drone for detection.

A large number of drones for detection have successfully entered the interior of the planet. In the process of moving closer to the surface of the planet, the air concentration, carbon dioxide concentration and other components and values ​​in the planet have begun to pass through the system, and they are continuously synchronized to the two. Probe on the main screen of the spacecraft.

"The basic values ​​have been confirmed and meet the living conditions..."

"The humidity in the air is very low, very dry, and the temperature is 43.8 degrees..."

While rapidly acquiring numerical information, as the drones for detection continue to deepen, clearer images within the planet are also sent back.

As expected, the surface of the planet was completely deserted and the ecological environment was quite bad.

You ask if people can live? Of course it is alive.

The simple truth is that if a person eats one or two mouthfuls of rice a day, he can live, but if he eats it every day, he can live, but can that be the same? Actual feelings are very different.

Using a drone for detection, I quickly scanned the entire area. During the period, some desert creatures and desert plants were also found. However, at this stage, there is no existence of highly intelligent races.

Regarding this, whether there is or not, it will not surprise them.

This is a planet with an atmosphere and an ecological environment, and it is normal for highly intelligent races to survive.

But relatively, the environment is so bad, and the resources seem relatively barren. Some backward civilizations may not survive for a long time in this environment. If you are not careful, it is easy to be extinct due to resource problems or natural and man-made disasters. Nothing unusual.

However, out of caution, after entering the planet’s atmosphere, the two exploration spacecraft have been flying in high-altitude areas and did not land easily.

Next, they plan to send drones for detection to roughly survey the surface of the planet.

The two exploration spacecraft are each responsible for half.

As long as there are enough drones, this efficiency is still very guaranteed.

A large number of drones scattered and flying at low altitude soon discovered the existence of the oasis.

In this desert environment, the existence of oasis is very important.

Most organisms will survive around an oasis.

The drone that quickly flew over the oasis and started scanning directly. At that moment, all the creatures hidden in the oasis were invisible!

On the main screen of the 013 exploration spacecraft, scanning information is constantly fed back. At the same time, the scanned contour images are also arranged one by one by the system, and the spacecraft system automatically matches the data in the database.

Finally, I came to the conclusion that the three figures hidden in the oasis and scanned by drones are as high as 94.72% of the dwarf race, which is roughly equivalent to confirmation!

After learning about this situation, in order not to startle, the drone that flew in the air quietly opened a small hatch on one side, and a group of micro reconnaissance aircraft flew out directly from inside.

These miniature reconnaissance planes are basically made into the appearance of flying insects, so small that it is difficult for ordinary people to notice them.

But at the price of being so small, the overall performance of this flying insect reconnaissance aircraft is actually not very good.

The flight speed is not fast, the endurance is not good, and even the pixels and audio quality of the captured images are not high.

The only advantage is small!

The ultra-small size made them easily get closer, and a small gap can allow them to successfully penetrate.

With this advantage, the images of the three dwarves hidden in the oasis were quickly transmitted to the main screen of the 013 exploration spacecraft.

The three dwarves were hiding in three thick bushes, motionless.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the weapons in their hands!


Under the cover of the bushes, UU reading and the angle of influence, even if it is a flying insect reconnaissance plane, there is no way to photograph the weapon in the opponent's hand clearly.

However, the captain has basically determined that the weapons in the hands of the three dwarves should be guns.

This discovery gave the captain a lot of thoughts.

Although the dwarves are naturally talented in the use and manufacture of thermal weapons, talents are not enough for the production of firearms, and corresponding equipment and tools are needed.

From this we can see that there is definitely a civilization that is not badly developed on this planet.

At least once existed...

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