The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3332: , Unknown planet (3)

Obviously a lot of things happened on that newly discovered planet.

   But Luo Ji doesn't care about this. For Luo Ji, the most important thing is the planet itself.

   Hell, these days, it is too difficult to find a planet with an atmosphere in the universe.

   As for the environment on the planet?

   This is all right.

   When the time comes, he can use the technology side equipment to do artificial rainfall every three to five, and then let the fairies go there to toss about the greening.

   Within a hundred years, the state of that planet should be able to improve significantly.

   After experiencing the full-scale war before, he is already familiar with this set of operations, and the problem is basically not big.

   As for the natives on the planet.

  According to the current intelligence, they have discovered three races of dwarves, humans and orcs on that planet.

   The best mixed up is undoubtedly the orcs, followed by the dwarves, and the worst mixed up with humans.

   Luo Ji didn't know what had happened before on that planet, but after becoming like this, the orc with extremely strong vitality and adaptability is undoubtedly the boss.

   But the problem is not that big, no matter how well the other party mixes in that new planet, it is basically impossible to be the opponent of their ten thousand world civilization.

  'S compilation and extermination are just a matter of time.

   But considering that there are orcs over there after all, the spacecraft itself doesn't have much weapons and equipment. For the sake of caution, Luo Ji still locked the coordinates and prepared to send some reinforcements over.

   In the past hundred years, the subspace engine must have been upgraded.

   Not counting the minor adjustments and improvements, the subspace engine has been upgraded for three generations.

   Compared with the previous year, the overall stability has become even better.

   After finishing the rectification, first take the fixed space channel to reach the farthest Venus. On Venus, after a round of replenishment, directly start the subspace engine, lock the coordinate position of the probe spacecraft, and expand the space shuttle to go straight to the target.

   When the ship with the supporting forces arrived outside the new planet, the probe spacecraft, undoubtedly, thoroughly understood the situation on this planet.

The general situation, in fact, is similar to what was reported before. Obviously, this planet has suffered some drastic changes. It may be a natural disaster or a man-made disaster. After the drastic change, the living environment of all races has become extremely bad and suffered a heavy blow. After that, the orcs with the strongest environmental adaptability became the boss of the planet.

   However, the power of the orcs on this planet should not be unified.

   On weekdays, although the orcs of different races don't fight each other, they are still divided by race group and the division is very clear.

   Of course, individual orc races that have good relationships also have certain alliances.

   Judging from the situation on this planet, the orcs feel the most troublesome, so I don’t care about it for the time being. They plan to deal with the dwarves on the planet first.

   The dwarves spotted by the 013 spacecraft at that time were just a few of them.

   They live under the ground not far from that oasis. Scanned by their equipment, they have determined that the total population is 47.

  This scale can only be said to be a small village.

   But this batch is obviously not the only batch of dwarves on the planet.

   According to their follow-up detection, the dwarven races on this planet are extremely scattered, but the number is actually not small.

   The distance between them is not close, considering the environment within the planet.

   The captain of the exploration spacecraft speculated that these dwarves might not know each other's existence.

  Because at this stage, resources have restricted them to a large extent, so that the dwarves have no way to move long distances, and they can only struggle to survive within the circle centered on where they live.

   Under this premise, although the dwarves also planted some tenacious crops as food, they also captured some prey on the oasis to increase their nutrition and improve their food, but their lives were still difficult.

   Basically, it’s good to have a bite every day.

   And on this day, their hard-pressed days ushered in an earth-shaking change...

   A group of mechanical flying insects with anesthetic needles, without them noticing, flew into their underground settlement, and easily brought them all down.

   This can only bully and bully the natives. The mechanical flying insects are active and small, resulting in limited internal equipment. If you encounter some detection equipment, you can easily sweep them out.

   When the native dwarves regained consciousness, they found themselves in a completely strange place.

   There was snow white all around, and there was nothing. They should have been locked in a special room.

All the weapons on    were taken away, and both hands and feet were locked by the electromagnetic shackles of the civilization of the world. Although walking and some small movements were not affected, it was basically impossible to run.

   At the same time, if the movement is slightly larger, the shackles will produce an amazing suction force, which will constantly tighten their hands and feet and restrict their movements.

   In this state, if you are not honest anymore, the electromagnetic shackles will send out electric shocks, allowing you to experience an electrotherapy!

  The burst of electric current caused the dwarf's body to spasm.

   Due to long-term malnutrition, this indigenous dwarf has relatively ordinary bones. When he was tossed by the electric current of the electromagnetic shackles, he almost turned his eyes and fainted again.

   then looked at the electromagnetic shackles that bound his hands and feet again, the native dwarf's eyes were full of horror, obviously he didn't dare to struggle any more.

   After the mood calmed down a bit, other dwarves woke up one after another after a while, UU reading made this space obviously become a bit ‘lively’.

   After a long time, leaving the panic in their hearts, they found that this place was still a little more comfortable.

   Although it depends on the situation, they seem to be locked up in a place similar to a cell.

   But the indigenous dwarves must admit that the environment in this cell is much better than where they live.

   The air is not as dry as the environment they were in before. It can even be said that the air humidity is kept at an optimal state.

   This makes the indigenous dwarves who are used to the dry environment and their skin is almost like an old bark, which is really a bit uncomfortable.

   At this moment, the white wall that enveloped them suddenly changed for a while, and then, the walls became transparent.

   At that moment, the native dwarves found the person standing on the other side of the transparent wall for the first time, and then they were dumbfounded.

   I saw that at this moment, standing on the other side of the transparent wall was also a dwarf.

It's just that the other party is wearing a decent military uniform and a bulging military uniform. You can see that the burly body, hair and beard are also meticulously taken care of, just like a general, and they are like beggar refugees like dwarves. , It's not comparable at all.

   It is the dwarf king John Thrall who appears here at this time!

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