With the large-scale popularization of spacecraft within the planet, various urban buildings and some facilities must have changed accordingly, and it will be impossible to be the same again.

  , for example, a dock in the air.

   Let’s say the high-rise entrance again.

   Under normal circumstances, if you want to enter a building, the gate must be on the first floor. This is common sense. No fool would put the gate on the second floor, third floor, or fourth floor.

But now it’s different. In addition to the first floor, the door of a building will also appear on the fifty, 100, 150, top, and even any floor. By the way, there are often Connected to the corresponding docking yard.

   And, in the current civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, buildings with less than fifty stories are basically invisible.

Even fifty-storey buildings are very few. Most of the buildings are 100-storey upwards, 200-300-storey buildings, and there are everywhere on the road. There are relatively few buildings above 500-storey. But it is not uncommon.

   The height of the entire city seems to have risen to a certain level.

   The current imperial palace, while retaining the traditional architectural style of the celestial dynasty, has undergone a wave of earth-shaking changes. It is now 500 stories high.

  The ground floor has the largest area, and the area gets smaller as it goes up, but even so, the five hundredth floor with the smallest area is as large as 1,000 square meters.

   Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan’s living quarters were initially decided to be between the 490th and 500th floors, with ten floors.

   Actually, Luo Ji didn't need that big living space.

   When they lived in the old-fashioned palace, the living space was basically around the Qingluo Temple, including at most a garden and a venue for morning exercises.

   However, Luo Ji later discovered that more floors are actually good.

  Because they can enjoy themselves in the living space of those floors and give themselves some hobbies.

   Don’t think this is not doing business properly.

   In fact, a suitable hobby is very important.

   As the emperor of ten thousand civilizations, his daily work pressure is actually very heavy.

   Because any one of his decisions will affect the development of an entire civilization.

   Under this premise, he needs some hobbies that can adjust his mind and relieve stress.

   For example, during this period of time, Luo Ji has a hobby of building gardens besides sucking cats, so he started tossing on the top floor.

   This garden building is actually just like he likes to play development and construction games.

   Little by little, the feeling of slowly laying out a huge garden will make him fall into an unprecedented peace.

   During this period of time recently, he has just repaired the lake in his garden and made some water features.

   There are no koi in the lake, too vulgar! Those guys who didn't like this.

   Luo Ji didn't make any rare breeds for himself. He just kept a few tortoises in the lake and set up a basking stone in the center of the lake.

   When he can have a moment of free time on weekdays, he looks at the tortoises he raises, basking in the sun, and he himself leaned in a daze in the pavilion nearby.

   During this period of time recently, he feels that he has cultivated some realm.

   Compared with Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan is much simpler.

   Ye Qingxuan’s hobby, in addition to making money, is photography.

   As for shopping and buying, as well as the countless clothes, bags, shoes, etc., these are basic skills and cannot be counted as hobbies.

   So Ye Qingxuan directly made two floors, and the first floor was dedicated to storing his own clothes and bags.

   There is another floor, and she has created a private photography exhibition room for herself.

   is dedicated to her own photographs.

   After so many years, whether it is her photographs or clothes and bags, the number is quite amazing.

  The two-story building larger than Luo Ji’s top-level garden is filled with surprise...

   So this is really tossing up, to the back, ten stories are not necessarily enough.

   So, the two couples also summed it up, and finally decided to pack thirty floors.

   So and so, the 470th to 500th floors of the imperial palace became Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's living quarters.

   And the living quarters of the two men descended on the floor where the imperial guards and guards lived, as well as some palace facilities.

   Because the Janissaries and the guards also need enough space as a training venue on weekdays, this is also covered by several layers.

   Further down is Luo Ji’s office area. On weekdays, Luo Ji does some daily work on this floor. The Uejeong Hall and the Hall of Supreme Harmony are also located on this floor.

   Down the office area, a large area is the palace work area.

   To put it simply, the various departments that were originally set up in the palace are now concentrated in this area. There are still quite a lot of people, and the space needed is naturally larger.

After    go down, it should be the largest area, all the departments of Der Spiegel City are concentrated here.

  At the same time, the five-hundred-story palace, in today's civilization of the world, although it does not feel high, the height of each floor is very high. How can it be compared with ordinary buildings?

   This makes Luo Ji's palace almost the tallest building in the civilization of the world, except for the space elevator.

   Standing outside Mingjing City, looking over here, this imperial palace building in the center of Mingjing City, with its magnificent posture, is almost like a spirit of ‘being the top of the mountain and overlooking the mountains’.

   When the construction of the new palace was completed, Luo Ji couldn't help but stretched out his hand to cover his face after seeing it, and at the same time he said, "You made me a heavenly palace? ’

   Afterwards, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was really named Tiangong. After all, the height is really exaggerated. Living on the top floor is really like living in the sky.

   But in fact, according to the current technological capabilities of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, they can completely build a taller building.

   But no one will do it.

   Even though Luo Ji didn't mind himself, at the same time, he didn't make any explicit stipulations in the laws of civilization of the world.

   But who idiot dared to build his own building higher than the palace?

   For their new palace, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan are actually a bit really fragrant.

   The space is big, which is indeed good.

The biggest advantage of    is that no matter when you want to toss something new on a whim, there is enough space for you to toss and not be tied up.

   Of course, there are disadvantages.

  The disadvantage is that they are now in their own homes, and they all have to use small aircraft to travel.

too big……

   When he first lived in Qingluo Hall, Ye Qingxuan was fine, and liked to pack things up.

   And now, she quit...

  What to pack? What to pack? How to clean up? Humph!

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