In the process of chatting with Jie Zichuan, Luo Ji has more or less realized that he is unusual.

   When Jie Zichuan asked if something had happened to him recently, Luo Ji also directly told him that he had recently eaten an elf fruit and his spirit had improved.

  Jie Zichuan, who confirmed this situation, immediately had some clues.

   But what Jie Zichuan understands is actually limited.

   There are even some things, even Luo Ji himself is not particularly clear.

   As the source of faith in the civilization of the world, his level of ‘soul nature’ and ‘ideology’ that reached the level of ‘god’ was completely acquired.

   Under this premise, his innate spirit was only four stars, which actually contained him to a certain extent.

   But after the fruit of the elves was eaten, Luo Ji's upper limit of spirit was completely opened.

If Luo Ji’s soul power is compared to a fountain, the opening of the fountain was originally blocked. Although it can overflow a little from the gap, the amount of overflow is still limited after all, and it is not enough. What huge changes did he bring.

   And now, the opening is completely opened.

   Maybe Luo Ji didn't feel anything on his own, but his soul power directly ushered in a big eruption at that moment.

   During this crazy eruption process, Luo Ji, who had not successfully mastered the cultivation method, had to let him transform naturally.

   But even in the situation where the soul power is directly allowed to transform naturally, the overwhelming soul power still forms that huge spiritual sea during the eruption process.

   The reason why Luo Ji enters the Spirit Sea every day when he falls asleep is simply because his Spirit Sea is too large.

   Other mages, due to their scale, have to look for them.

   But Luo Ji didn't use it. The huge spiritual sea caused him to sink in naturally when he fell asleep, feeling that he could not avoid it.

   For ordinary high-level mages, the situation in Jie Zichuan is already very annoying.

   And Luo Ji can directly kill the popularity! It's not an exaggeration to say that it is talented.

   After this, Luo Ji also learned some exercise methods from Jie Zichuan.

   Although he has no elemental power, he can control the power of faith.

  In the next period of time?  Luo Ji put the whole focus of his cultivation completely on the control of faith.

  As soon as he came up?  In fact, he tried to learn Jie Zichuan's method?  Use faith to gather a villain to exercise control.

   Haven't tried it before?   He really doesn't know how difficult this trick is.

   After trying, I realized the difficulty of Jie Zichuan's hand.

  It's just to condense a villain, but it's actually okay?  The point is?  You have to control that villain to do actions next.

   This process made Luo Ji crazy.

Because the control is not good at all?  Don’t say it is to let the villain move smoothly and do broadcast gymnastics. Even if you do a random movement, the whole body will immediately collapse and be distorted?  Full of dissonance?   Just follow one. It's strange.

  After experiencing such a set?   Luo Ji also honestly reduced the difficulty for himself, starting with the simple ones.


   For example, condense the shape of a cube, cuboid, sphere, triangle, etc...

  These operations?   is going to be too much simpler. It is an entry-level control exercise.

   Luo Ji has been practicing this magical technique for so many years at any rate. There is still no difficulty in doing this, and it is easy to get it done quickly.

   Then the difficulty gradually increased, and Luo Ji began to control his belief power, condensing into octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, etc., in short, the complexity gradually increased.

   After Luo Ji was able to easily make these relatively complex solid shapes, Jie Zichuan began to teach Luo Ji to control the power of faith to draw, which was even more complicated.

   During this exercise, Luo Ji's mental control has naturally improved gradually.

   Gradually, he no longer needs to fall asleep to enter his spiritual sea. He can begin to easily enter and leave his spiritual sea through his own will.

   I don't know if it is his illusion. With the exercise of mental power, his spiritual sea seems to have become broader than before.

   Standing in the sea of ​​his own spirit, Luo Ji thought, and a wave suddenly surged under the mirror-like surface of the sea under his feet, and then he held Luo Ji and rushed towards the distance.

   Yes, in the sea of ​​spirit, you can also exercise mental power.

   This vast spiritual sea is itself a manifestation of his spiritual power.

   Therefore, in his spiritual world, he can actually control many things.

   Even in this control process, the whole exercise effect is better than outside.

  , for example now.

   Don’t look at the wave under your feet. It doesn’t seem to be complicated, but in fact, it is very difficult to control the natural posture presented by each wave.

   Luo Ji obviously can't do that level now, so if you look closely, you will find that the wave he used to support himself to move is actually a bit of a sense of disobedience.

   But even so, using this method to move in the spirit sea, this continuous control is actually quite laborious, for him at this stage, the exercise effect is very good.

   And today, in addition to the exercise of mental power, Luo Ji has entered his own spiritual sea, but there is actually another thing to do.

   That is that he wants to challenge again, close to the deepest part of his spiritual sea!

   When he tried to get close to the deepest part of his spiritual sea before, he quickly became confused and woke up.

   But later, he found that as his mental power increased, his depth would become larger and larger.

   After making this discovery, Luo Ji continued to make in-depth attempts.

   He is actually quite curious. UU reads in the depths of his own spirit, what is it?

   In response to this question, he also specifically asked Jie Zichuan, and at the same time told Jie Zichuan that the more he leaned deeper, the more blurred his consciousness.

   And Jie Zichuan’s answer is that the deeper you lean, the more blurred your consciousness.

  The main reason is time and consumption.

   Entering one's own spiritual sea, it is almost the same as entering a deep sleep state.

   Although you sleep for eight hours a day or even longer, the time for deep sleep is actually only about one hour.

   The spirit sea is the same. You can't stay in it all the time. When the time is up, you will naturally escape.

   Under this premise, after entering the sea of ​​spirit, if you stay in a daze and do nothing, you can stay in it longer.

   But to be honest, this approach doesn't make much sense.

   After entering the spirit sea, the mage will practice.

   Regardless of whether it is moving or practicing, it will produce consumption, thus shortening their time in the spirit sea.

   As for what is in the deepest part of this spiritual sea...

   Jie Zichuan’s answer was that it was their souls, or ideology, that were sleeping in the depths of the spiritual sea, which made Luo Ji more curious.

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