The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3362: , What are you talking about?

Slowly opened his eyes, before Luo Ji could return to his senses, a familiar voice rang in his ear.

   "Wake up! Your Majesty is awake!"

   Luo Ji heard it, it was Ike's voice.

   Then he opened his eyes completely, and while taking a deep breath, Luo Ji, who sat up from the meditation room, looked around.

   At this moment, his meditation room is really unexpectedly lively.

   Cerelia, Ike, and even Jie Zichuan are there.

   Besides, the one standing in the front is his wife Ye Qingxuan with an expression on her face full of anxiety and worry.

   didn't finally breathe a sigh of relief after seeing him.

   "Qingxuan, what's wrong? Why are you all running into my meditation room?"

   Ye Qingxuan who heard this, rolled her eyes speechlessly, and then said with an angry expression...

   "What's wrong? You've been paralyzed here for half a month, what's wrong with you?!"


   Well, he is stupid.

   "Half, half a month?"

   Hearing this, Luo Ji couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows vigorously, as if he was wondering if he was too mentally exhausted, so he had hallucinations, auditory hallucinations or something.

   But judging from the results, it doesn’t seem to be...

   Luo Ji, who didn't believe in evil, finally opened the system interface and took a look at the time.

   "Good fellow, I really have been paralyzed here for half a month?!"

   While talking, Luo Ji touched his stomach.

   "No wonder you are so hungry."

   Ye Qingxuan: "..."

   Cerelia: "..."

   Jiezichuan: "……"

   Ike: "……"


   After listening to Luo Ji's muttering to himself, everyone was speechless.

   But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

   Looking at Luo Ji's appearance, Ye Qingxuan really couldn't get angry at this moment, and in the end she could only express helplessly...

   "I have asked the kitchen to prepare meals."

   The kitchen side moves very fast. Taking into account the special circumstances, they basically give a free one after finishing.

   In this regard, Luo Ji, who has been hungry for half a month, also has a surprising amount of appetite. The speed at which he eats completely exceeds the speed of cooking in the kitchen.

   After being hungry for half a month, I changed to an ordinary person.

   But Luo Ji is no ordinary person.

   He has a new level of martial arts cultivation in the thousand-junction realm. He is half a martial arts expert for the first time. His physique is amazing? How can his stomach be so weak?

  For them? Just serve them directly.

   Although Luo Ji hasn't eaten enough after eating and drinking in a hustle and bustle, he is not as hungry as he was at the beginning.

   Luo Ji slowed down his eating rate a little? Finally, he had the time to understand the situation during this period.

   It's not complicated to speak of? Originally, Luo Ji's daily time for cultivating mental power was almost two to three hours.

   As soon as the time is up? It will naturally end the practice? Going back to Qingluo Temple to finish the meal, it is very regular.

   But this time, it was dark, and Cerelia, who had been guarding the meditation room, could not wait for Luo Ji to come out.

   In the beginning? Cerelia didn't make a fuss either.

  Cultivation, occasionally I forget the time.

   Maybe it's the critical moment? She is obviously not easy to bother.

   So Cerelia directly asked Ike to talk to Ye Qingxuan, and Ye Qingxuan didn't care. It was not the first time anyway.

   As a result, maintaining that state? Until the next morning, it was time to go to work? Luo Ji still couldn't get out of the meditation room.

   Cerelia, who had been watching outside for the night, was also clearly aware that the situation this time might be different from usual? So he opened the door of the meditation room cautiously? Planning to go in and check the situation.

   Luo Ji, this meditation room? The space is not small, but it is not much bigger.

   Cerelia, who opened the door, locked Luo Ji who was lying motionless in the meditation room almost at a glance, and then hurried up to confirm his physical signs.

   After confirming that Luo Ji's physical signs were not abnormal and that she was still alive, she did not relax, but hurriedly went to notify Ye Qingxuan and Jie Zichuan.

   According to Cerelia, Jie Zichuan should know Luo Ji's current state better than them.

   Ye Qingxuan and Jie Zichuan were shocked when they received the news. They couldn't care about anything else and rushed over.

   Jie Zichuan said after a preliminary examination that Luo Ji should be in a state of deep meditation. In theory, there is no worry about his life, but when will he wake up? he does not know.

  What are you kidding? The deep meditation that sinks into the sea of ​​spirit, even if it is a high-level mage, lasts for two or three hours in a day, it is almost to the limit.

   Their Majesty has continued from yesterday afternoon to the present?

   From Jie Zichuan's point of view, this situation is simply unheard of!

   Ye Qingxuan, who understood the situation, was very calm.

  In the years when Luo Ji went out to fight, the main affairs of the civilized rear were basically handled by Guo Jia and Lu Yang, but in fact, Ye Qingxuan also often took on the task of ‘supervising the country’.

Now something has happened. Without knowing Luo Ji’s state and how long it will take to wake up, Ye Qingxuan quickly ordered the members of the guards, including Jie Zichuan, to stay outside of the meditation room and forbid to remove themselves. Anyone outside enters and exits the meditation room, and news is blocked.

   At the same time, they urgently contacted Guo Jia and Lu Yang, explained the situation, and asked them to cooperate. UU reading www.

   Luo Ji is not here. Actually, this matter is said to be big or small.

   But, Luo Ji is asleep! This is a big deal!

Once    is spread out, it is very likely to cause civil unrest.

   Therefore this news must be blocked.

   But Guo Jia and Lu Yang, as Luo Ji's right-hand men and confidantes, will sooner or later be unable to keep a secret of such things.

   So it's better to have a direct showdown and let them help to conceal it. This is the wise approach.

   Under Ye Qingxuan's urgent handling, in the past two weeks, except for Guo Jia, Lu Yang and a small number of guards, no one else knew the news that Luo Ji was asleep.

   And now, Luo Ji has finally woken up. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It can be said that they have finally gotten them out.

   Just in case, everyone asked Jie Zichuan to check Luo Ji again. After confirming that there was no problem, they were completely relieved.

   After this, Luo Ji will naturally inevitably coax his wife. For the past half month, she has indeed worried her.

   But he really didn't expect that this wave of himself would have been in the spiritual world for half a month.

  For him in the spiritual world, it feels like taking a nap...

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