The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3371: ,Ideological Education

The attitude of the ordinary winged man in front of him had simply subverted his common sense.

   After regaining his consciousness for a while, the Six Winged Saint Wings was furious and waved his hand. Instinctively, he wanted to use some magical technique and severely teach this rude winged man who dared to mock him!

   However, the result is completely predictable.

   He had already lost all the magical skills because of the collapse of his beliefs. At this time, he didn't even have a trace of faith in his body. What kind of magical skills did he use?

   On the other hand, the ordinary wingman standing on the opposite side, as a full member of the National Church and one of the resident teachers of the National Education College, his own belief power, naturally passed the test, the spiritual practice cannot be said to be strong, but it is also decent.

   The movements of the Six Winged Saint Wings made him clearly realize what the other party wanted to do just now.

   Although he did not succeed in doing it, it is impossible for him to assume that this has never happened.

In the next second, the winged teacher pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then with a single hand wave, the power of faith was directly condensed into a shock wave, and with a'bang', the unsuspecting six-winged saint Wingskin overturned to the ground.

   "How dare you!"

   At that moment, while the Six-Wing Saint Wing Seed was stunned, the huge sense of shame made him rush towards the Wing Man teacher.

   In this regard, Hu Toru who stood by was not panicked at all, and he was in a state of watching a show.

   And the wingman teacher was also calm, spotted the opportunity, and hit another shock.

   The Six-Wing Saint Wing that was stunned by the impact force retreated several steps, but it was not directly knocked to the ground as before.

   Even though he lost his faith and the blessings of divine art cultivation, his strength was reduced by at least 90%.

   But before that, after all, he was not a wizard-type winged man who specialized in divine arts, but a fighter-type.

   Therefore, this physique still has so much points.

   In addition, what the teacher of the wingman displayed was just a low-level magical technique with limited power.

   was suddenly knocked to the ground before, purely because he was unprepared.

   Now that he has preparedness, it is naturally not the same as before.

  Unfortunately, there is nothing in this room that can be used as a weapon?  Anxiously attacking the heart?  The Six-Wing Saint Wing directly picked up a chair and threw it at the Wing Man teacher.

  The chair was blocked by the shield propped by God's Blessing Technique?   But the Six Wing Saint Wing had already culled in front of the Wing Man teacher.

   At this moment?   Tiger Toru, who watched the whole show, finally made a sound...


  In the shout of anger?  Torture did not make any movements, but the pair of beast pupils directly locked on each other.

  At that moment?  The Six Winged Saint Wings felt a strong heart palpitations during the culling process?  The action was obviously stiff, but once again, the winged teacher knocked it to the ground with a shock.

   Tiger people are born with ‘tiger power’?  When released?   will form a powerful deterrent effect.

   The Six-Wing Saint Wing was undoubtedly affected by this effect just now.

   "When you get here, you should abide by the rules here. This is the first and last time."

  After that, Hu Che gave the teacher of the wingman?   transferred two soldiers of the Janissaries to come over to assist in the work.

  From the situation just now?  Although there is no blessing and strengthening of the power of faith, but the six-winged holy wing species simply rely on physical fitness to fight?  For a winged teacher, the threat is still a bit.

  Just in case?  The guards still have to arrange.

After this?  The Six Winged Saint Wings also calmed down a little bit in his mind?  Although he didn’t make such attacks anymore, the ideological education work of the winged teachers was obviously not going well. go with.

   Although his beliefs have collapsed, the traditional winged man’s thinking is deeply ingrained in the mind of the six-winged holy winged species. It does not mean that changes can be changed.

   Therefore, at the beginning, for the teacher of that wing, this six-winged holy wing species simply belonged to the most stubborn and difficult to teach students.

   But he is not stupid after all. During the ideological education of the winged teacher, he probably understood some of the ideas of the civilization of the world.

   His inner thoughts remain the same, but this obviously does not prevent him from cooperating with each other on the surface, striving to get himself out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

   As for the six-winged holy winged kind of careful thought, Teacher Wingman is undoubtedly clear, but he has no plan to pierce it.

   There is a saying, ‘The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change’. In a short period of time, it is almost impossible to reverse a deep-rooted idea.

Luo Ji sent a winged teacher to ideological education for the six-winged holy wing. To put it bluntly, he first asked the other party to remember their thoughts and concepts of the civilization of the world. You don’t expect you to accept it in a short time, but it’s something You keep it in my mind, it's that simple.

   As for the deep-rooted ideas, he can only take time to reverse it slowly.

   Of course, in order to deepen the memory of the other party, the provincial counterpart turned his head and forgot, the teacher of the winged man, for the time being, taught the six-winged holy wing species for three full months, and asked the other party to recite the content every day.

   During this process, Luo Ji almost forgot the six-winged holy wing species, and his entire attention was focused on the newly discovered planet.

   On the new planet side, except for Vivian who followed An Lijie back to the main planet, Lattier actually stayed there.

   After the collapse of faith, those indigenous winged people had obviously lost their faith, and UU reading also caused a riot.

   But Latier has led the troops in time to control the situation.

After this, after a short vacation, An Lijie also rushed there at the fastest speed. In the next period of time, An Lijie is undoubtedly planning to use the Holy Word to spread the doctrines of their state religion and give these Wing people natives, some follow-up ideological education work has been done well.

  Under this premise, for the human kingdoms on the planet, as well as the forest kingdom composed of the elves and goblins, for Luo Ji’s civilization of the world, there is no difficulty in completing the collection.

   Among them, the simplest is definitely the human kingdom.

The Forest Kingdom is second. In order to make things easier, even to deal with things over there without blood, Luo Ji specially asked the elf king William Zhang and the elf king Hassan Medvedev to take the elf dragon Ysera on a special trip. there.

   It turned out that things went very smoothly.

   These two races, in essence, are not two militant races.

   Under the premise of allowing the same clan to come forward and show stronger strength, to a large extent, war can be avoided.

   In this process, there is even a big surprise.

   That is, Hassan Medvedev found a tree species of the ‘king of the giant tree’ in the territory of the indigenous goblin tribe!

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