The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3378: , The first face

The dark red energy cannon attack directly pierced the pitch black void and fired the first cannon in this battlefield.

   Located in the void of a third-party area, the moment they found the enemy's trail, their Vanguard Fleet, which was responsible for opening the horizon of the civilization of the world, opened fire without saying a word!

   Anyway, the opposite side has been determined, and they are all enemies, so there is nothing to be polite with the opposite side.

   The attack speed and power of the thermonuclear energy gun are undoubtedly guaranteed.

In the distant void, an iron-clad ship from the enemy’s civilization, at the moment of being attacked, a dense array of magical techniques suddenly appeared around the hull, and a defensive technique was formed. While the attack of the energy cannon was blocked, it quickly moved to one side and launched an evasive action.

   However, the attack of thermonuclear energy guns is not so easy to hide.

   It has an ability that the Elemental Magic Cannon absolutely does not possess, that is the ability to fire!

   Elemental Magic Cannon’s attacks are basically single-shot, while the thermonuclear energy cannon’s attacks have a certain duration.

   This makes the thermonuclear energy gun more flexible in operation in some attack modes.

Facing the enemy ironclad ship trying to evade action, the vanguard fleet on the side of the civilization of the world, after receiving the order, the turrets turned directly, letting the thermonuclear energy gun attack all the way to chase the opposite ironclad ship and shoot. past.

   Even if there is no way to break the shield on the opposite side directly, it can at least increase the defense cost of the opposite side.

   During this whole process, the iron armored fleet on the opposite side obviously couldn't just keep being passively beaten like this, and the counterattack from the enemy ship soon began.

During the movement of   , the naval guns equipped on the iron-clad ships also opened fire one after another.

   The naval guns on the opposite side should be similar to the elemental magic guns of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization, and they directly launched a bombardment similar to a spell attack.

   and the power is amazing, not to be underestimated.

   The two sides met for the first time, it can only be said that there were casualties to each other, and then they retreated in a tacit understanding.

  Obviously, the captains of the vanguard fleets on both sides are very clear, this wave encountered?   is just the vanguard squad on the opposite side?  The size of the troops is limited.

   Their two teams, even if they are here to fight to the death and the life?   It will not affect the next whole battle?   How much impact.

  For them, the most important thing right now?   is to quickly send the information collected here back to the back, instead of smashing the enemy here.

   Luo Ji's side?   Basically, the battle hasn't ended completely yet?   I have already passed the god-given technique first, and got a preliminary understanding of the situation here.

   As for the follow-up, some relatively detailed intelligence information and images?   Was the vanguard squad retreating?   After the battle temporarily ended, it was presented to Luo Ji through light and shadow spells.

   Through the image formed by the light and shadow spell, Luo Ji took a clear view of the battleship on the opposite side.

  The enemy's ironclad ship, the whole shape design?   does not have a strong sense of technology.

   feels like a medieval steam ironclad ship?   with a steampunk-like style.

   However, the other party's inner?   Obviously, it is far from the serious steam ironclad ship.

   After all, this normal steam ironclad ship can’t fly in space?   And it also has a shield?   Can launch spell attacks.

   Needless to say?   This is the Raksha camp side, Ivan Last's fleet.

  According to some information he learned from Mr. Zhong Mo, the magical civilization of Ivan Last, within his civilization, has a special system called ‘magic technique’.

   Some devices similar to the technology side actually exist in Ivan Last’s magical civilization.

But in fact, those things can no longer be regarded as products of the technology side in essence, but more like the magic guide born from the fusion of the technology side civilization and the magic side civilization within the Luo Ji civilization of the world. mechanical.

  From this perspective, Ivan Last’s magical civilization is somewhat similar to Luo Ji’s ten thousand world civilization.

   Luo Ji is obviously unhappy about this situation.

  Magic machinery has always been a major advantage of his civilization of the world.

   Under this premise, the other party also has similar ordnance equipment, which is not a good thing for him.

   After simply sorting out his thoughts, and making a mark on his system map, Luo Ji quickly sent a message to Zhong Mo and shared the map information with the other party.

   "Among the vanguard squads that I invested in the third-party area, one of them was in this position and met a very special small-scale armored fleet. In all likelihood, it was Ivan Last's fleet."

   The exact location of Ivan Last is still unclear, and Luo Ji obviously didn't intend to use the traces of an armored fleet to speculate at will.

   After all, if this speculation is wrong, it will become misleading information.

   So at this stage, he simply shared his known information with Zhong Mo.

   This is the same with Zhong Mo.

   However, compared with Luo Ji's side, the third-party area around Zhong Mo's Styx civilization has opened up a large field of vision, but so far, UU reading www., it seems that he has not had a face-to-face encounter with the enemy's troops.

   Considering the size of the universe, it is actually not a rare occurrence.

   After simply completing the information exchange, Luo Ji's attention was quickly placed on the follow-up report sent by the vanguard team.

   This report was sent back after they had successfully withdrawn to their temporary base on the front line.

   On the one hand, it was aimed at the previous battle. The captain attached a relatively detailed personal analysis and a report on the actual combat at that time.

   On the other hand, of course, it is also necessary to report one's own casualties.

Under a normal situation, it is certainly impossible to deploy an interstellar carrier like this small fleet that focuses on reconnaissance and vision-opening tasks. In fact, even the deployment of firepower ships is very rare. Powerful vanguard ships and functional cruise ships are the main ones, and they are flexible and efficient.

   This pioneer team is of course no exception.

The    team has a total of seven magic guided ships, of which six are the magic pioneer ships, and the remaining one is the magic cruise ship as a ‘tool ship’.

This time the small-scale conflict that broke out in the third-party area was basically not fought, but the small vanguard fleet of their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, in the short course of fighting, still paid two magic vanguard ships for moderate damage. , The price of slight damage to the four magic vanguard ships!

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