The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3380: , Technical work

In the days that followed, while the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization quickly assembled its forces, it also locked in that big position and began to continuously send out small fleets.

  Although according to Luo Ji's plan, he was inclined to fight defensive counterattacks in the early stage, but this obviously does not mean that he will stay still.

   What should be done, still has to be done.

   These small fleets are still dominated by Magic Pioneers and Magic Cruisers, and they are not equipped with large warships.

   And the main task of these small fleets is to try to figure out the specific location of the opposite magical civilization while continuing to open their vision in the third-party area.

   In addition, another main task is to prevent the opposing fleet from slipping in.

After all, this universe is very vast. Every “third-party area” filled in by the system may be as large as half a galaxy. If you want to be in a real sense, it is almost impossible to keep it airtight. The possibility of the Fang warship sneaking in is quite high.

   And the fleet of magical civilization is too threatening to Luo Ji.

   Once the opposing fleet successfully slipped in, then he has a great possibility and will pay a heavy price!

While Luo Ji’s Ten Thousand Realms Civilization made these moves, as his next opponent, Ivan Rast was obviously not idle. He also sent a large number of small-scale fleets toward this area. action.

   During this whole process, in the third-party area, it is almost inevitable that the small fleets of both sides will meet, and then there will be some friction.

   Faced with this situation, as a general in charge of sitting on the border, after learning from Guo Jia about a whole major policy at this stage, Zhao Pan naturally did not intend to exert his strength on this knot.

  Since their Vanguard Squad of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization had already been defeated in the course of the fight, they should simply maintain this state?  Let’s show the enemy’s weakness first.

   But this "showing the enemy's weakness" is obviously also a technical task.

   directly indulge in the opposing fleet?   rushed up to kill and kill, causing a lot of casualties to himself?  It was undoubtedly a failed operation.

   And the resistance was too fierce?   That obviously couldn't achieve the effect they wanted.

  How to make the other party feel that they have a huge advantage while avoiding their own casualties?  Or to minimize the casualties, so as to achieve the plan effect they want?  This is not as easy as said.

  Play this hand?   Zhouyi is an expert, rich experience, and can be called the king of the military.

   But Zhao Pan is not bad.

  Because of this trick, in addition to a wealth of experience and a precise grasp of the timing?  It also needs a very important point?  That is to be stable, and to be calm.

   Located in the third-party area, the friction between the vanguard forces of both sides, under Zhao Pan's conscious operation, at this stage?   The whole situation can be said to be under control.

   Facing a powerful magical civilization?  Of course they have to pay a price, but?  They can bear this price.

Regarding his fight in a third-party area?  Ivan Rast, of course, is concerned?  He did not despise the opponent because Luo Ji is a newcomer?  The daily battle report will be presented to him as quickly as possible. He saw it himself.

   After reading the latest report, Ivan Rast frowned slightly.

   Although the current vanguard forces of both sides are just testing each other, the opposing forces are really much more tenacious than he expected.

In spite of the continuous friction, his vanguard force has already occupied a clear advantage, almost suppressing the opposing fleet. By now, the opposing fleet has reached a point where it can run when they see them. Up.

   However, even in such a situation, the overall number of crashes is not high, or even quite low.

  In this regard, his opinion of the Minister of Military Affairs is...

   "Your Majesty, Weichen believes that this is a normal situation. At this stage, our empire is just sending some small ships to carry out activities in third-party areas."

"Although small-scale battles will erupt when the enemy fleet is discovered, but with a prudent strategy, in order to avoid excessive penetration into the enemy's position, under normal circumstances, if the enemy ship on the opposite side loses, our warship will not take risks. , Pursued deeply."

   "In this state, the number of shots is unsightly, which is natural, but in fact, every time a small battle breaks out, our fleet will cause a lot of damage to the enemy ship."

  While speaking, the Secretary of Military Affairs also glanced at Ivan Last.

   Okay, he gave this ‘be cautious’ order. If you give way to the troops in the third-party area and fight more aggressively, the number of crashes will definitely look much better.

   When the Minister of Military Affairs said this, he actually has nothing to say.

   The minister of military affairs under his command is also a five-star first-line talent. He was appointed by his hand. Naturally, he has his own ability.

   In fact, the situation at this stage is completely normal.

   Even if I really want to talk about it, he just seemed to pick bones from the egg.

   You asked us to be more cautious and want to pursue the number of shots. These two requirements are in conflict in themselves, unless the opposite party is standing in line and waiting for them to be shot one by one.

  As one of Ivan Last's confidants, the Minister of Military Affairs can naturally see some emotional changes during this period of their Majesty.

   To put it bluntly, it is a bit nervous and anxious.

  As soon as I read this, UU reading can’t help but speak again...

   "Your Majesty, please rest assured that our empire has a clear advantage in terms of hard power. No matter what the opponent is making, we only need to follow our own pace and fight steadily."

   Ivan Rath nodded when he heard this.

   "I am relieved that you are here, and you will be responsible for the next battle."

  Ivan Rast, who adjusted his state a bit, also admitted that he was a little too nervous.

   After all, at their level, it has been too many years, and no new recruits have been promoted.

Suddenly a newcomer was promoted. The most terrible thing is that this newcomer is still very important at this stage. It will directly affect the pattern and trend of their entire world battlefield. This makes Ivan Rast not nervous. Will not work.

   Coupled with the sudden incident of the system, in this state, he will inevitably appear a little nervous.

   Thinking of this, Ivan Last could not help telling himself to relax.

   In this battle, it is true that he cannot be careless, but he does not need to be nervous.

   In order to restore himself to a normal state of mind, Ivan Rast directly handed over the task of commanding combat to his Minister of Military Affairs for the time being.

   As for himself, I will adjust for a while before talking...

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