"I know the situation on your side. I will send a support soldier as soon as possible."

Before Carsondana Diego, facing Zhong Mo and Rowan Bollet at the same time, on the premise that Rowan Bollet’s goods had been paddling in the early stage, Carsondana Diego was almost beaten. Up.

   And Luo Ji's current strength is really no way to compare with Cassendna Diego in his heyday.

   At the same time, if Ivan Last and Caesar Trunk are going to do it, they are unlikely to be paddling.

   In that state, if Zhong Mo didn't send reinforcements to contain one of them, then the probability of Luo Ji being blown up next could be as high as 100%.

   At the same time that Zhong Mo said he would mobilize reinforcements, Luo Ji himself, in order to cope with this unexpected situation, naturally had to mobilize his troops quickly.

   On the premise of confronting a fleet of mechanical civilization, it is always right to reduce the troops on the side of science and technology.

   The big policy here, needless to say, mainly depends on troops other than the technology side to fight.

   At the same time, if a war breaks out, Zhao Pan will definitely not be able to take care of this.

   Therefore, the war zone on this side undoubtedly also needs a reliable future to take control.

   There was nothing to entangle with this candidate. Venus was the closest to that area. Therefore, Luo Ji directly passed the generals in charge of Venus, Guo Zhen and Du Yuanzhi.

   Even to a certain extent, they are really quite suitable candidates against the mechanical race troops.

   And while Luo Ji was busy mobilizing troops, on the other side, Caesar Trunk, who received intelligence feedback, undoubtedly shared the information he had obtained with his temporary ally.

   When the information on both sides was communicated, Luo Ji's approximate location of the civilization of the Ten Thousand Worlds was immediately cleared by them.

   Next, do you need to talk more?

   They completely reached a consensus on the matter of killing Luo Ji.

   On this side, Ivan Last's first reaction was of course that he hoped that Caesar Trunk could cooperate with him and launch an offensive towards Luo Ji's civilization of the world.

   Although in theory, according to his strength, he should be more than enough to solve Luo Ji by himself, but who would mind making it easier?

  At the same time, this battle is really crucial?   So Ivan Last just wanted a foolproof?   I didn't want to make any difference.

  But?  When he made this proposal?  I was a little bit unsure.

  Because according to the current position?  Caesar Trunk’s civilized territory?  I am afraid that most of them are connected to Zhong Mo’s Styx civilization.

  In other words?  In this battle?  Zhong Mo will definitely send troops to him.

  Even though the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk, in terms of civilization characteristics?   is a certain advantage.

  But when will they really fight?  The pressure on Zhong Mo's Stygian civilization is not small at all.

   pay a certain price?   has almost become a certainty.

   To put it simply?   In this battle, because of the situation in the battlefield, Caesar Trunk had to be forced to face Zhong Mo, which was a loss.

  Under this premise?  Ivan Last's proposal is equivalent to letting him stand against the offensive of Zhong Mo's Styx civilization?   While assisting him in attacking Luo Ji's ten thousand world civilization.

  This kind of almost blood loss, Ivan Last really hardly imagined that Caesar Trunk would agree.

   In this wave, he actually tried to ask questions.

  Who would have thought that Caesar Trunk actually agreed...

   This result obviously exceeded Ivan Last's expectations.

   At that moment, when he got the answer from Caesar Trunk, he couldn't help but think of what Zhong Mo said before. There is definitely something wrong with Caesar Trunk...

   However, it seems pointless to entangle this question now.

   For Ivan Last, it is the right thing to kill Luo Ji and restore the three-legged situation in this world battlefield.

   As for speaking, the battlefield that this system suddenly created, will it be relieved then? Then let's talk about it at that time, even if he is entangled now, he cannot produce a result.

   After receiving the news at that time, considering the distance and location, the speed of Zhong Mo's mobilization of reinforcements was obviously impossible to pass Ivan Last and Caesar Trunk.

   In order to contain the strength of mechanical civilization as much as possible, Zhong Mo, while mobilizing reinforcements to Luo Ji, also issued an order to let the undead army on the front battlefield directly attack the border defense line of mechanical civilization!

   Facing Zhong Mo's hand, Caesar Trunk was clearly prepared.

   The undead army that swept over was immediately blasted by mechanical energy weapons.

   Within a short period of time, millions of troops were evaporated.

   Regarding this result, Zhong Mo didn't move at all. In that whole state, it was as if nothing had happened, and he continued to quickly increase troops to the border of mechanical civilization.

At the same time, as one of the two town bosses who clearly focused on Luo Ji, in order not to give Zhong Mo a chance to support, Ivan Rast did not specifically wait for Caesar Trunk’s strength. It was to spot an opportunity, directly gather the army, and take the lead in pressing towards Luo Ji's ten thousand world civilization. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com

   The battles were quite big, and in the void, there were only six paths to the vanguard.

   And, unlike the previous exploration fleet, the six-way vanguard of the magical civilization is very large on the premise that the army is leaving. Basically, each path is composed of 100 iron-clad ships.

  The largest number inside, although it is still a small battleship as a vanguard, but inside it, a large battleship as a firepower is already deployed.

After the formation of    spread out, it directly dominates in a void, which is full of battles.

   Basically, I did this, but I didn't plan to hide again.

It seems that Ivan Last’s magical civilization has no plans to play with them at all. As soon as they come up, they are prepared to use the most direct and safest method to kill them, which is the so-called hard power crush. Pressure!

Facing the enemy’s side, as the supreme commander of this side of the theater, Zhao Pan certainly couldn’t let the opponent go, so he could easily pass through such a large third-party area and kill them all. The frontier of civilization does nothing.

Several attack fleets that had long been ready to go were dispatched quickly. Under Zhao Pan’s command, relying on his familiarity with this void area and his own flexibility, he directly confronted several of the magical civilization at the edge. Positioned the vanguard fleet, launched a harassment attack...

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