The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3386: , Suspicious

Latest website: Although the vanguard fleet is not strong, the size of the fleet is relatively limited. The enemy fleet has a clear advantage in terms of size and combat power. Under this premise, their vanguard fleet is being crushed and beaten for granted. Things.

However, no matter how small the vanguard fleet is, it is composed of more than 1,000 warships.

To destroy nearly 70% of the vanguard fleet's combat power in such a short period of time, it is impossible to do this with pure fleet firepower. It is bound to require an excellent fleet commander to conduct precise command.

This command capability, coupled with the size of the fleet, and the performance and combat power of the warship itself.

After sorting out the information in his mind a bit, Marshal Bahat felt that this battle might not be as good as he expected...

However, this situation did not make him nervous.

A veteran of his level has basically no need to say much about his psychological quality, and he has never lacked confidence.

The enemy is very strong, which is good.

But he is stronger!

At this moment, he really looked forward to the next fight with the opponent.

But before that...

As his thoughts flew around, Marshal Bahat's attention quickly fell on the distant planet No. 1.

Some planets with an atmosphere are almost visible to the naked eye and can be judged by just looking at them.

This No. 1 planet undoubtedly belongs to this level.

The imperial main fleet pushed forward, centering on the planet No. 1 with an atmosphere, and soon let their main imperial fleet blockade the surrounding star fields.

Under this premise, looking at that planet No. 1 from afar, General Bahat was a little strange in his heart.

As a planet with considerable strategic value, it is difficult for him to imagine that the difficult commander on the opposite side would be handed over so easily.

With such thoughts in mind, General Bahat did not dare to be careless.

After the fleet under his command thoroughly searched the surrounding star fields and confirmed that there were no abnormalities, they began to send a reconnaissance force inside the planet to confirm the situation.

According to the intelligence returned by the reconnaissance troops, the environment of this planet is very suitable for human habitation. So far they have not found any abnormalities.

However, General Bahat obviously would not relax his vigilance just because of this degree.

Instead, it sent further reconnaissance troops to let them land on the planet and conduct a more thorough inspection of the planet.

If there is no accident, this planet will become their important frontline stronghold.

Under this premise, it is also necessary to spend more time and check to make sure that the inside of this planet is foolproof.

The next week passed. During this time, the guerrilla fleet of Ten Thousand Worlds of civilization wandered around the area around the main fleet of their empire.

However, because Marshal Bahat has always maintained vigilance directly outside the planet, he has spread out the defensive formation.

Therefore, at this stage, even Zhao Pan can hardly command the guerrilla fleet to launch operations.

In the end, he could only hang around symbolically for a while and then evacuated obediently.

At the same time, the reconnaissance force sent by Marshal Bahat into the planet also completed a very thorough inspection of the planet.

"Nothing abnormal?"

Marshal Bahat, who had come to such a conclusion, frowned in disbelief.

"Is there no such thing as a bomb hidden inside this planet?"

"Report to the marshal, no bombs were found."

Regarding their marshal's caution, the soldiers under his command were not surprised. Anyway, what their marshal said, they just did what they did.

Marshal Bahat who got this answer fell into deep thought again.

Is he really thinking too much? The other side really didn't plan to do anything?

At this moment, Marshal Bahat was trying to substitute himself into the commander-in-chief on the opposite side, considering this situation.

He must say that there is also the possibility of doing nothing on the other side.

Because the coordinate position of the planet itself is also very important to the opposite side.

In the following battle, if the opponent can set off a counterattack and successfully counterattack, then this planet will become an important frontline stronghold for them.

However, if the commander on the opposite side really kept this planet with such thoughts in mind, then Marshal Bahat really couldn't help but mock the other side.

Under his offensive, still want to counterattack? Thinking too much?

After listening to all the reports of the reconnaissance units under his command, leaning in the command room of the main flagship, Marshal Bahat still had a little uncertainty in his heart.

But, continuing such a stalemate is not a solution.

Considering the next battle, they definitely need to toss out the frontline base of their empire on this planet.

With such thoughts in mind, Marshal Bahat, who had been thinking about it for a while, began to send troops to the planet one after another to build their frontline bases.

Maintaining this state, another two months passed.

In the planet, their imperial army camps are beginning to take shape, and at the same time, the number of imperial soldiers sent by Marshal Bahat in the planet is already considerable.

Under this premise, the soldiers of the Imperial Army who had survived on the planet for more than two months did not appear to be unusual.

Even the days are quite moist. The ecological environment on that planet is still quite good. Staying there is much more comfortable than staying in a battleship.

After all, for space soldiers like them, who have been on expeditions all year round, it is a luxury to be able to breathe in fresh air, let alone stay in a natural environment like this.

Now, even the soldiers under his hands began to feel that their Marshal thought too much.

Even Marshal Bahat himself couldn't help but wonder if this was his opponent. Here I sang an empty plan for him, trying to buy time.

When Marshal Bahat was so entangled, night had fallen on the planet.

Around the camp, teams of soldiers are performing patrol missions.

Although this entire planet has been surrounded by the main fleet of their empire.

However, according to the character of Marshal Bahat, this daily patrol mission must continue.

But for the soldiers on the planet, it doesn't matter.

Just take a walk outside, UU reading is blowing the night breeze, which is quite comfortable. After a little relaxation, the soldiers of the patrol team still chatted in a low voice without a word.

At this moment, a beam of lights came over in the distance, and another patrol team that had taken a different route from them came over.

This caused the soldiers to subconsciously stop chatting, and became a little more serious.

Under normal circumstances, next, the two patrol teams will meet up and continue to do their own things.

But this time, it was the moment they appeared in each other's field of vision.

The soldiers on both sides raised their rifles without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

Amidst the sound of the gunfire, bursts of fierce shouts echoed under the night...

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

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