The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3390: ,crazy? (4)

Latest website: In this wave, facing the mushroom bomb bombing that can be called victory by volume on the side of the civilization of the world, it is really not so easy for the imperial main fleet headed by Marshal Bahat to block them all.

There is no one-hundred percent probability of intercepting missile attacks, even in theory, let alone in actual combat?

Although the locked coordinates of the super-light-speed mushroom bomb of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization had always been that planet No. 1, there was nothing to do with the main fleet of the empire.

But the main fleet of their empire is now surrounding that planet One.

Moreover, could Marshal Bahat really allow Zhao Pan to blow up a frontline planet with strategic value so easily?

Obviously not!

On this planet No. 1, he was already severely overshadowed by Zhao Pan. In the end, if he didn't even keep the frontline planet, wouldn't it be worthless?

The super-light speed mushroom bomb was amazingly powerful. At the moment it hit their battleship, a violent super explosion occurred, and all battleships within a certain range were affected on the spot.

But to be honest, this is still within the tolerance of Marshal Bahat, after all, all the small ships deployed on the periphery are small ships.

Compared with this, he now has a more headache, but it is the situation within the planet.

Although he has given retreat orders to the fleet and the Eleventh Magic Pilots Corps on the planet, the imperial soldiers on the planet who have gone crazy will obviously not let them retreat easily. It is all the way. Chase.

Especially Ellen, the commander of the Eleventh Magic Pilot Corps, he has no idea how many of his subordinates he has killed until now. That attitude is completely crazy!

After becoming an enemy, his existence was a nightmare for the soldiers of the Eleventh Magic Pilot Corps.

Even if Marshal Bahat has allowed them to counterattack, they are not opponents when facing their legion commander!

At the same time, there is also a very embarrassing situation that the magic pilots of their empire? Relying on the blessing of magic spells? They are able to fight in the space environment.

In the process of evacuation of the forces on the planet, in case the Captain Ellen chases and kills...

In that scene, Marshal Bahat's head started to hurt just thinking about it.

And secretly cursed in my heart, ‘Lao Yinpi! ’

The guy who used this trick is really so dirty!

But now obviously there is no time for him to curse slowly in his heart? The most urgent thing is to quickly solve the problem in front of him? Thoughts fly around? Marshal Bahat adjusted his emotions and pressed a button in front of him.

"Two legion commanders, you should be clear about the situation here, let you join hands? Are you sure you can catch Commander Allen back alive?"

At this moment? General Bahart contacted the Empire's 7th Sorcerous Regiment Commander Jarvis and Ninth Sorcerer Regiment Commander Moqi, who had arrived at the front with their main fleet this time.

Counting Ellen's 11th Magic Pilots Corps, there are three Magic Pilots that accompanied him this time.

Obviously, not all of their empire’s magic pilot regiments were dispatched. After all, for their empire, the threats that existed in this battlefield were not only Luo Ji’s civilization of the world.

Zhong Mo's Styx civilization? Even the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk, for Ivan Last? is a huge threat far beyond Luo Ji.

He and Caesar Trunk? It is indeed a temporary alliance.

But in the end? Is there any restraint in this so-called alliance?

Obviously does not exist.

For Caesar Trunk, Ivan Last could not be defenseless.

Therefore, some of the other magic pilot regiments under his command were sitting in the empire at this time, while the other part was under the command of the other imperial marshal in the wings of the empire, who was as famous as Marshal Bahat. On the border between their magical civilization and mechanical civilization.

Now facing Marshal Bahat's questioning, Jarvis and Moqi, both commanders of the army, shook their heads almost simultaneously.

"Very difficult."

During this time, they have undoubtedly confirmed the battle images in the planet, so they have a general understanding of the whole situation.

"Although Commander Allen is'crazy,' his fighting style is not crazy at all, and his combat effectiveness is almost fully utilized without any impact."

"If Vitas is here, according to his mastery of the thunder and lightning technique, with his instant explosive power, the three of us cooperate, it would not be difficult to capture Allen alive, but now only me and Jarvis..."

Speaking of this, the commander of the Empire's Ninth Magic Aircraft Corps, Mo Qi, paused.

"It is not difficult to kill Allen, but it is too difficult to capture him alive. That is a legion commander..."

Hearing what Moqi said, Marshal Bahat was silent, yes, that was the commander of a magic pilot regiment.

Although it was a newcomer who was promoted after that battle, his strength has already become one of the top combat powers in their empire. How can it be so easy to catch the opponent alive?

And during the time that Marshal Bahat fell into silence, Jarvis, the commander of the Imperial Seventh Magic Aircraft Corps, spoke...

"And the situation inside that planet is very wrong, right? Captain Allen and I, although they are not too familiar, are definitely not a traitor."

"Now that something like this has happened, it means that there must be something in this planet that has caused this to happen."

"The reason is still unclear. If Captain Moqi and I lead troops deep into the planet, it is impossible to guarantee that the same situation will not happen. At that time, should the Imperial Army retreat directly?"

Indeed, just a legion commander went crazy, for many imperial soldiers, it was already a nightmare, three legion commanders went crazy? Can't it be blown up directly?

However, Marshal Bahat has a clue about this problem.

"The problem is probably in the air."


"Yes, I found that all the soldiers who were ‘crazy’, including Captain Allen, did not wear masks on their faces."

Having said this, Marshal Bahat couldn't help adding another sentence.

"Although this is just my guess, but I think that things are like this in all probability, continue to let Captain Ellen go so crazy, if he rushes out of this planet, the situation will only be worse for us. ..."

"So, please lead the two army commanders out, try to catch them alive, if you can't, then you can only kill them!"

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