The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3393: Miscalculation

Latest URL: Although this is not a joyful thing, they at least have completed the task.

In the planet, the rest of the matter, the soldiers of their seventh and ninth magic pilot regiments, can basically solve them.

After Moqi and Jarvis notified the soldiers under their command, Moqi and Jarvis, with the fastest speed, separated from the planet and returned to the outer planet, the main fleet of their empire. On board.

At this moment, Marshal Bahat, who confirmed the news, looked ugly.

This hasn't officially started the fight yet, and the three army commanders who went on the expedition with him have now suffered one death and two injuries.

Before, tell Marshal Bahat about this, he probably didn't believe it.

Breathing out a long breath, he is a veteran after all, and it doesn't help to struggle with something that has happened.

Marshal Bahat quickly adjusted his mentality and turned his attention to what was in front of him.

It's better to say that Mochi's injury is more serious. It is Jarvis who is clearly injured.

Marshal Bahat also hurriedly called the medical soldiers over to treat the wounds of the two.

At the same time, taking into account the special situation they just came out of the planet, before they formally contact with other people in the ship, they should be thoroughly disinfected first, and then they will be checked.

Especially for Jarvis, whose mask was blown up during the battle, this must be inspected more frequently, and Marshal Bahat can feel relieved.

After all, if Jarvis was crazy at this time, Moqi alone would not be able to restrain him, he didn't want to face that terrible situation.

According to the preliminary inspection results, there is no problem.

However, Marshal Bahat was still not at ease. So, after discussing with Jarvis and Moqi, they arranged a room for each of them in the fleet for isolation and recuperation.

Of course, quarantine and recuperation is a better way of saying this. The ugly thing to say is that you were detained to observe the situation.

Regarding this, Jarvis and Moqi actually accepted this, especially after seeing Allen's crazy appearance, they undoubtedly had a little fear in their hearts that they would become like that.

In this process of isolation and recuperation, Marshal Bahat naturally also learned some specific information from the two through communication equipment.

"This time, did the two legion leaders find anything?"

Facing this problem, Moqi didn't find much, but after thinking about it for a while, Jarvis spoke...

"The glory of the empire is with me."


At this time, Marshal Bahat and Moqi had strange expressions on their faces.

After all, they didn't let Jarvis be loyal to the Empire now.

As a result, when they were so strange in their hearts, Jarvis spoke again...

"The glory of the empire is with me. The guy yelled this when he was holding me and exploding himself with a burst technique."

At this, Marshal Bahat's brows wrinkled visibly.

"Leader Allen yelled this sentence when he blew himself up with a burst technique, which shows that he is still fighting from the standpoint of the empire, otherwise it would not be the case, but the contradiction lies in his standing From the standpoint of the Empire, they attacked you..."

"What if he didn't see us?"

Jarvis said lightly.

He admitted that when Allen’s **** grabbed him and blew himself up, he couldn’t wait to let the lunatic go to death. Even after that, he still seemed extremely annoyed. After all, he was almost pulled by Alan’s madman. Go fold back!

But after slowly calming down, Jarvis quickly noticed something wrong, especially after recalling the words before Allen blew up.

Judging from that sentence alone, that guy's lunatic behavior at the time was like a heroic sacrifice for the empire.

This made Jarvis feel a little confused, until he had an idea.

"The imperial soldiers suddenly rebelled and killed each other. This seems too weird, but what if they didn't see us in their eyes at the time, but some strange enemies that they didn't know at all?"

"You mean, they have hallucinations?"

Marshal Bahart, who quickly reacted, began to think carefully while speaking.

"I haven't thought about this possibility. If this is the case, the harmful substance that exists in the planet is very likely to be neurotoxin."

Having said this, Marshal Bahat groaned for two more seconds.

"In short, the troops dispatched to the planet have confirmed that they have caught a part of their lives. After the inspection, they should be able to draw a conclusion."

While talking, Marshal Bahat, who temporarily hung up the communication, quickly shifted his attention to another place.

"How is the situation now in the outer area?"

"Report to the Marshal, the other party did not rashly launch a strong offensive, but after launching a few rounds of offensive on the periphery, they began to retreat."

In response, Marshal Bahat directly let out an angry grunt.

"Huh! Think they are smart."

In the process when they felt big because of the situation in the planet, the fleet of ten thousand civilizations appeared in the outer area without any accident.

However, the planet’s internal chaos reverted to chaos, but on the periphery of the planet, the battles of the empire’s main fleet were still amazing.

After all, the magic pilot regiment and the army stationed on the planet, and their empire's main fleet, are basically three different forces.

This is the difference between the bit species, the army, and the navy fleet.

The former was in big trouble, and its impact on the battle power of the main empire fleet was actually very small.

After a few rounds of probing, Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, who knew that there was no chance, naturally followed Zhao Pan's meaning and gave priority to stability. UU read www.uukanshu. Com first and then withdrew.

After all, after the garrison was fully withdrawn, they didn't know exactly what was going on on Planet One.

In Zhao Pan's words, on Planet One, he was supposed to say hello to the opponent first, anyway, he didn't expect to solve the opponent so easily at first.

At the same time, it can also be seen from the number of warships outside the planet that the opponent may have always had doubts about that planet. Inside the planet, it is estimated that a few small troops have been sent, and all the large troops stayed outside the planet. Therefore, he It is estimated that the casualties caused by that hand are limited.

I have to say that Zhao Pan really knows his opponent well after fighting all the way.

However, one thing he guessed wrong.

That is, in this round he set up on Planet One, the loss to the imperial army headed by Marshal Bahat was far greater than he expected.

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