The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3395: , A little confused

The latest website: Zhao Pan’s hand, although it did not cause much loss of force to the imperial army headed by Marshal Bahat, the deaths of Major General Jim and Allen Corps, as well as Jarvis Corps and Moqi Corps The long injury, invisibly, has already given Marshal Bahat a disarm!

There is no impermeable wall in this world. If something like this happens, it is impossible to hide it from within the Imperial Army.

Although Marshal Bahat has been trying to control the news as much as possible, and said that the whole situation has been resolved.

But the imperial army, which was originally aggressive, was still affected by this incident in terms of morale.

This is obviously not a good thing for a large army.

Fortunately, Marshal Bahat's ability is still very secure. Although morale within the Imperial Army has fluctuated to a certain extent, he finally stabilized.

At the same time, considering the deaths of Army Commander Allen and Major General Jim, as well as the injuries of Army Commander Jarvis, the high-end individual combat power on his front line was damaged.

In order to make up for this loss of combat power, Marshal Bahat also got in touch with the rear at the first time.

Ivan Last who received the news was undoubtedly a little bit unable to believe his ears.

As one of his confidant generals, he certainly has no doubts about the ability of Marshal Bahat, but in this state, their imperial army has not even formally started war with the opposing frontier army. Broken a major general and a commander of the magic pilot regiment?

Seriously, Ivan Rast was a little confused at the time.

Recalling the previous battle with mechanical civilization, after so many years of fighting, the price he paid for the magic pilot regiment was that four army commanders died in the battle, and three army commanders were seriously injured and retreated to the second line.

And with Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, he just started fighting, what happened?

At the same time, what is even more annoying is that, strictly speaking, Commander Allen and Major General Jim died in their own hands in the Imperial Army...

This wave is completely a trick on the opposite side, and it smashed him severely!

Of course, Ivan Last was annoyed, but he was not naive enough to accuse the civilization of the world of tricks.

War is not a fair game, but a life-and-death fight.

In order to survive, everyone will naturally do everything possible!

There are no good men and women who can reach this point.

You can only blame yourself for the opposite Tao, otherwise you can really blame the enemy for being too cunning?

Let's not talk about the strength? What happened this time? Let Ivan Last and the others clearly realize that some of the methods of the Ten Thousand Realm Civilization are indeed hard to guard against.

Marshal Bahat at the front line? Actually, he was cautious enough.

The situation at that time, if someone were to change? Their front-line army directly stationed on that planet on a large scale.

So, what’s coming back now? I’m afraid it’s not a report application for supplementing high-end combat power? It’s a defeat report...

Thinking of this, Ivan Raster really had a trace of fear in his heart. This is indeed an opponent that cannot be underestimated!

Next, as for Marshal Bahat's request to send high-end combat power to make up for the loss of combat power? Ivan Rast didn't have much trouble? He changed hands and sent three more magic pilot regiments.

Although mechanical civilization needs to be guarded, he can't overturn the ship in the gutter on the side of the heavenly civilization called Luo Ji.

At this point in time, it is impossible to build a fixed space gate to the frontline planet.

Let alone the front line? Even the fixed space gate leading to the third-party planet closest to his border is still under construction.

Therefore? This time support, their imperial fleet? Certainly can only choose not to use fixed space doors, space shuttle.

In addition to the possible deviation of the exit position? The efficiency will actually be relatively slow.

Preliminary estimates are that starting from the border of their empire and arriving at Marshal Bahat's planet One, it would probably take six to seven months.

This time is not long for a galaxy-level war.

In a war of this kind, suppose you have fought for a hundred years. In fact, in this hundred years, you may have been on the way to fight for sixty to seventy years, and more than half of the remaining thirty to forty years. The time was stuck in a stalemate, or preparations were made before the war. The last few years were the only way to do it seriously, which is almost the same thing.

Under the premise of sending three more magic pilot regiments behind Ivan Last to support the front line.

On the front line, when it became clear that the situation in the planet was caused by the phantom poisonous flower, the matter was easy to handle. Marshal Bahat directly sent the warship in, and threw a string of burning toward the place where they were preparing to land and camp. bomb.

The astonishing high temperature directly turned a whole area into scorched earth.

Inside the planet, although the Poisonous Flowers in other areas are still there, the area that has been bombarded by incendiary bombs is basically no problem.

According to their research, the pollen of the phantom poisonous flower does not mean that it will kill you if you inhale a little, but it takes a considerable amount of inhalation to cause that situation to happen.

Commander Allen had a fierce fight with Major General Jim. During the battle, he was short of breath, blood flow increased, and within a short period of time, he inhaled a large amount of phantom flower pollen floating in the air. Led to that result.

Under normal conditions, it is impossible for an ordinary person to inhale so much pollen in a short period of time.

After an area was cleared, Marshal Bahat signaled some troops to do a good job of protection, UU reading once again settled inside the planet, began to build a frontline camp on the scorched earth bombed by incendiary bombs, while sending other troops. , To deal with the phantom poisonous flowers in other areas of the planet, without delay on either side.

In this process, facing the imperial army that did not immediately launch an offensive, within the border of the civilization of the world, as the guarding general, Zhao Pan was having a long-range tactical meeting with generals such as Yuan Xi and Gao Yi.

Meetings like this will be held at regular intervals after the war to confirm the situation of all parties.

"On the enemy side, there has been no movement for a while. Could it be our previous hand that caused the enemy to lose more than we expected?"

During the meeting, Yuan Xi, who has recently sent a small vanguard fleet to explore the periphery of Planet One, raised his doubts.

This time, Yuan Xi's meaning is relatively obvious, that is, whether to gather forces and attack in a wave!

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