The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3398: , Gun and shield

At that time, after confirming that Yuan Xi and their magical fleet would go to test the reality, out of caution, Zhao Pan asked his son to lead his army to follow, just in case.

   Now it seems that his preparation is correct.

  The lion and scorpion flapped their wings and flew all the way. After flying to a certain distance, the soldiers of the battalion of the gods arm and bow jumped up and directly spread the battlefield in the void.

   Between the curved bow and the arrows, the arrows filled with qi, like a meteor, swept the magic pilots who were chasing up in the distance.

  The attack of the battalion of the God Arms was extremely fast, and the magic pilots of the Ninth Magic Pilots of the Empire who were caught off guard immediately paid the price.

   At the same time, the martial arts soldiers of the Iron Wall Legion headed by Zhao Hao also jumped up, formed a battle formation, and killed them.

   After the distance is close to a certain point, they directly form a battle formation and move. The overall movement efficiency is completely higher than that of riding a lion.

   Of course, this does not mean that lions and scorpions are useless. As a warcraft, a group of lions and scorpions can show considerable combat effectiveness in a war.

  Especially their large fireballs with mutated and corrosive properties, which can reduce the strength of enemy armor in disguise, they are of considerable tactical value!

   Zhao Pan’s trump card troops quickly smashed into a group with the Ninth Sorcerous Regiment of the Empire on the side of Sorcerous Civilization.

   This time, the reason why Zhao Pan sent this unit out, besides just in case, he actually wanted to find out the details and strength of the opponent.

  As a general under Zhao Pan and a strength seeker in the army, at this moment, Zhao Hao is naturally the target of Moqi, the commander of the Ninth Magic Aircraft Corps of the Empire!

   That guy, since just now, has been shrinking behind and firing wildly.

   The existence of the opponent has already caused the loss of several warships to their magical fleet of civilizations of the world.

   Now that Zhao Hao is here, he will definitely not allow the other party to do whatever he wants!

   There is no intention to hide his intentions at all. Zhao Hao, who is in the void, has "Hunyuan Wujigong" running at high speed in his body, and then directly unfolds the body technique, approaching at the fastest speed.

   Facing such a situation, of course Moqi could not be defenseless.

  As a magic pilot with long-range output, he is usually on the battlefield. There will be a guard team composed of 30 people around him, which is responsible for protecting his safety.

   These thirty people are all good players in the military. Even in the Imperial Magical Corps, which is all composed of elites, they are all elite-level existences, which are the so-called elites!

  In the face of Zhao Hao's rapid approach, the thirty people who quickly spread the magical technique?   directly took up the magical rifle in his hand?   started shooting, trying to kill him halfway.

  Insert a sentence, really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

   However, Zhao Hao's movements were swift and unmatched, with thirty people sniping?   There was no way to hit him.

   After two rounds of shooting to no avail, they directly changed their strategy.

   The attacks of some of them, after breaking out, split up directly, forming an astonishing range attack, completely blocking Zhao Hao's path.

   At the same time, the remaining part was directly replaced with an armor-piercing projectile with strong shooting ability and began to lock.

   As long as Zhao Hao reveals a flaw under their range, they will kill him directly!

   But the result was obviously not as they wanted.

   Facing the attack, Zhao Hao yelled, and the golden bell suddenly opened.

   Not to mention those range attacks, even the armor-piercing bullets of the magic guided rifle were all bounced off, and there was no way to hurt Zhao Hao.

   This situation undoubtedly surprised the magic pilots.

   The magic missile they used just now, even the armor of a heavy tank, can be destroyed in one shot. However, it failed to penetrate the strange shield around the opponent?

   During this process, Mo Qi, who had been concentrating before, sniping the magic warship, undoubtedly discovered the abnormality here.

   Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the golden bell around Zhao Hao, which bounced off all the armor-piercing bullets of his guards.

   At that moment, he made a decisive decision and directly changed the target of his attack. With a turn of his gun, the anti-ship-class magic missile that was supposed to be hit on a magic warship directly hit Zhao Hao's golden bell.

  In a short time, only a ‘boom’ was heard, like a humming like a Hong Zhong, Zhao Hao’s entire body flew upside down on the spot for two to three kilometers, but the whole body of the golden bell did not even show a crack!

   Now, even Mo Qi was shocked.


   That was a blow comparable to a battleship’s main gun. When it hit a single unit, the opponent actually resisted it? !

There was no time to think about it. Mo Qi was taken aback and moved extremely quickly. He quickly stuffed the second ship-level magic missile into the ship-level magic rifle in his hand, and aimed at Zhao Hao. , Continue to fire.

   Moqi's marksmanship was amazing, even if Zhao Hao had been mentally prepared, he couldn't avoid the opponent's snipers 100%.

But it doesn’t matter. In terms of physical fitness, Zhao Hao may not be ranked among the top five fierce generals in the civilization of ten thousand worlds. But when it comes to defense techniques, Zhao Hao’s golden bell is in the civilization of ten thousand worlds. , That is the well-deserved defense first!

   Even with Mo Qi, the thirty magic pilots of UU reading can't help him at all.

   But relatively, facing Moqi's main gun level sniper, Zhao Hao was also difficult to approach for a while, and was a bit suppressed...

   Although his "Hun Yuan Wu Ji Gong" is strong and powerful, he is best at fighting protracted battles.

But this time, in accordance with the requirements of his father, Zhao Pan, his first task was to cover the smooth retreat of the magical fleet, and the second task was to explore the reality of the opposite side and see if he could force the opposite side. Some means so that they can obtain intelligence information, and the third task is to find an opportunity to see if they can kill the enemy to obtain high-end combat power.

   Therefore, under the premise that the first task is the highest priority, once the magic fleet is withdrawn, he will have to follow it. It is impossible to stay here and fight alone.

   After all, when the time comes, the enemy will be surrounded on a large scale, even if he is, I am afraid that the enemy will be surrounded and killed here.

   As for the extent to which the Magic Fleet can successfully retreat, it naturally depends on his ability!

  As his thoughts flew around, Zhao Hao clenched the sword in his hand.

   The next second, accompanied by a low roar, Zhao Hao's whole body, the terrifying qi began to rise wildly, in his eyes, it seemed that there was a divine light bursting, piercing the void, and his strength, followed by crazy soaring!


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