The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3407: , Sudden attack (3)

   On the side of mechanical civilization, the force field shield of the Class A starship could not stop this attack. With the heads of Clad and Jets shaking, two azure dragons' breath swept across it this way.

   just like the most powerful laser cutting machine, it directly shredded the force field shield of the A-class starship of mechanical civilization, and then broke the hull, forcibly splitting the entire starship into two!

   Two bursts of air-breaking dragon's breath directly caused a series of dense explosions wherever they passed.

   The mechanical starships that were attacked by the air-breaking dragon's breath crashed one after another in the void.

   And just as Clad and Jets launched the Dragon's Breath Strike, although there were elven druids in their troops to ensure their safety, they couldn't stand the opposing mechanical warriors. The number was really large.

  The elven druids were lacking in skills, too late to intercept, so that some of the mechanical warriors rushed up.

   Perceiving the enemy's high-speed approach, Clad and Jets, who had finished breathing out a dragon's breath, did not maintain their dragon spirit form all the time.

  Because in the stance of the Faerie Dragon, there is actually not much advantage in close combat.

   Transfiguration was applied again, and under the light of the whole body, the two huge elven dragons re-transformed into the form of eagle spirits in an instant. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   With flapping wings and agile and swift posture, they easily dodge the energy attack of the mechanical warriors, and then immediately slaughtered them. The intensity of the battle on this side of the battlefield also increased linearly.

   At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, Guo Zhen, who was also intercepted by a large number of mechanical warriors, jumped directly from the back of the flying dragon with two feet and killed the mechanical warriors in the distance.

   At the same time, the two-footed wyverns who joined the battlefield as mounts are also directly incarnate as individual combat units and joined the battle at this moment. This is undoubtedly a force that cannot be ignored.

  At this moment, the battle on the flanks on both sides broke out!

  As a general of the sandstorm troops, Guo Zhen's martial arts cultivation has finally achieved success after so many years, and further, he has officially reached the level of perfection in the ten thousand dharma realm.

   Even in the battlefield of this level, a martial arts expert with a perfect state of ten thousand dharma cannot be underestimated.

   Therefore, after sensing the threat of Guo Zhen? The mechanical civilization side? Undoubtedly, they have given priority attention to him, and dispatched six mechanical A-level fighters to launch a siege on him.

However, the teamwork of six A-level mechanical fighters? Obviously it is not his opponent. Guo Zhen runs "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" to explode his strength. After a few rounds of fighting, he completely blows one of the A-level fighters from the mechanical clan. .

   The remaining five A-class fighters of the mechanical clan saw that the situation was not good? They immediately established the tactics through their internal communication network of mechanical civilization.

   Two of the mechanical A-class fighters quickly retreated, trying to enter annihilation mode.

   And the other three A-level mechanical fighters directly killed them, dragging Guo Zhen? to help the other party buy time.

   Annihilation mode is a state similar to madness for the mechanical warriors.

  Once it enters the annihilation mode, under the premise that the output power is fully turned on and the overall performance soars, the energy consumption will also increase exponentially, and at the same time, the life of a body will be greatly reduced.

Basically? In the machine clan, only A-level fighters and S-level fighters can use it? As for those below A-level, their bodies do not have this function? They cannot support the consumption and burden of this state. .

   The two A-level fighters of the mechanical clan have very obvious intentions to enter the annihilation mode.

   But even Guo Zhen, whose martial arts cultivation has reached the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, would like to get rid of the entanglement of the three A-level mechanical fighters in front of him in a short time? That is also an extremely difficult thing.

   Not to mention the reason why this machine clan cannot die because of itself? So they have no scruples when they fight.

   The three A-level mechanical fighters in front of them are probably prepared for self-sacrifice.

   In the face of Guo Zhen who once tried to break through, they almost put on a self-destructive mentality to intercept.

   Now, Guo Zhen can think of it.

   It must be too late to stop it. In that case, he simply rushed to kill the three guys who were in the way before the two mechanical A-level fighters entered the annihilation mode!

   Before the six A-level mechanical fighters teamed up, he beat one out. Now there are three, how could he be his opponent?

   After Guo Zhen got serious, another mechanical A-class fighter was quickly blown up.

   However, before he could blow another one out, the two mechanical A-level fighters in the distance had already entered annihilation mode!

   At that moment, the other two mechanical A-level fighters who had been entangled with him immediately retreated. The next second, an astonishing dark red energy attack, they shot over like crazy.

   The attack speed was amazing. Guo Zhen, who made an evasive action, was swept away by the energy attack on the golden bell on one side, and was pierced on the spot!

   Although Guo Zhen is more adept at offensive and defensive exercises have not been very good, but the opponent's energy attack can penetrate Guo Zhen's golden bell so easily, which is enough to prove its power. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   However, Guo Zhentai is not too panic. Under his command, the soldiers of the sandstorm troops will soon arrive.

   Faced with two A-class fighters of the machine clan who had turned on the annihilation mode, Guo Zhen directly ordered...

   "End! Dang Liuhe!!"

   As his own soldiers, the tacit understanding between them is naturally needless to say.

   After receiving the order, the battle was formed with just one breath.

   As the battle formation, with the blessing of the Dang Liuhe battle formation, Guo Zhen's offensive, which has increased in combat power, has become more fierce.

   He did not choose to take care of the two A-level fighters of the mechanical clan who entered the annihilation mode at the first time.

   The first reaction is to kill the two that are retreating first. This is undoubtedly to prevent the two from entering the annihilation mode.

   But the other side is obviously very alert.

   At the same time that Guo Zhen's intention was sensed, the two A-level fighters who maintained the annihilation mode directly shot over with a high-density energy attack.

   The threat of firepower in this annihilation mode is still not small, but Guo Zhen didn't plan to let the two A-level fighters escape.

After    wait for them to come back again, at that time, he will have to face four A-level fighters with annihilation mode activated at the same time.

   This threat still cannot be ignored.

   At this point, Guo Zhen, who was maintaining the six-point battle formation, once again opened the golden bell, directly attacked a part of it, and killed the two A-level fighters who tried to retreat!

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