Obviously, this is the real purpose of Luo Cheng's shot.

  While telling Zhao Hao that Griffin is dead and he is about to retreat, Luo Cheng also used that spear light to help Zhao Hao figure out where Harros is.

   Zhao Hao had been violently attacking Moqi before, and he was also entangled by Baal. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Harrods' guard against him is one or two points lower.

   Coupled with the spear light that Luo Cheng suddenly shot before retreating, Harros suddenly focused his attention on the attack that came towards him.

   Now Harrods, who had just avoided the spear light, faced the war knife that was engulfed in vigorous air and flew towards him, his brain was blank.

   Everything that happened completely between the electric light and flint, left his brain with no room for thinking.

   completely followed his own body's survival instinct and made an evasive action.

  In a short time, a fragmented arm flew out, along with the spray of blood, Harros made an extreme reaction with his body instinct and escaped.

   And Zhao Hao, who made the final blow, was shot to the head by Mo Qi in the distance!

   After the news from the front line was passed back, Marshal Bahat, who was in the main flagship command room, was dumbfounded for two seconds.

   In this wave, he holds the main imperial fleet, plus five imperial magic pilot regiments and four legion commanders. It can be said that he fought this battle with a certainty of crushing the opponent.

   As a result, among the four commanders of the army, they were killed and disabled.

   Fortunately, they also succeeded in killing the opposing one, and the enemy general who was able to resist Moqi's ship-level attack and had quite amazing defensive power, it was not a dead end.

At the critical moment, Marshal Bahat also made a decisive decision, and promptly signaled that the commander of the Harros Army, who was beheaded by the enemy general, would temporarily hand over the command of the Eighth Sorcerer Corps under his command to the deputy commander? Come down to treat the wound.

   Ivan Last’s magical civilization? Although there are some black technologies, medical development is relatively average.

If this is delayed for a long time? Harros’s broken arm? I can’t get it back if I'm not sure, or is it? But it also left some roots. What does it mean for a regiment commander-level combat power? The impact is undoubtedly huge? So it is better to move faster.

   As for after this...

   Marshal Bahat decided to continue the attack!

   Judging from the information returned just now.

   There were two generals with powerful individuals facing each other.

   One of them was dead, and the remaining one was withdrawn for a while after killing Griffin.

   Under this premise? Even if the other side kills again? They also have two legion commanders, which can form a two-on-one situation.

   Even though they both had a wave of high-end combat power just now, they also paid a considerable price.

   But in fact, in terms of overall strength, they still dominate? No need to persuade!

   Even if I really want to say, the opposite side is also a general? They are now under pressure, maybe they can still take this opportunity? See if they can directly use a wave of storm to take down this side of the border!

   Sorted out his thoughts? At the same time, Marshal Bahat who adjusted his mentality? He quickly issued the order to continue the attack.

   And on the other side? As the commander-in-chief of Battlefield One, Zhao Pan undoubtedly received news that Zhao Hao had left behind and his life and death was unclear at this stage.

   After all, they are different from the Imperial Army. They are not quite clear about the situation on their side, after Luo Cheng evacuated the battlefield, and Zhao Hao.

   When Zhao Pan heard the news, his heart trembled slightly.

   But he calmed down quickly.

   As Zhao Hao's father, Zhao Pan could not remain indifferent when he heard such news.

   But with the means of resurrection, he certainly wouldn't be too sad.

   In just an instant, Zhao Pan recovered his calm and quickly asked about the specific situation.

   After learning that Zhao Hao had opened the Wushuang mode to cover the news that Luo Cheng had killed a top expert on the opposite side, Zhao Pan's eyes flashed with clarity.

   Knowing the son Mo Ruofu, after learning about the situation from Luo Cheng, Zhao Pan probably knew what Zhao Hao thought at the time.

   Zhao Hao’s thinking at the time cannot be said to be wrong, but it cannot be said to be right.

   There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world.

   When a person makes a choice, while gaining something, he will inevitably lose something.

   This wave, Zhao Hao's choice, allowed Luo Cheng to successfully kill the opposing top powerhouse, but at the same time it also caused them to lose his incomparable combat power in the future.

   What kind of impact this will have on the subsequent battles, even Zhao Pan, is still unclear.

   In this state, the opposing Imperial Army had made the choice to continue the offensive. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   As the defender, Zhao Pan can only meet him!

   A large number of ‘Swarm’ unmanned fighters are still flying out, and the weapons and equipment on the technological side are basically concentrated on Battlefield One.

   Therefore, their inventory of ‘Swarm’ drones is still quite sufficient.

   After so many years of accumulation, even if it is a sea tactic, they can fight it, and in the end it is a matter of loss.

   At the same time, outside the Great Wall of the Void, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and their five main magical fleets of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization have also deployed their firepower formations.

   Just wait for the enemy's imperial army's troops to enter their firepower strike range, and fire directly!

   For Marshal Bahat, the rigorous preparation of the civilization of the world was entirely expected.

  The magic pilots of their Imperial Army are still the main force, rushing to the front, trying to cut in and contain the firepower on their side.

   maintained such a posture, after they had reached a certain distance, the firepower output of the civilization of the world officially entered the second stage!

   Above the Void Great Wall, elemental magic cannons unfolded at this moment.

   Nowadays, the elemental magic cannon of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, after receiving the blessing of some fixed arrays from the array mage, its comprehensive performance has become stronger than before.

At this moment, before the muzzle of a large number of Tier 4 fire element magical cannons, the huge scarlet fire array quickly unfolded. Then, the array mage spent a lot of time and energy to deploy the fixed mine array and fixed there. The wind magic circle is also unfolding one after another!

   The giant lava fireball fired by the Tier 4 Fire Elemental Magic Cannon is already amazing.

   Now, after passing through the lightning magic circle and wind magic circle, he has gained a double attribute power bonus.

  In a short time, the lava fireball directly turned into a terrifying comet intertwined with thunder and fire, and swept across the invading imperial army in a piece!

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