The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3429: , Did not plan to cooperate (5)

  The general strength of Tronia is very strong, but he wanted to send the three of Liu Meng away by the missile attack alone. That was too much.

   Facing the attacks of those energy missiles, Liu Meng and Miyamoto Shingen both smashed.

   Kalgan was even more straightforward. He didn't even need to take action by himself. When the wings of the Tier 3 Swift Eagle flicked, a strong gust of wind crushed all the energy missiles that swept away!

   Kalgan didn't think that two burst arrows could kill an S-class fighter of the mechanical race.

   The basic purpose of shooting the two bursting arrows is to use the explosion range to compress the action space of Admiral Tronia, thereby creating opportunities for them to kill each other.

   And now, the opportunity is here!

   I don't know when, Shingen Miyamoto, who has already taken the sword into its sheath, maintains the posture of drawing the sword with one hand on the hilt, stepping out, eight steps to drive the cicada in an instant.

   Aware of the huge threat, Admiral Tronia has applied for permission in the first time, trying to lift the function restrictions and weapon restrictions and enter the annihilation mode.

   But the effect of Kalgan's two bursting arrows flanking was reflected at this time.

   Part of the body was damaged, which affected the function of Admiral Tronia, and the activation efficiency became a little lower.

   Compared to usual, this may be only about half a second slower, but for Miyamoto Shingen, who has already used the eight-step cicada stamina to the extreme, it is enough!

   One step, two steps, three steps!

   Shingen Miyamoto's figure shuttled among countless energy missiles and beam attacks. While avoiding the attack, he quickly approached Admiral Tronia.

   only waited for the moment he rushed in front of him, and cut the opponent with a knife!

   During this period, Admiral Tronia turned on the output power amid the almost crazy sirens of the individual's main brain, trying to distance himself from Miyamoto Shingen to ensure his own safety.

   However, he still couldn't get rid of the opponent.

   The distance between them at that time was really too close, and it was completely within the range of Miyamoto Shingen's killing.

At the moment when he was completely close to the target, Shingen Miyamoto's hand was slightly out of the sheath. Just as he was about to slash his sword, a sudden feeling of heart palpitations caused him to turn his blade and swung it directly to the side. The emptiness.

  In a short time, an astonishing dark red energy attack was completely wiped out by Shingen Miyamoto's draw!

   But at the same time, Admiral Tronia, who was retreating rapidly, continuing to keep a distance from him, on the mechanical skeleton behind him, a pair of light wings composed of dark red energy particles, has been completely unfolded!

   "Restrictions lifted! Weapon permissions are fully opened! Annihilation mode is activated!"

   At this moment, Admiral Tronia officially enters annihilation mode!

   Miyamoto Shingen's eight steps to drive the cicada hasn't finished yet, but he can no longer easily continue to pursue it.

  Because of the dark red energy attack that interrupted the killing blow just now, it is undoubtedly from a mechanical warrior who has activated annihilation mode.

   As for the current stage, all civilizations, in addition to the spike-killed Buri Gude, are the only generals who have had serious combat experience with the mechanical s-class fighters who have turned on the annihilation mode.

   Miyamoto Shingen was very sure in his heart that that attack was definitely from an S-class fighter of the mechanical race!

   did not leave them too much suspense, in the distance, a red arc of light had already approached extremely quickly.

   After waiting to see the opponent's face clearly, the faces of all the people present changed.

   "It turned out to be him..."

   I have to say that, appearing on this void battlefield at this moment, and promptly rescued Admiral Tronia’s Mechanical Race S-class fighters, they are really old acquaintances of their ten thousand world civilization.

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   As for the units of mechanical civilization, if they want to become old acquaintances of their civilizations, there is only one chance, and that is the previous golden battle.

  At this point, the identity of the visitor is almost ready to come out. It was the S-class mechanical warrior who was sent by Caesartrank to support the Golden War and had a **** battle with Jialan at the same time, Major General Crozo!

   Major General Crozo, although he is a major general, but to be honest, mechanical civilization, even including the civilization of the world, their military ranks are not divided according to individual strength.

   Although strength can be regarded as one of the criteria, in general, the level of military rank is generally more valued, and the ability of the troops and the strength of the subordinates are more important.

   At least ten thousand world civilization and mechanical civilization are like this.

   Therefore, Major General Crozo's individual combat ability is not inferior to that of General Bilogia.

   Now facing two S-class mechanical clan fighters in annihilation mode, the situation of Liu Meng and Shingen Miyamoto is undoubtedly a bit bad.

   At the same time, Admiral that Tronia apparently sent out a signal for help long ago.

   At this moment, many A-level mechanical warriors have already used the annihilation mode to kill them.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   On their side, although nearby reinforcements are also rushing over, the battlefield is vast, and their fierce-level combat power is not nearby at present, and they are supported by ordinary martial arts troops.

   On the opposite side, there are two S-class fighters entering the annihilation mode, General Tronia and Major General Crozo. The situation on their side is really not optimistic.

   At the critical moment, Shingen Miyamoto, who quickly passed the situation in his mind, made a decisive decision and directly broke out of the Wushuang mode.

   Miyamoto Shingen’s decisiveness is surprising, because in the eyes of others, this decision was made in an instant. During this period, his actions did not even stop. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   As the side that Shingen Miyamoto regarded as the target of forcible killing, Admiral Tronia has already maximized his intelligence capture and acquisition skills. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   The previous time he was beheaded by Shingen Miyamoto, due to the fact that everything happened so quickly, that part of the information collected by his s-class body at that time did not have time to upload, which eventually led to a lack of information.

   Therefore, the information on the body skills of Shingen Miyamoto's eight steps to drive the cicada, their database of the machine clan, is still incomplete.

   This time, for Admiral Tronia, it was actually a good opportunity to perfect intelligence.

   But while perfecting the information, he didn't plan to die obediently.

After the    annihilation mode was activated, his firepower was greatly increased under the state of full weapon authority, and the overwhelming energy attack swept toward Miyamoto Shingen.

   Faced with such a terrifying battle, even though he had the eight-step stamina to drive the cicada, Shingen Miyamoto felt that the pressure on his body had increased sharply, but he did not get confused.

   In the void, between the two figures' speed seesaw, Miyamoto Shingen's body technique is still better after all.

   At the moment when the last step was taken, the light of the knife flashed, and the head of General Tronia and the power furnace in his chest were once again cut open.

   At the same time, Shingen Miyamoto, who completed the final blow, was completely swallowed by Major General Crozo's dark red energy cannon!

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