"Kai Wushuang?"

   Such a thought flashed through Bai Ze's mind.

   Jarvis is strong, and there is a legion commander in the distance who is constantly restraining him with a cold gun. Even Bai Ze, trying to solve them without using any means is extremely difficult.

   But according to the original plan, at this stage, he shouldn't drive Wushuang.

   Because once Wushuang is opened, it is equivalent to imposing a time limit on yourself.

  Although he has gained an explosive power, relatively, when the time comes, he is in a weak state, he should leave the field obediently.

   On this battlefield, there are many strong enemies, and the two Jarvis in front of him are just two of them. If Bai Ze leaves the battlefield early, it is definitely not good news for this battlefield.

   Bai Ze himself, of course, also knows the stakes in it, so he has not turned on the Wushuang state.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   But the battle has reached this point, and it seems that it’s not a solution...

  While his thoughts flew around, Bai Ze directly used the method of sound transmission into secrets to contact Wang Kai, wanting to know the situation on the other side.

   For Wang Kai's strength, Bai Ze undoubtedly trusted extremely, and that was also the top martial arts powerhouse within their ten thousand civilizations.

   If Wang Kai can take the lead in solving the goal and opening the situation, then he can pull back and support him. The full text of 噺⒏⑴The fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   In this way, he didn't need to launch Wushuang, it was a perfect solution to the problem.

   However, the reality is that what they are doing is not very smooth...

   This time, there were six army commanders who formed a rapid assault team and attacked.

   Bai Ze saw the opportunity, and at the same time he entered the field, he succeeded in killing Moqi, reducing the number of legion leaders in this battlefield to five.

   Among the five commanders, Jarvis is on Baize's side. Needless to say, the remaining three are on Wang Kai and Luo Yunxi's side...

  As a strange army commander who is good at defensive techniques, Barr's own speed and flexibility obviously do not have any advantage when facing real speed-type powerhouses.

   Therefore, Luo Yunxi had no way to blend in the battle, but Wang Kai was different.

  Wang Kai is not a warrior who is good at fast break. His own speed naturally cannot be compared with Luo Yunxi and the others. This gave Baal a chance to blend in and directly formed a two-on-one situation.

  Baal directly acted as a meat shield, propped up the defensive technique in front, and entangled with Wang Kai.

   The almighty legion commander took advantage of the situation and retreated back. After a certain distance from Wang Kai, he switched to long-range attacks to suppress.

   In this situation, how similar are Wang Kai and Bai Ze?

   Even to some extent, Wang Kai's situation is much worse than that of Bai Ze.

   Compared with the half-slapped long-range attack of Bai Ze, the shooting technique of this all-around legion commander here is undoubtedly much stronger.

   Barr created an extremely comfortable output environment for him. As soon as this firepower swept through, even Wang Kai felt obvious pressure.

   In a short time, it is obviously not an easy task to solve the two army commander-level enemies in front of him.

   In response to this situation, the two used voice transmission to enter the secret and briefly discussed a few words.

   This situation certainly cannot continue like this. They must have someone to break the deadlock!

   In the void battlefield, Bai Ze, who was being suppressed by the two of Jarvis, holding a cloud-piercing gun, was constantly resolving the onslaught from Jarvis and the cold gun of another legion commander.

However, just at this moment, Bai Ze, who saw an opportunity, shot the Jarvis magic knife and slashed at the same time, directly unfolded her body, and slaughtered the legionnaire who was firing a cold gun in the distance. !

   is not the first time Jarvis has faced this situation. Naturally, he immediately caught up and started interception.

   Unexpectedly, the situation this time was not the same as the previous ones.

   I saw that at this moment, Bai Ze launched the slaughter, and the qi all over his body seemed to be boiling, starting to rise frantically!

"this is!"

   Jarvis changed his face instantly when he saw this scene.

   After all, it was not the first time they encountered a similar situation.

  The high combat power unit of the ten thousand world civilization possesses a special explosive method. They are well aware of this.

   However, because there are generals like Luo Cheng who don't have this ability.

   Therefore, Jarvis and the others were a little uncertain for a while, and it was not clear whether Bai Ze had this ability.

   For them as enemies, it is of course not the best.

   But now, the situation is undoubtedly clear...

"Be careful!!!"

   Realizing that the situation is going to happen, Jarvis did not hesitate to use the blasting technique while using his acceleration technique to the extreme, giving himself an explosive boost.

   tried to catch up with Bai Ze and intercept him.

   Regarding this, Bai Ze didn't say anything. As soon as he recovered, he directly surrendered eight steps to drive the cicada again, and killed the army commander who had put a cold gun.

  The strength of the unparalleled state, coupled with the eight-step limit of the cicada, even Jarvis can hardly catch up.

   Realizing this, Jarvis quickly changed his strategy and directly took up the magic rifle, launched the burst technique, and tried to use the burst technique to bless the magic missile to contain Bai Ze with a range explosion. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   But the result was unsatisfactory. A series of bursting magic missiles did not have the desired effect. In this, Jarvis's marksmanship was too bad, and there were certain reasons. The bursting technique was bad, and that was second.

   Facing Bai Ze, who was forced to kill him at extreme speed, he had already realized that the opponent's powerful commander, so naturally he turned and ran.

  As a melee army commander, he is also very good at accelerating art and flying art.

   But now, there is no way to escape Bai Ze's pursuit.

   The distance between the two sides is getting close at a speed that makes his heart throb.

   The legion commander was obviously aware of this situation.

   Seeing an opportunity, he gritted his teeth and gave Bai Ze a carbine!

   Along with a series of Frost Demon missiles that flew out, his magic bayonet fixed on the spear head also stabbed out.

   However, Bai Ze is the real expert in this trick.

   Coupled with the Wushuang state, the senses of a warrior will also be greatly improved.

   The other party's means could not escape Bai Ze's perception at all.

   The light skill of eight steps to drive the cicada continued to step out, while avoiding the attack, he approached the target in one breath.

   In the next second, Bai Ze's hand pierced through the cloud spear gas condensed, and with the momentum of piercing the void, he attacked the legion commander!

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