The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3456: After the break

Regardless of the type, Clinton's strength is undoubtedly stronger than the three deputy commanders.

The most terrible thing is that through the long struggle before, Clinton already has a certain amount of experience in dealing with some of Wang Kai's combat methods.

This experience made Clinton's marksmanship even more tricky with his sniper magic rifle.

Whenever Wang Kai wanted to do something, Clinton, who had set up a sniper magic rifle in the distance, was always able to interrupt his offensive with one shot.

Regarding this, even Wang Kai was obviously uncomfortable.

In a short period of time, let him get rid of the three deputy commander-level combat power, and Clinton's sniper, to intercept Jarvis? That would be too difficult to be a human...

And during the time when Wang Kai was restrained by the joint hands, Jarvis, whose speed was soaring, had undoubtedly led the team to the periphery of the battlefield.

In the void, a large number of magic pilots picked up the magic rifle in their hands, launched the magic technique, and fired at the magic warship of the civilization of the world in the distance.

Although the single-shot firepower of ordinary magic pilots is certainly not comparable to that of naval guns, the threat should not be underestimated after the number is up.

Moreover, in the case of a collective fire, they actually have a special company technique, which can concentrate the firepower of a whole army of magic pilots to launch a powerful attack.

Even for units at the battleship level, it can pose a big threat.

At this moment, the rear magic pilots who lined up the firepower formation in the void, undoubtedly used this kind of attack.

On the side of the civilization of the world, the double shield opened by the magic warship can resist it temporarily.

But to continue like this is certainly not a solution.

The ‘bee swarm’ unmanned fighter planes and the martial arts troops were all restrained by the large troops of the opposing magic pilots.

At the critical moment, Wang Sheng, who was in charge of responding to the situation, made a decisive decision and directly signaled the team of Magic Pioneers to spread out their formation and press them up.

Although the existence of warships is mainly for the opposing warships, it will be very difficult to use to fight individual troops, and there is not much advantage.

However, around the hull, weapons such as laser cannons are still available.

After all, they also have to guard against those individual units, relying on their size and speed to easily approach them.

In the current situation, since there is no other choice, Wang Sheng also intends to command the Magic Vanguard in his Star Chaser fleet to deal with the opponent.

Facing the spreading formation and pressing the enemy warship, Jarvis signaled the rear fire troops to continue firing, and led the melee troops quickly to kill them.

Among their magic pilots, not to mention the magic spell, they are divided into two types by the main weapon alone.

One is a close combat unit with an assault-type magic rifle as the main weapon.

The main output method is to rush up and keep on ‘suddenly’. At the same time, the gun head is usually equipped with a magic bayonet so that they can engage in hand-to-hand combat if necessary.

The other is the melee unit that uses the magic sword as its main weapon.

Compared with the Magic Bayonet, the Magic Knife, which is made for hand-to-hand combat, is undoubtedly superior in melee ability and performance.

This is what Jarvis used.

Of course, compared with ordinary magic knives, the magic knives used by Jarvis are undoubtedly the highest level of magic civilization.

The fleet’s magic radar naturally swept out their presence in the first place.

Jarvis's purpose is undoubtedly to prevent the magical vanguard of the Star Chaser fleet from rushing towards their rear firepower.

In the face of this battle, a group of magical vanguard ships on the Star Chaser Fleet's side were naturally not afraid, maintaining their formation, just like that.

No matter what the purpose is, it is impossible for them to persuade them at this time!

During the high-speed advance, the tip of the ship, which was cast from elemental alloys, was now covered with strengthened magic circles and wizard spells, with double-blessed spell collision angles, and began to burst out with a strong light.

The magical angle collision weapon has actually been dismantled from the magical firepower. Today's magical firepower is completely based on long-range firepower output and basically does not fight close combat.

However, on the Magic Pioneer Ship, which is tasked with chasing and approaching tasks, the weapon of spell corner collision has been retained and has also been upgraded.

To some extent, the destructive power of this spell’s frontal impact is estimated to be stronger than the naval gun attack of the Magic Vanguard.

But this is not to say that the collision angle is better than the naval gun.

The weapon of magic angle collision is actually a double-edged sword. When it hits the target and damages the target, it also impacts its own hull. It is not a method that can be used frequently.

But now the situation has changed again. The target is a large group of individual units, and collision with this group of individual units is obviously not enough to cause an impact on their hull.

According to the destructive power of the magical angle collision, it is estimated that just a single scratch can easily crush the opposing soldier to death! And it can kill a group directly!

With this confidence, at the same time that the magic angle collision was completely unfolded, the speed of the magic vanguard ships also soared to the extreme in one breath.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, leading the forces of the Seventh Magic Pilot Corps of the Empire, taking the lead and rushing to the front of Jarvis, seemingly not intending to retreat.

When he retreated, facing the collision of the enemy warships, the firepower formation behind them would inevitably follow.

At that time, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving way to the opposing fleet?

Quickly adjusted the state, and as the distance kept getting closer, the near-defense laser cannon deployed on the Magic Vanguard began to fire frantically and launched a burst of fire. U U Reading

While Jarvis was controlling the flying technique and flipping and avoiding, the magic knife in his hand was already fully deployed.

Then, under the continuous blessing of his own magic technique, the temperature of the magic sword began to soar, and in a blink of an eye, it showed a golden red color.

But this is obviously not over. It is completely different from the previous battle with Bai Ze. This time, the color of the magic knife in his hand did not stop there, but quickly crossed the golden red and started to become more and more. The more dazzling, and finally completely transformed into a dazzling incandescent color! !

At that moment, in front of the Sorcerous Vanguard, Jarvis was as small as an ant, waving the dazzling white light in his hand, and rushing towards the Sorcerous Vanguard.

In an instant, in the dark void, a light and shadow flashed, and the magic vanguard rushing towards Jarvis was actually split in two on the spot in a violent explosion! ! !

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