The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3461: , Pursuit (4)

In the face of units of the same level, the attack of this floating gun is actually weak, and its own existence is used to assist and contain opponents.

But for individual units at the level of magic pilots, that power is already quite strong.

The strength of the magic pilots in the ordinary troops is obviously not comparable to the magic pilots of the Imperial Magic Pilots Corps, although they have already covered a layer of defensive skills during the assault.

But the difference in hard power made their defensive art look a little vulnerable to the floating guns that were bigger than theirs.

Not to mention that this floating gun has also received the blessing of Wall's talent skills.

As long as it hits, it is a fatal attack.

Under this premise, as an auxiliary weapon, the floating artillery has its own intelligent combat system, which can fully follow the calculations of the intelligent system to carry out automatic operations, just like the "Swarm" unmanned fighter aircraft. If you are too lazy to control it, it can be all. Give it to the intelligent system to control it.

Of course, in the eyes of pilots at the level of Wall and Xu Ji, the intelligent combat system is definitely not as good as their own.

Proper use will not be mentioned, but over-reliance on intelligent combat systems and the fondness of using tracking bombs is a manifestation of the inability of their own operating technology.

The floating artillery is temporarily controlled by the intelligent combat system, but Wall obviously can't completely ignore it. He has been paying attention to the situation while his sight is swiping.

Even when he saw the opportunity, he would suddenly switch to manual operation.

And with each of his actions, the magic pilots on the opposite side will inevitably suffer.

In this process, the intensity of the battle also rose rapidly.

Including Wall and Xu Ji, a few outstanding ace pilots began to gradually stand out, becoming prominent among a large number of mecha units.

In response to their existence, Marshal Bahat, who was in the main flagship, naturally made corresponding arrangements quickly.

Although the strength of the magic pilots in these ordinary magic pilots troops is average, even in the ordinary forces, some officer-level magic pilots are still relatively capable.

Aiming at Xu Ji and Wall, after Marshal Bahat's rapid deployment was completed, most of his attention naturally quickly shifted to the three magic fleets that were chasing up from the rear.

The mecha force is indeed very powerful, and it can be called an ace-level force.

But in the view of Marshal Bahat, the firepower level of the mecha units is still a little bit worse. For them, the most threatening is after all the enemy fleet.

The large army of magic pilots helped them contain a lot of troops. Although Marshal Bahat didn’t know the exact number, he could judge from the number of magic warships chased by him. He could tell by visual inspection. Felt the decrease in the number of warships on the opposite side.

The enemy warships that the magic pilots helped them contain were definitely more than a few hundred. The size of the entire fleet on the opposite side was reduced by at least one third.

The inferiority in military strength is basically gone. Under this premise, he still has dozens of battleships against the city!

The attack of the city-breaking gun, as long as it hits, can easily threaten any warship on the opposite side.

At the thought of this, Marshal Bahat's confidence was immediately enough.

According to his years of experience in commanding troops, at this moment, he already had a plan to counterattack in his mind.

However, Marshal Bahat did not rush to show it, but calmly continued to test the opposite side and expand the layout, while constantly confirming the situation of the magic pilot force...

Maintaining the communication technique, Jarvis quickly explained the situation to Marshal Bahat, and dropped the magic knife in his hand with almost a piece of the hilt.

This was not caused by the enemy, but by his own ultimate move.

His ultimate move, to put it bluntly, is to use extreme high temperature and attack with ultra-fast slashing speed.

For this reason, the magic knife he used is also specially cast with high temperature resistant materials.

But even so, after he raised the temperature of the magic knife to the incandescent level, the blade would still start to dissolve because it could not withstand the astonishing high temperature, and finally it would be completely scrapped...

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Jarvis will basically not raise the temperature to this level.

After all, the magic knife in his hand was not a bargain, and it was extremely expensive, so he couldn't always use it as a disposable item.

Jarvis, who had abandoned a magic sword, did not show any panic. Turning his hands, he pulled out another spare magic sword.

Even if it is an ordinary melee magic pilot, it is impossible to carry only one magic sword, and in the case of Jarvis, let alone, the spare weapon must be prepared naturally.

After replacing it with a new magic knife, Jarvis didn't plan to perform his unique skill of "Ship Sword" again.

The magic knife couldn't bear the temperature, and it would be scrapped after using it. This was one reason. Besides, the huge consumption was also a problem he couldn't avoid.

At this moment, even if Jarvis, as the commander of the army, has experienced repeated battles and launched a killer move, the heavy exhaustion on his face has reached a point where it cannot be hidden. .

Although there is still a certain amount of combat effectiveness, Jarvis knows that his state has begun to decline.

It wasn't just because of using the Ship Slashing Sword, to say that, before fighting against Bai Ze and Wang Kai, the cost to him was much greater than using the Slashing Sword.

At the same time, Clinton, who was responsible for suppressing Wang Kai, had to endure the pressure and the entire consumption, although not as great as Jarvis, but he is not at all easy now.

In front of him, the deputy commanders who launched the siege have already owed him several lives.

If he hadn't fired in time every time to resolve the situation, at least two of the deputy army commanders would have died.

At the same time, because of this reason, Clinton didn't dare to relax his mind at all. He strained his nerves throughout the whole process, and was always on guard for Wang Kai's every move, causing his energy loss to become very great.

This made him more and more aware of the strength of the opponent in front of him.

"Never let him go back alive!"

With the flash of this thought, UU reading www. Clinton directly launched the communication technique and got in touch with Jarvis.

I hope Jarvis can withdraw and help him kill Wang Kai.

But Jarvis refused...

Regarding Wang Kai's strength, Jarvis, who had faced Wang Kai before, had a clearer feeling than Clinton.

Therefore, Jarvis can almost conclude that according to his current state, if he fights against Wang Kai, the chance of dying in the opponent's hands will become very high!

Although they all have the consciousness of sacrificing for the empire, they must die to have enough value.

At present, Jarvis obviously has no plans to sacrifice here...

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