The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3464: , ‘Checkmate’

I have to say that Marshal Bahat was right.

At this moment, the fleet that has surrounded the planet No. 1 is exactly the combined fleet of the celestial dynasties composed of Meng Xuan, Tang Song, Ke Xiuwen, and Huo Qiguang.

They haven't been allowed to do it before. To put it bluntly, it is because the timing is wrong.

As a player who used to be a gold player who has been involved in ultra-spec battles, Luo Ji naturally knows the special situation of the gold player in the ultra-spec battlefield.

To put it simply, golden players have very poor continuous combat capabilities in wars that exceed the specifications.

It is very possible that in a battle, the fleet suffered heavy losses, and they returned to the pre-liberation period.

Considering this situation, Luo Ji didn't let them get involved in the previous battle because there was no need.

In the previous battle, there was nothing more than more and less than less.

There is no need for the golden players to use their few combat power on this knot.

But on the other hand, as long as it is used well, even gold players can play a huge value in this ultra-standard battlefield.

And now, it is obviously an excellent time!

After all, there are not many garrisons in the fleet on Planet One. As long as the fleet is killed, when the space fleet hits the Imperial Forces on the planet, it will directly be Tianke.

No matter how strong your civilization is, as long as your troops can't kill that planet, then you can't fight back, you can only be beaten obediently.

With this as a premise, Meng Xuan and the others are all technological civilizations, while Tang and Song Dynasties are dwarven civilizations. At this stage, the output of firepower, as long as it can be played and placed in an ultra-standard battlefield, is actually not bad. , Not to mention that Luo Ji also specially sent a small number of warships to support here.

This wave of output environment is simply too good for them.

As for the imperial army under Marshal Bahat, why didn’t they find them...

The reason is actually very simple, because before they were not in this area at all, but stationed in a relatively far away from this area.

It was not until the main battlefield of the Empire began to retreat that Yuan Xi and the others contacted Meng Xuan and the others through communication equipment.

Then Cheng Hao, the only space master of the civilization of the world, and a group of middle-level space masters joined forces to cast spells, opened the temporary space channel, and allowed the combined fleet of the celestial dynasty to reach this battlefield at the fastest speed. Garrison on Planet One.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that if the main imperial fleet under Marshal Bahat did not choose to stay and continue to fight with them.

Then Meng Xuan and his celestial united fleet will appear on the retreat of the main fleet of the empire, assisting the civilization of the world, and intercepting it!

Basically, when making the plan, Zhao Pan and the others have considered all aspects of the situation.

Except the meteor cannon...

In the current wave, just as Marshal Bahat expected, Meng Xuan and his combined fleet of the celestial dynasties had no plans to go head-on with the imperial army units on the planet.

The small fleet supported by Luo Ji opened fire first, and the person in charge of this small fleet was the goblin Wang Gaowen!

Gao Wen, who is known as the master of the siege, has no need to say how powerful his buff is when he is attacking the city.

After he commanded the fleet and exploded the defensive art on the enemy planet, the fleets under Meng Xuan's command started one after another. Those interstellar warships, directly outside the planet's atmosphere, entered a state of fire.

The overwhelming firepower is like a meteor shower carrying destructive power, sweeping toward the imperial garrison on that planet.

In the communication, there are already a lot of chaotic and noisy sounds.

At this moment, Marshal Bahat knew that the worst had already happened...

The situation on Planet One affects more than Planet One.

A large-scale fleet appeared behind them, which means that they are on the front line, at any time they may be attacked by the opponent.

Now this whole situation, for Marshal Bahat, can no longer fight.

Now, whether he chooses to return to the frontline base or stay here and continue to fight fiercely with the enemy fleet, there is a high possibility that he will be attacked back and forth.

For the current plan, the best way is to abandon the frontline base, change the course, and retreat from other directions before the enemy fleet forms a flanking formation...

But this decision is not so easy to make.

Although considering landing operations, the main fleet of their empire also carried a lot of army forces. Fortunately, when they broke through the opposing line of defense and attacked the enemy's civilized planet, they directly launched the landing.

However, the large forces of their Imperial Army are still stationed on the planet behind.

Giving up to support the frontline base is equivalent to giving up the nearly ten million Imperial soldiers stationed on that planet!

This decision was too heavy, even Marshal Bahat couldn't easily give this order.

However, his reason is reminding him that without warships, more than 80% of the army can only move within the planet, and that planet has been ‘checkmate’ by the opposite side.

Although the price was too high, he had no choice!

He took a deep breath, and after so many years, there really hasn't been a single time since Marshal Bahat, who has endured such a fiasco, his voice became hoarse and trembling uncontrollably at this moment.

"Send the entire fleet, after the sixth, ninth, and eleventh fleets are left, the rest of the fleet will follow the new route and retreat!"

Once the order was issued, a huge wave was directly set off within the Imperial Army.

After the break, Marshal Bahat almost directly left nearly one-third of his troops.

This is also a matter of no choice, otherwise, that little force would have no way to achieve the post-breaking effect, and UU-Reading would only obediently die.

At the same time, Jarvis and Clinton, who were on another battlefield, naturally received this order from Marshal Bahat.

They certainly know the meaning of this order.

Due to the urgency of the situation, when he contacted Jarvis and Clinton, Marshal Bahat did not have time to elaborate.

After all, Marshal Bahat now not only has to command the fleet to break, but also cooperate with the imperial magic pilots and magic pilots that have withdrawn from the front to join them, and the pressure on him is not small.

However, since Marshal Bahat, one of the wings of their empire, made such a decision, there must be a reason.

Out of trust in Marshal Bahat, Jarvis and Clinton no longer hesitated, and quickly began to retreat with their troops.

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