The Great Wall of the Void was destroyed so far, and Zhao Pan and Bai Ze were killed in battle.

This incident was a bit beyond Luo Ji's expectations, and at the same time it caused a mess of their original plan.

At the rear staff headquarters, Luo Ji and Guo Jia had already held an emergency tactical meeting.

At the same time, in the battle to annihilate Planet One, their frontier garrison of ten thousand civilizations undoubtedly captured many prisoners.

Most of them were killed directly.

They have no choice, and they are not particularly familiar with the civilization of the world of magical techniques.

Capturing prisoners is risky and easy to be backlashed. It is better to kill them all.

As for the few that were not killed, they were all sent to the Anbu of the Der Spiegel Division for interrogation to see if they could obtain any intelligence information.

These imperial soldiers are really stiff.

Many of them are stuck to the end, without opening.

But in this imperial army, it is not possible that every one of them is hard bones. If they do not speak, someone will always speak.

With Zhang Tang taking the shot himself, the efficiency of the dark department of the Der Spiegel Division is still quite high.

The intelligence information from the interrogation was quickly sent to the conference room of the staff headquarters behind them.

After Luo Ji finished reading it, he circulated all the information to everyone present, including Guo Jia.

In this information, there was a mention of weapons that caused serious damage to the Great Wall of the Void.

The meteor cannon, the most powerful, has directly destroyed a dwarf planet!

This can be called planet-level equipment.

Moreover, this weapon seems to have more than one shot.

As for the specific number and some more detailed information, those prisoners don't know.

After all, this kind of information is generally classified as top secret, and few people know it, and those prisoners are obviously not included.

Now, for Luo Ji and Guo Jia, the most important thing is the next big policy.

In simpler terms, do you want to attack?

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, this is a victory, followed by a victory.

But in this wave, the situation on their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization is obviously different.

The destruction of more than three hundred kilometers of the Great Wall of the Void created a huge gap in their border defenses, and at the same time put the civilization of the world into a dilemma.

If they choose to ‘enter’, they will assemble a large army to kill the border of Ivan Last’s magical civilization.

Then, the loss of the home BUFF, needless to say, at the same time, on the battlefield No. 1 where the Great Wall of the Void was destroyed, the rear defense will also face huge problems.

Once attacked, there is a high possibility that the other party can easily enter through the gap in the defense line and directly threaten their border planet.

In addition, after taking the initiative to attack, fighting on the border battlefield of the enemy civilization, the situation is completely different from before.

The opponent must also have the home buff gain, but they are gone.

Under this premise, according to the information obtained through interrogation, this time, although the strength of the Imperial Army's expedition can be called a huge scale, it is far from being able to shake the foundation of their empire.

For example, as an elite army of the Imperial Swordsman Corps, Ivan Rast has a total of eighteen branches. This time, he sent out nine of them, of which there are only six commanders.

In addition, the number of other troops is much more...

Although the magical civilization is not particularly good at fighting human tactics, in fact, their strength is not low.

According to the current situation of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, it is very likely that if you are not careful, you will hit your head and bleed.

Conversely, if you choose to'retire', you will continue to defend the line of defense, while rushing to repair the destroyed Void Great Wall as quickly as possible, while waiting for the enemy's army to press again.

In this state, Ivan Last’s magical civilization may choose to recuperate for a period of time before sending troops to attack the civilization of the world.

But on the other hand, there is also the possibility of sending troops immediately.

According to Guo Jia's statement, the possibility of sending troops to the opposite side is not small.

This time, judging from the situation of the battle, although it was their civilization of the world that won, in fact, their line of defense has been blown. At the same time, the wind elemental giant also used most of the elemental power in the previous battle. It was consumed clean.

For a long period of time in the future, I am afraid that it will be impossible to break out such astonishing combat power.

The wind element giant's affairs should not be known to the opposite party, but their Void Great Wall was blown up, and the opposite party saw it clearly.

The Void Great Wall itself is not only their border line of defense, but also the border base facility of their ten thousand civilizations. The interior includes a large number of defensive weapons and various ordnance equipment. At the same time, considering the wonder BUFF.

The destruction of the Great Wall of the Void had a huge impact on the defensive forces on the first battlefield.

I have seen the greatness of the Great Wall of the Void before, the commander-in-chief on the opposite side might choose to take advantage of the opportunity that the Great Wall of the Void had not yet been repaired to gather forces again, culling them, and hit them by surprise.

After all, judging from the information interrogated by the dark department of the Der Spiegel Division, the opposing empire's forces are still quite strong.

As for, if the other party chooses to take a rest first...

That is not necessarily a good thing for their civilization of the world.

It is not easy for them to bring a wave of losses to the imperial army of Ivan Last, and to give the opponent a chance to recuperate is equivalent to allowing the opponent to regain strength.

Although the consumption and losses caused are real, the force can be restored...

"Guo Jia, what do you think about this time?"

Obviously, it was too difficult to make a decision this time. Luo Ji couldn't make up his mind at all, so he simply threw the problem to Guo Jia.

In fact, when it comes to speaking, considering his talents, in terms of military tactics, Guo Jia's decision-making ability is actually much better than Luo Ji.

But at this time, even Guo Jia, UU reading, frowned.

It seems that even Guo Jia, facing this situation, is a bit difficult to make a decision.

"Weichen, still need to think about it..."

While speaking, Guo Jia fell into deep thought.

In fact, he already had several ideas in his mind, but this time, the enemies that their Ten Thousand Realms civilization had to face were indeed too strong, and they couldn't afford the price of defeat.

So even if he has ideas in his mind, Guo Jia plans to go back and forth again.

Maintaining this state, Guo Jia slowly began to speak after careful consideration for several times...

"Your Majesty, the question is not how we choose, but how the other party chooses."

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