The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3468: , 1 stone and 2 birds

"Calculate the time, has the regular report on the second battlefield been sent over?"

Today’s situation is special. Luo Ji came to the meeting early in the morning, so he hasn’t been to the Yeejeong Hall. Naturally, he didn’t know whether the regular reports on the second battlefield were sent.

Under normal circumstances, regular reports will be sent on this day.

But now is a war period after all, and some unexpected situations occasionally happen, so this regular report is sometimes sent a few days later, it is not unusual.

Luo Ji, who asked this question at this time, looked directly at Guo Jia.

As the chief of the military's general staff, Guo Jia will basically receive a copy of such reports.

This time, since Guo Jia proposed to mobilize troops from the second battlefield, he thought it was because of the recent situation on the second battlefield.

Sure enough, after hearing Luo Ji's question, Guo Jia quickly handed a document at hand to Luo Ji's eyes.

It is the regular report from the second battlefield.

Luo Ji, who received the report, turned it over on the spot.

Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization, after all, has to face the offensive of Zhong Mo's undead army.

Therefore, on the second battlefield, although the opponent will send additional troops in the follow-up, the scale is not particularly large.

After Zhong Mo's reinforcements arrived, the situation on the second battlefield was already close to stability.

In addition, Zhou Yi and Du Yuanzhi were there, so Luo Ji didn't need to worry about things over there.

And so is this report...

After reading this report, and then after listening to Guo Jia's entire analysis, Luo Ji said in a deep voice after pondering for two seconds...

"Then transfer the combat power of some martial arts troops to Battlefield One to support."

Having said this, Luo Ji's voice paused, then looked up at Guo Jia who was sitting at the conference table.

"Guo Jia, it's up to you to decide which units to transfer, and you just need to submit a report to me."

"Weichen takes the lead."

Luo Ji chose to mobilize the martial arts troops, but did not choose to mobilize other troops, naturally there was a reason.

Because of the fighting methods of the soldiers and warriors of the martial arts unit, most of them talk about moves.

And those mechanically civilized guys are best at collecting intelligence.

Although in the subsequent battles, on the second battlefield, the various martial arts units have converged as much as possible to avoid the disclosure of intelligence.

However, the intelligence of individual moves is still unavoidable to be collected by the opposing mechanical civilization unit, then analyzed, and finally completely seen. This situation is actually very unfavorable for the martial arts unit.

That's why Luo Ji had such a transfer.

It not only solves the problem of combat power support on the first battlefield, but also prevents the martial arts troops from continuing to collect intelligence on a large scale by the mechanical and civilized troops, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

On the side of the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds, while rapidly mobilizing in response to the situation of the previous battle, on the side of the Imperial Army, after escaping from the border of the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds through the space channel, the main force of the empire under Marshal Bahat The fleet did not stay in the space channel all the time to move, but quickly separated and returned to the normal void environment.

In the space channel, the subspace shuttle is indeed more efficient.

But it was said earlier that in addition to fixed space channels, such temporary space channels are all unstable.

Especially like this time for the main fleet of the empire, there was no time for construction analysis, so I found a spot on the battlefield, and then opened the space channel urgently. The stability was even worse.

For short-distance space shuttles, it is better to say that the longer the distance, the worse the stability, the more dangerous!

Space is a very complex thing, and it often fluctuates and changes. It is not something that can be controlled casually. This is no exception even for a magical civilization of super-specification level.

Therefore, there are generally very few troops who will use this temporarily constructed space channel for long-distance movement, which is actually quite a dangerous move.

Of course, if you clearly know the coordinate position, mark it, and spend enough time to construct and analyze, and then build the temporary space channel, the stability will definitely be much better. This is a different situation. Say another.

The first thing the Empire’s main fleet returned to the normal void environment was to guard the surrounding area and inspect the entire surrounding void area.

Temporarily erected spatial passages and exit positions often shift away. In a short period of time, the fastest spatial passages are urgently erected, not to mention.

This shuttle, I don't know where to fly, and this kind of thing is common.

There were no enemies around, they should have flew to a certain third-party area randomly. Marshal Bahat who confirmed this, heaved a sigh of relief.

After letting the fleet rest for a while, lock the position of their empire, and then let the fleet begin to analyze and construct a more stable space channel.

During the period, in order to reduce the risk of space shuttle, they will shuttle in several times, so that if the position is shifted, adjustments can be made in the middle, so as not to lose their direction in the void.

In the process, Marshal Bahat's report was undoubtedly sent back.

At this moment, after reading the report, Ivan Last felt an explosion of mentality on the spot.

This is really hell!

He really has the heart to kill people now. How many years has his mentality not exploded like this?

It was supposed to be a sure-fire battle, but even with the use of the meteor cannon, the ship was capsized in the gutter? !

This psychological gap between the previous and the next made Ivan Last a little unacceptable.

Marshal Bahat is one of his most trusted confidantes. After so many years, Ivan Rast has almost absolute trust in Marshal Bahat, and there is basically no blame. He passed the other side, and the other side never let him down.

But this time, for the first time, Ivan Last had the urge to point at Marshal Bahat's nose and curse his mother.

For him, this should have been a very easy battle, how could it be like this?

In his office, I took two steps back and forth, and took a few deep breaths, Ivan Last, forcing himself to calm down.

This time, in fact, not all of them were troublesome. His frontline army actually had some achievements.

For example, using a meteor cannon to explode the opponent's huge and exaggerated border defense facility.

Let’s take another example, killing a few fierce generals on the opposite side in battle...

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