At this moment, Planet One was completely reduced to the battlefield of Rayong and Fein, and in the void outside the planet, the large forces of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization and Magic Civilization were still fighting there.

Faced with the continuous feedback of frontline intelligence, Zhao Pan, who quickly confirmed the situation, naturally placed his hope on the five magic fleets.

In this process, Yuan Xi and Gao Yi did indeed work hard.

Among them, like the previous battle, Gao Yi's Hyperion fleet still carried the main firepower output, and the whole offensive was simply aggressive.

On the other hand, Yuan Xi’s Trail Blazer fleet launched an efficient response. While cooperating with the crazy output of the Hyperion Fleet, it also constantly contained the imperial fleet’s actions and disrupted the layout of the opposite side.

Although the current situation, the imperial fleet under the command of Marshal Bahat has not been completely at a disadvantage, as long as this rhythm is maintained and the fight continues, the five magic fleets will completely gain the upper hand, which is a matter of time.

For this situation, Marshal Bahat was naturally very clear.

Looking at the battle on the opposite side, it is clear that he intends to establish an advantage when he has just arrived on the front line and the state of the troops has not yet recovered, and even a wave of agreement will determine the victory!

Thinking of this, Marshal Bahat's two eyebrows had already unconsciously twisted into a ball.

Regarding the degree of difficulty of his opponent this time, although Marshal Bahat has been mentally prepared for a long] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

But when he waited for the actual confrontation again, it still made him feel a headache.

At the same time, the plan for this step on the opposite side may have been determined as early as when troops were sent to fight guerrilla warfare with him along the way.

A normal march will cause soldiers to accumulate fatigue, but it will never reach this point.

The state of their emperor has become so bad that Dak Bem’s Trident fleet and Zhao Yi’s Raging Wave fleet are ‘indispensable’.

It can even be said that in this plan of Guo Jia, the Trident Fleet and the Raging Wave Fleet, which are responsible for fighting guerrilla warfare, played a vital role.

He took a sigh of relief and fought the opponent for two more rounds.

If we say that, for the civilization of the world, their important breakthrough lies on the side of the five magic fleets.

So, for the emperor, their breakthrough lies in the magic pilots headed by the Imperial Magic Pilots Corps!

However, in this wave, although the emperor’s magic pilots have a certain advantage, the martial arts troops of the ten thousand civilizations are not vegetarian.

It is obviously not an easy task to completely get rid of the entanglement of the martial arts force in a short time, assist the imperial fleet to intercept the magic fleet, and reverse the situation.

Marshal Bahat realized that this would not work, his thoughts flew in his mind.

In the end, he made a decision!

After the order was issued, the imperial fleet, which was in a stalemate with the five magical fleets, had obviously begun to converge at this moment, and gradually revealed its intention to withdraw.

In this regard, Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, who were also on this battlefield, naturally noticed this situation for the first time.

"The other side is planning to retreat temporarily, leave this battlefield, get rid of our pursuit, and then regroup?"

Maintaining internal communications, including Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, several fleet commanders quickly exchanged ideas.

As for the emperor's move, they basically thought of going together.

In the current situation, unless the magic pilot unit can help the emperor break the situation, or the other party hides some means to break the situation, it is a wise approach compared to fighting fatigue all the time, temporarily retreating and regrouping.

However, at this time the opponent wants to withdraw, it also depends on their civilization of the world, whether they are willing to let them go.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the Ten Thousand Realms Civilized Forces to beat the emperor in a head-on confrontation. Such an excellent opportunity is placed in front of them, and they certainly don't want to let it go.

But there is no choice but to launch a pursuit, and there is also the risk of falling into a crisis...

"Will there be fraud?"

Although Gao Yi, who commanded the Hyperion Fleet in the two battles, was almost crazy, but in fact, Gao Yi was still a cautious general in his bones.

Now that several of their commanders got together and talked about the pursuit in internal communications, Gao Yi's first reaction was that there might be fraud.

Gao Yi's scruples are no problem, but they are also unfounded.

On this battlefield, there are too many true and false things, especially when the opponent is still so difficult.

There is either fraud or no fraud on the opposite side, which is nothing more than the probability of half-opening

At this time, the test is a general's experience, intuition, and instant judgment ability.

For Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, they really can't let go of such an excellent opportunity to severely damage the enemy. This opportunity is worth their risk!


The word "chasing" fully shows Yuan Xi's determination.

The pioneer fleet, which was already good at outflanking and intercepting, had already launched operations under Yuan Xi's command.

In this regard, the commanders of the other four magic fleets, including Gao Yi, did not speak any more, and cooperated with them in their actions.

After all, they all knew that their five magic fleets were inferior in terms of strength.

This wave is to seize the opportunity of the people on the opposite side of being sleepy and lack of horses, so that they can take the lead and reach this point.

Under this premise, if they refuse to cooperate because of different ideas, then their ten thousand realm civilization will really have no chance of winning when facing the emperor.

Now that the tactical policy has been confirmed, the five magical fleets with Yuan Xi's pioneer fleet as the core, have been directly outflanked and intercepted, trying to keep the imperial fleet on this battlefield.

However, everyone knows that this outflank siege method is only useful if it has an advantage in strength. The Imperial fleet commanded by Marshal Bahat completely overwhelms them in terms of fleet size. How can their five magic fleets be surrounded?

There is no need for much means at all. In terms of the size of the fleet, the Empire Fleet, which has a clear advantage, almost easily shredded the encirclement formed by the five magic fleets, and then quickly withdrew to the outside of this area.

At the same time, within Planet One...

The imperial fleet retreats, must also notify the magic pilot unit, Fein, who is fighting against Rayong, undoubtedly received the news through communication techniques.

But this time, he didn't feel much irritation.

After all, at this point, he is completely happy...

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