The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3496: , You are cruel, old...

The blazing golden flame, accompanied by the swing of the sword, directly set off a golden flame wave.

Charlie was taken aback. Although he reacted quickly, he immediately retreated and evaded, but the speed of the golden flame waves was even better.

The defensive technique covering the surface of the body was burned through on the spot. Charlie, who could not completely avoid the attack, was also burned by the flame wave.

At this moment, Charlie only felt a burning pain on his body.

After experiencing the ups and downs of heart palpitations and irritation, in the end it was so lucky.

Fortunately, the golden flame waves did not burn his eyes.

On this battlefield, if the eyes are injured and the eyesight is impaired, it is really a dead end.

After a brief rejoicing, the situation in front of him was obviously not enough to make him feel relaxed.

Although Charlie has been maintaining his retreat and evasive action, he can't stand the fierce pursuit of the opponent.

In the next moment, the weapons of the two sides quickly collided.

At the same time, it was at this moment that Charlie thoroughly saw this guy who had caused him trauma as soon as he came up!

It was a brave female knight in armor with short blond hair.

As a woman, her facial features are too heroic, and her temperament is even more powerful and sharp. If you don't look closely, I'm afraid she will regard her as a handsome man.

However, on this battlefield, Charlie certainly couldn't be blinded by a mere beauty.

At this critical juncture, who still has the idle mind, regardless of whether the person in front of him is beautiful or ugly?

After fighting with this group of guys with wings behind them, they can be considered to have a certain amount of experience and insights.

To judge whether the opponent is strong or weak, to a large extent, it should be based on the wings.

The more wings and the more golden the color, the stronger it is!

At least those guys with six wings, their wings are all dazzling golden.

And those guys with four wings are obviously stronger than those with only two wings.

With this thought in mind, Charlie quickly confirmed.

Then my heart secretly relieved.

This one in front of me is Four Wings...

The Vivienne of Six Wings before brought him a great fear of death. Even now, recalling the situation at that time, Charlie couldn't help but flash in his eyes.

So from the bottom of his heart, Charlie didn't want to face any other six-winged holy wings, except for An Lijie, who was feeling weak.

However, this opponent in front of him, I am afraid, is not so easy to deal with.

Because compared with most other four wings, the four wings in front of you have an extremely brilliant golden color!

And this four-winged holy wing is the current captain of the Papal Guard, Merlin!

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that her surname is Mei and Lin, and the reason for her name is to simply put the surnames of both parents together. This can be said to be very heavenly.

The civilization of Ten Thousand Realms has been developed for so many years, and the cultures of all ethnic groups have long been integrated. Walking on the road, seeing a blond and blue-eyed real name called Wang Jianguo is not a rare occurrence.

Speaking of back to the subject, although Mei Lin has only four wings, the brilliant golden wings are enough to prove her powerful magic skills.

Among the Winged Legion, under the Six Wings, Merlin is the strongest Saint Winged!

Merlin, whose one sword was blocked by Charlie, did not stop for a moment, and directly connected with a set of attacks.

For the advanced martial arts swordsmanship of the martial arts civilization, although it is difficult for them to master the Wing Human Race, they can still learn some relatively superficial martial arts.

Now that Merlin cooperated with the flaming holy flame that was ignited in the trial mode, the sword move was unfolded, and Charlie, who had lost the first hand and had no dominant power, was immediately suppressed ruthlessly.

In a short period of time, for several consecutive rounds, Merlin pressed him almost the whole time.

For Charlie, who felt that he was getting better before, it was almost like a bucket of ice water, pouring it down immediately, making him sober.

At that moment, Merlin clearly realized that compared with the opponent in front of him, he should have a certain advantage in hard power!

However, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

With such thoughts in mind, Mei Lin didn't care about it. While maintaining the fierce offensive, the golden holy flame on her body burned more and more fiercely. In the end, the four brilliant golden wings behind her were completely flamed! Completely entered the adjudication mode! ! !

This is almost the strongest state of the holy wing species, and at the same time that the consumption of faith power is greatly increased, the combat power will also increase significantly.

Faced with Merlin in the adjudication mode, Charlie was directly suppressed more thoroughly.

If he was able to resist symbolically a few times before, then now he can't even resist.

The huge sense of oppression, and the fear of death that surged in his heart, made him almost crazy.

The current situation makes Charlie a little confused about what to do.

"If I run away now, and I'll do it this time, Dick will definitely not let me go. After the war, I will definitely die according to the military law, and if I don't escape..."

Thinking of this, looking at the amazing Merlin in front of him, only four words came to Charlie's mind.

A dead end!

What is this kidding him? He had been in the army for so many years, and finally managed to get ahead, sitting on the throne of the deputy commander of the Sixth Magic Pilot Corps of the Empire, and for the time being, he was officially ranked among the top of the imperial side.

As a result, let him fall into death at this moment?

How can this make him acceptable? !

The tremendous pressure and fear of death continued to ferment in Charlie's heart, and eventually pushed him to the other extreme!

"Want me to die?! You go to die for me first!!!"

At this moment, Charlie was full of hideous eyes, and the extreme emotions in his heart were constantly intertwined. UU reading made him almost crazy.

Unlike the previous situation where Merlin was fully suppressed and could only passively defend, Charlie in this state brought a bit of desperate momentum, and directly wanted to force a counterattack.

Unfortunately, he picked the wrong person.

Although Merlin participated in this level of war for the first time, she was a ruthless person in her bones. When she was in the army, she was known for her fierce fighting style.

If you change to someone else, facing Charlie, who is starting to work hard, you may be frightened by his aura. For the sake of caution, the offensive will also be restrained.

But Merlin is not on this road.

Her style of play can be summed up in one sentence: ‘You are ruthless, my old lady will only be more ruthless than you! ’

At the same time, it is precisely because of her fighting style that, as An Lijie's personal guards, Luo Yunxi and Mei Lin have always looked at each other quite pleasingly.

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