Gritting his teeth, I received a reminder from An Lijie in advance, and at the same time, I also noticed Vivian, who had noticed the situation there, and made an evasive action at the last moment.

But still couldn't completely dodge the attack, under the bombardment of Vitas's thunder cannon, Vivian's left abdomen was directly opened with a hole!

Thanks to the armor on her body and the protection of the incarnation of the gods, it helped her to offset a lot of strength, otherwise the injury would be more serious!

The intense pain is constantly stimulating every nerve in her.

The only thing to be grateful for at this moment is that the high temperature of the thunder cannon made her wounds become black, so there is no need to worry about bleeding...

But her current situation is still not much better.

Linda in front of her, under her previous ferocious pursuit, was not slightly injured, but she still had the strength to fight back.

As soon as Vivian was hit hard by Vitas' thunder cannon, Linda, who saw the opportunity, immediately fought hard to kill him, trying to take Vivian's life!

With this situation, Vitas, who was aiming at this side in the distance, couldn't help sighing.

In the fierce battle, most people don't have time to think slowly, which makes it easy for them to make some wrong judgments in the battle.

Obviously, Linda's approach is wrong.

The opponent may have made a mistake in the fierce battle, or it may have just been promoted to the commander of the army, eager to prove himself.

But in Vitas's opinion, Linda shouldn't be forced to kill him.

She should go straight away.

In that case, under his blow, the injured six-winged enemy would have no spare energy to hunt down.

In this way, Linda's life was basically saved.

After that, Vitas was sure to fill the gun to kill the opponent.

But now, the situation is the same.

Vivian, who was shot by him, may not have completely lost his fighting ability. At this time Linda is forced to kill, and it is possible to withstand the opponent's temporary counterattack.

At the same time, because of Linda's forced killing, in order to avoid accidentally injuring her, he couldn't easily shoot anymore...

Without time to think about it, the change in the situation caused Vitas to move quickly.

Regardless of the situation on Linda's side, or the plan to continue chasing En Lijie, Vitas had to get closer first.

In the process, facing Linda who was slaughtered head-on, Vivian naturally had her thoughts.

At this point, if she chooses to escape, the snipers in the distance will not let her go.

That being the case, it's better to die one! Anyhow, I can put on a cushion!

At the same time, Merlin, who was quickly evacuating with An Lijie, undoubtedly felt Vivian's consciousness.

Merlin, who knew the current situation clearly and also realized what the other party was going to do, didn't even stay for a second, seized the opportunity and took An Lijie away from this battlefield at the fastest speed!

And Vivian, who had already completed the enlightenment to die, and still had the power to counterattack, also brazenly waved the holy sword in his hand, directly set off a golden flame wave, formed the holy flame cut, and swept towards Linda. .

Linda, who was not seriously injured, was immediately hit with a head-on.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Vitas, who was moving quickly toward this side, couldn't help but slurped.

Facts have proved that Vivian does have the power to launch a mortal counterattack.

This gave Vitas no time to think, and once again set up the magic rifle in his hand.

There are no more than three outcomes in the current situation.

In the first result, he did not shoot, and the distant six-winged enemy fought back to kill Linda, and then he shot him again.

As a result of the second kind, he shot, while shooting the distant six-wing enemy, he accidentally wounded Linda and shot him together!

As for the last third result, he shot and killed the six-wing enemy in the distance, but Linda was lucky and didn't die.

Now that he doesn't shoot, Linda is almost bound to die. She shoots, and there is still a glimmer of life. So what else is there to say?

Compared with the previous ultra-long-range sniper, his distance has now been narrowed a lot, and Vitas's marksmanship has naturally improved.

After aiming for a while, the trigger was pulled down, and the thunder light gushed out again!

Vivian was alert to Vitas' attack, but she had no spare capacity to avoid it.

In other words, her hiding, not only could not bring her a ray of life, but also completely lost her chance of killing the enemy in front of her!

In the roar, Vivian, who was already desperate, was trying his best to increase the strength of the judgment.

The incarnation of the gods behind him swelled crazily in a short time and at the same time became solidified.

In the next instant, almost when her golden holy sword was swung down, slashing Linda with a single sword, the violent thunder light also completely penetrated her body!

This result made Dick, who was also supporting the fight here, feeling heavy.

He was the first battle of the legionnaire, and the result was so tragic that it made him more stressed.

But Vitas who couldn't save Linda in the end really didn't know what to say for a while.

Of course, he didn't feel any guilt.

Even if Linda died under his gun, he wouldn't have it, let alone he didn't kill him by mistake.

Adults should always bear the consequences for some stupid things they do.

With this thought in mind, Vitas's gaze subconsciously swept over the corpse of Vivian floating in the distance.

"If you can really die one, it won't be considered a death in vain."

Obviously, Vitas felt from the bottom of his heart that Vivian would not die so easily.

Not only Vivian, but also the female swordsman who died in his hands before.

Thinking of this, he really had a headache.

At the same time it is probably clear, UU reading www. uukanshu. Before the com and the emperor, why did they frequently lose.

Because the reality is that the enemies of their empire this time are really not so easy to deal with...

There is no time to struggle. At this moment, although An Lijie has escaped under the **** of a group of guards headed by Merlin, she can still try to launch a pursuit at his speed.

Before that, he planned to call Dick over to cover him.

There is a serious sniper army commander, covering himself behind, which always makes people feel a lot of peace of mind.

As a result, before Vitas started the next move, the emergency request for help from the rear fleet was sent out through communication techniques.

I saw that at this moment, in the void surrounding the rear imperial fleet, a large amount of the whole body was wrapped in shining white light, holding a battle mallet, and six-winged figures on the back continued to appear, rushing towards the rear position of their imperial fleet!

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