The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3502: , Conquer the Knights (2)

The number of magic pilots is still quite large in the magic pilots.

According to Marshal Bahart's original idea, even if the ordinary magic pilots were inferior to the conquering knights on the opposite side in terms of individual strength, they should be able to hold the opponent down with their strength.

But the reality is that he thinks too beautifully.

At this time, the conquering knight had no fear of pain and at the same time had the advantage of infinite physical strength, which was almost completely brought into play.

Wielding the conqueror's mallet with the pure white holy flame in his hand, the conquering knights at this time are simply incarnate as tireless killing machines.

The simple swing action, but with a kind of terrifying force that the ordinary magic pilots can hardly resist, madly harvested their lives.

The sacred body was stained red by large swaths of blood, and the shining white light radiated from the whole body made the knights conquer one by one. The posture at this time looked both tyrannical and sacred, as if it had become a contradictory collection.

Although he had enough troops to intercept and conquer the knights on the flanking battlefield behind him, the performance of the conquering knights and the magic pilots obviously couldn't make Marshal Bahat feel the slightest peace of mind.

With this thought in mind, part of the vanguard spread out on the side of the emperor's rear fleet and pressed up.

Although naval gun-level weapons used to fight five-meter-level conquer knights are not good at all, they can still be used for near-defense guns.

At the same time, in order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Marshal Bahat also immediately sent a message to inform the imperial sorcerer regiment in the battlefield.

In this war, the mechanical and civilized electronic warfare troops must not be lost. He wants to transfer some of the elite combat power to compete with the conquering knights!

After receiving the news from here, the thirteen imperial magic pilot regiments that they had set out with the army this time, at this time, most of them are fighting against the Winged Legion and the martial arts troops of the Ten Thousand World Civilization.

At that moment, there were only two commanders who had just vacated their hands. They were Vitas and Dick, who had just come to an end in the battle.

On one side were An Lijie and the others who were about to withdraw completely, and on the other side was the rear fleet that was attacked and sent a message for help.

Faced with this choice, Dick, as the new commander of the army, really had a hard time making a decision.

They had fully understood Enrijie's threat before.

Once the opponent is given a chance, their emperor will most likely suffer the loss of thousands of warships and a large amount of troops.

However, they cannot ignore the safety of the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units and the rear fleet.

Once a mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit is attacked, it cannot continue to suppress the enemy's fleet with technological power.

Then, according to the current situation of their imperial fleet, facing an enemy fleet that has fully recovered its combat power, it may not be able to continue to maintain this oppressive force.

The current situation is really a dilemma.

On the contrary, Vitas, one of the veteran army commanders, performed exceptionally decisively.

"Dick, you first take the Sixth Army to support the rear fleet, I will let my Seventeenth Army rush to support you, I will be there later."

While talking, Vitas directly pursued the retreating Enrijie and others, and at the same time, quickly contacted the deputy commander of his legion through communication techniques.

He practiced the thunder and lightning technique, and his actions were too swift, so every time he started an action, if he didn't pay attention, he would easily wipe out all the members of his legion.

Fortunately, with regard to the situation of the commander of his own army, the deputy commander of the Seventeenth Magic Pilot Corps of their Empire, and even the Magic Pilots under his command, were already used to it.

There is no need to say anything. After the legion commander completely disappeared and did not know where he died, the deputy legion commander took over the command of Vitas with such a calm expression and commanded the army to fight. The right to be their captain does not exist.

Anyway, if there is any need, Vitas will take the initiative to contact him.

No, the contact is coming...


The deputy commander, who quickly confirmed the situation, directly issued an order to gather the forces of the Seventeenth Magic Aircraft Corps of their Empire, and then, according to Vitas's intention, rushed to join Dick's Sixth Magic Aircraft Corps. Support the rear fleet.

And Vitas himself, while instructing this matter, directly turned into a thunder light, chasing and killing the evacuation En Lijie and others.

Obviously, he still wants to try if he can keep An Lijie!

Although Merlin had taken En Lijie to evacuate this area at the fastest speed, she was not the type known for speed after all.

Facing Vitas who burst into extreme speed, they were quickly overtaken.

A part of the guards who followed the severance, after spotting Vitas's chaser, quickly greeted him and tried to intercept.

However, facing Vitas, even the four-winged holy wing species, it is difficult to resist.

Just one face to face, several Four Winged Saint Wings died one after another!

Although before that, they had already had a preliminary feeling about the strength of Vitas.

But after all, there is no real head-to-head fight, so the experience is not so profound. Until this moment, I can completely feel the desperately powerfulness of the other party!

Blindly fleeing, there is no way to escape Vitas' chase.

Enrijie, who was fully aware of this at this moment, was also decisive, forcibly squeezing her own spiritual power, and once again used Vitas with targeted Holy Words!

In a moment, Vitas, who was affected by Holy Word, was forcibly interrupted.

[Holy Light Prison! 】

[Judgement Blade! ! 】

See the opportunity, UU reading www. A group of four-winged holy wing species in the papal guard of cooperated tacitly and was divided into two batches, one of which jointly used the prison of the holy light to imprison Vitas forcibly, and the other used the blade of judgment. Attack directly and cooperate with An Lijie's holy words to try to take her life!

However, even Luo Yunxi, who broke out with all his strength, failed to succeed before. What is the probability of success with the combined attack of the Papal Guards?

At the critical moment, I saw an astonishing thunder light, forcibly tearing the prison of holy light to pieces in an instant, and Vitas who was trapped in it rushed out in one breath.

The attack of the Papal Guards was resolved without danger, just when Vitas was about to launch a counterattack.

Within the field of vision, a huge battleship with a dazzling light emitting from its entire body, surrounded by a huge shield, just slammed into him directly!

It's the Pope! The Pope’s support is here! !

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