The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3507: , What is it then? !

With the cloud-piercing spear waving, the ultimate move broke out in the state of Bai Ze Qinglong and the martial god!

A blue dragon wagging its tail, and the terrifying destructive power caused the space to collapse on the spot, centering on the area where the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare troops were located, sweeping everything in the surrounding area!

The mechanical star ship that could not resist that destructive force, as well as the surrounding imperial warships, were crushed almost instantly.

It doesn't matter how the other imperial battleships around.

And the several starships, as the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units, were completely destroyed at the moment, they directly had a huge impact on the entire battle here!

"The interference is gone!"

There was no need for Bai Ze's notice. After there was no continuous interference from the mechanical civilization and electronic warfare units, Gao Yi's Hyperion fleet was the first to react.

There is no nonsense, and the continuous battles have long cultivated sufficient understanding between the commanders of their five magic fleets.

Without saying a word, Yuan Xi, Wang Sheng, Zhao Yi and Dak Bem commanded their respective fleets to cooperate.

Finding an opportunity, the Hyperion fleet that endured all the way was directly fired, and a large number of technological side weapons swept toward the imperial fleet that was being pursued.

Although in the previous pursuit, the five magic fleets were strongly suppressed by the imperial fleet, resulting in a large loss of force, but the unlocking of the technology side weapons at this time also gave their five magic fleets a greater comprehensive combat power. Increase is a bit more capital to counterattack.

There are too many methods in Ten Thousand World Civilization, and they are too good at giving him a job. There are endless situations, even an experienced veteran like Marshal Bahat can not help but get a little crazy.

There is no doubt that Bai Ze, who has entered the state of the'Blue Dragon Warrior', his existence is a huge threat to the emperor.

But to be honest, in the current situation, Marshal Bahat was more concerned about the imperial fleet in front of the five magical fleets of the civilization of the world.

Their emperor’s rear fleet was originally vital to them.

Because as one of the key points, the mechanical civilization electronic warfare unit is there.

But now, the situation is different.

The electronic warfare units of mechanical civilization have instantly chilled. Under this premise, the importance of the rear fleet to their emperor naturally also plummeted.

Therefore, compared to that side, Marshal Bahat at this time wanted to give priority to stabilizing the situation on this side.

When the mechanical and civilized electronic warfare units created advantages for them, Marshal Bahat who seized the opportunity had already established a fairly obvious advantage in the battle with the five magic fleets.

Now the full recovery of the opponent's technology side weapons will more or less narrow the gap between them, but according to Marshal Bahat's judgment, their imperial fleet is still superior in overall combat power.

As long as he commands properly, this situation is still in his grasp.

After all, it’s impossible for a veteran like him to have imagined, ‘what if the mechanically civilized electronic warfare unit goes wrong? ’This kind of problem.

But the civilization of the Ten Thousand Worlds, who is good at rectifying, is always able to assemble some moths for him...

"Damn, what is that again?!"

Looking at the battlefield images that came back in front of him, Marshal Bahat was already a little bit eager to scold his mother.

I saw that among the five magic fleets in the distance, there was a warship with an extremely strange shape flying out from the rear.

Although the magical warship of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization incorporates a lot of magical side technology, its entire appearance is actually completely inclined to the side of technology, just like space warships in science fiction movies.

Of course, they were originally space battleships...

But at this moment, the battleship that flew out was different. The whole hull was very retro, and the old-fashioned hull was full of magical side style.

It is similar to the Holy Light Battleship by five or six points, but it is quite different.

The biggest difference lies in the fact that on the ship, there is actually a gorgeous seat that is exactly commensurate with the size of the kilometer battleship, like a throne.

Or simply, that entire battleship is actually a throne!

And above the throne, a huge figure was quietly leaning there, motionless, eyes closed slightly, as if sleeping in a false sleep.

This guy, obviously can basically rule out the possibility of being human.

Considering the size of the battleship, according to Marshal Bahat's preliminary estimation, if the figure stood up, the height would be at least 500 meters! Completely is a giant!

During this period, through detailed observations of the returned battlefield images, looking at that figure, Marshal Bahat first thought of those conquering knights.

Although the body types are quite different, from the perspective of the specific body texture, it is not like some ‘living creatures’ within their cognitive range, but more like those conquering knights like statues.

At the same time, depending on the situation, that one thousand-meter battleship is really the opponent's throne...

At this juncture, the garrison of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization on the opposite side could not play a useless card for no reason.

Since it appears at this time, it must be meaningful.

According to Marshal Bahat's conjecture, the biggest possibility was nothing more than a super strategic unit like Bai Ze.

Seriously, if this were the case, Marshal Bahat would not be too nervous.

Because for people of their level, strong enemies are not terrible, but terrible is unknown!

And now, Marshal Bahat has a headache.

Because he discovered that the opponent's actions quickly exceeded his expectations. After entering the court, the opponent didn't even have the intention to do anything.

That exaggerated giant, with one hand propped his face, quietly leaning on his throne, without even opening his eyes, he couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to do.

This situation increased the pressure on Marshal and in the process, the counterattack of the five magic fleets did not stop.

Marshal Bahat, who couldn't figure out the way of civilization in the ten thousand worlds, had no choice but to see what he had done.

"Second Lieutenant, I need you to stare at the giant all the time. As long as the other party moves, no matter what you do, you must notify me as soon as possible."

Marshal Bahat ordered a second lieutenant officer to stare at the opponent, but his energy naturally quickly shifted to the other side.

After all, on the rear battlefield, there is a big guy waiting for him to deal with it!

As a result, before he took the initiative to confirm the situation, Vitas, who was on the battlefield at the time, had already contacted him first!

"Marshal, which ship is'Zeus' on? I will use it now!!"

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