The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3522: , Is there a spare?

The loss of "Zeus" armor was undoubtedly unexpected by Vitas.

Although he still has a lot of spare energy now, this does not hinder the thrill of the situation at that time.

"Damn it, this guy won't be able to come back from the dead?"

In the previous battle, Vitas obviously didn't have the extra energy to ponder this matter, and the whole person was completely devoted to the battle before him.

It was only now that he slowly realized that the other party seemed to have a disgusting means of resurrection.

Vitas didn't think that such a counter-resurrection method would be costless.

But at the same time, he didn't think that a top powerhouse like Bai Ze would not use it if the opposite emperor had the means of resurrection.

When he thought of this, Vitas only felt that his head was big.

"Death, I don't want to fight him again."

And just when Vitas felt a headache because of this,

On the main battlefield, watching the footsteps on the wheel of judgment, whizzing out from the depths of the void, and returning to the battlefield, Marshal Bahat was surprised at the same time that he contacted Wei Tas.

Although before Vitas used Zeus, he had made up his mind. After Vitas killed the enemy, he immediately stopped using Zeus.

But now, it is obvious that his plan cannot keep up with the changes...

At the moment when the communication was connected, Marshal Bahat breathed a sigh of relief.

If the battle is extremely fierce, Vitas definitely has no spare energy to connect to the communication technique.

The other party is now connected to the communication technique, which can actually explain a lot of problems.

Either this battle, Vitas fought easily, or the battle is over.

"Vitas, how is your situation there?"

Just in case, Marshal Bahat decided to check Vitas's situation first.

Regarding this, Vitas, who came up slowly in one breath, said directly...

"It's done, but I think that guy will probably come back to life again."

After confirming the news that Vitas had won, Marshal Bahat was completely relaxed.

As for that, the other party will resurrect this problem.

He was mentally prepared.

Marshal Bahat who had not witnessed the entire battle with his own eyes, at this time subconsciously believed that Vitas could kill the opponent once, then he could kill a second time.

Although this enemy deserves to be more careful, it is not enough for them at present.

The most important thing now is the battle in front of me.

Just when Marshal Bahat was about to call Vitas to quickly support him, and take care of the colossus of the conquering king who was rampant on the battlefield on the wheel of judgment.

This time, Vitas spoke first.

"Um, Marshal, let me confirm first, is there a spare for this'Zeus' armor?"


This question stunned Marshal Bahat who was just about to speak, or he didn't react to it all at once.

"What...what did you just ask?"

At this time, Marshal Bahat's tone was already somewhat unkind.

"Um, I'm asking if there is a spare for the'Zeus' armor?"


At this moment, Marshal Bahat fell into a brief silence, and then went completely crazy.

"Oh hell! You broke the'Zeus' armor?!"

"Ahem, to be precise, the armor of Zeus was blown up by the opponent."

Vitas who said this, couldn't help but let out a dry cough twice.

Marshal Bahat fell into a longer silence...

It wasn't until this moment that Marshal Bahat finally realized that Vitas' victory in this battle might not be as easy as he expected.

At the same time, after taking a deep breath, he gave Vitas an answer.

"No, how could the'Zeus' armor be spared?"

"Hahaha, I think so..."

With a burst of dry laughter, both Vitas and Marshal Bahat could not help reaching out and covering their faces.

The "Zeus" armor is a weapon and equipment that matches the "Zeus" magic light brain.

The cost is expensive, the materials are rare, the technology is complicated, and other weapons and equipment are not at the same level at all, but are one of the top equipment belonging to their empire.

For equipment of this level, it is not easy to make a set of materials if you can gather materials. Do you still want to spare?

Marshal Bahat, who quickly adjusted his state and forcibly stabilized his emotions, had no time to wonder what had happened, but immediately asked Vitas...

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"How are you now? How much combat power can you display?"

As part of ‘Zeus’, the presence of ‘Zeus’ armor is very important.

In addition to enabling Vitas to better display the performance and power of Zeus, the armor of Zeus can also help Vitas share the burden caused by Zeus. For Vitas, it is also regarded as a Kind of protection device.

Once the "Zeus" armor is gone and the Vitas of "Zeus" is used, its combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least 20% to 30%. UU Reading www.uukanshu. The risk of using com at the same time will also be greatly increased, which is also a problem that Marshal Bahat is very worried about at the moment.

Vitas had already confirmed his state just now.

Now that Marshal Bahat asks, he can naturally give an answer right away...

"At this point, you can rest assured, Marshal, I still have extra energy. As long as I don't have another one to make it like this, I will fight again, it will be fine."

Vitas's words were not bragging.

Excluding the problem of accidental damage to the armor of'Zeus', the previous battle with Bai Ze was thrilling, but his entire state was not consumed to the limit by Bai Ze. After that battle was over , He still has the power to fight.

The answer Vitas gave made Marshal Bahat's messy heart calm down a bit.

Although the combat power displayed by the Conquering King Colossus is fierce, it is obviously far from the level of the previous enemy.

Vitas was more reliable in talking about this kind of thing.

Since it is said that there is still the power to fight, it is basically the same.

As his thoughts flew around, Marshal Bahart didn't have time to linger, and quickly explained the situation on the main battlefield to Vitas at the fastest speed.

Although after the armor of Zeus is gone, continuing to use Zeus may carry a lot of risk. However, in this situation, Vitas did not intend to shirk, and directly waved his hand to take this task. Own body.

And after adjusting his state a bit, he turned into a thunder light, and rushed to the position of the main battlefield at the fastest speed!

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